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title: Manohar Gowdru Shridharu
published: true
category: [phd2024]
tag: [lm,nlp,hatespeech]
author: Daniel Hladek
# Manohar Gowdru Shridharu
Beginning of the study: 2021
## Disertation Thesis
in 2023/24
Hate Speech Detection
- Write a dissertaion thesis
- Publish 2 A-class journal papers
## Minimal Thesis
(preliminary dissertaion and exam in 2022/23)
- Provide state-of-the-art overview.
- Formulate dissertation theses (describe scientific contribution of the thesis).
- Prepare to reach the scientific contribution.
- Publish 4 conference papers.
## First year of PhD study
- Provide state-of-the-art overview.
- Read and make notes from at least 100 scientific papers or books.
- Publish at least 2 conference papers.
- Prepare for minimal thesis.
- [Hate Speech Project Page](/topics/hatespeech)
- https://hatespeechdata.com/
#### Meeting 10.12.21
No report (just draft) was provided so far.
1. Read papers from below and make notes what you have learned fro the papers. For each note make a bibliographic citation. Write down authors of the paper, name paper of the paper, year, publisher and other important information.
When you find out something, make a reference with a number to that paper.
You can use a bibliografic manager software. Mendeley, Endnote, Jabref.
2. From the papers find out answers to the questions below.
3. Pick a hatespeech dataset.
4. Pick an approach and Python library for HS classification.
5. Create a [GIT](https://git.kemt.fei.tuke.sk) repository and share your experiment files. Do not commit data files, just links how to download the files.
6. Perform and evaluate experiments.
#### Meeting 10.11.21
#### First tasks
Prepare a report where you will explain:
- what is hate speech detection,
- where and why you can use hate-speech detection,
- what are state-of-the-art methods for hate speech detection,
- how can you evaluate a hate-speech detection system,
- what datasets for hate-speech detection are available,
The report should properly cite scientific bibliographical sources.
Use a bibliography manager software, such as Mendeley.
Create a [VPN connection](https://uvt.tuke.sk/wps/portal/uv/sluzby/vzdialeny-pristup-vpn) to the university network to have access to the scientific databses. Use scientific indexes to discover literature:
- [Scopus](https://www.scopus.com/) (available from TUKE VPN)
- [Scholar](httyps://scholar.google.com)
Your review can start with:
- [Hate speech detection: Challenges and solutions](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6701757/)
- [HateBase](https://hatebase.org/)
- [Resources and benchmark corpora for hate speech detection: a systematic review](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10579-020-09502-8)
Get to know the Python programming language
- Read [Dive into Python](https://diveintopython3.net/)
- Install [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/)
- Try [HuggingFace Transformers library]( https://huggingface.co/transformers/quicktour.html)