2021-11-10 08:46:45 +01:00

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Manohar Gowdru true
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Daniel Hladek

Manohar Gowdru

Beginning of the study: 2021

Disertation Thesis

in 2023/24

Hate Speech Detection


  • Write a dissertaion thesis
  • Publish 2 A-class journal papers

Minimal Thesis

(preliminary dissertaion and exam in 2022/23)


  • Provide state-of-the-art overview.
  • Formulate dissertation theses (describe scientific contribution of the thesis).
  • Prepare to reach the scientific contribution.
  • Publish 4 conference papers.

First year of PhD study


  • Provide state-of-the-art overview.
  • Read and make notes from at least 100 scientific papers or books.
  • Publish at least 2 conference papers.
  • Prepare for minimal thesis.

First tasks:

Prepare a report where you will explain:

  • what is hate speech detection,
  • where and why you can use hate-speech detection,
  • what are state-of-the-art methods for hate speech detection,
  • how can you evaluate a hate-speech detection system,
  • what datasets for hate-speech detection are available,

The report should properly cite scientific bibliographical sources. Use a bibliography manager software, such as Mendeley. Create a VPN connection to the university network to have access to the scientific databses. Use scientific indexes to discover literature:

Your review can start with:

Get to know the Python programming language