2022-02-20 23:04:51 +01:00

4483 lines
231 KiB

"version": "v2.0",
"data": [
"title": "Xbox_360",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "How many launch titles did the 360 have in Japan?",
"id": "570b3121ec8fbc190045b8d6",
"answers": [
"text": "Six",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 7
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the name of the Japanese developer that strongly supported the 360?",
"id": "570b3121ec8fbc190045b8d7",
"answers": [
"text": "Mistwalker",
"answer_start": 407,
"answer_end": 417
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was Mistwalker's first title for the 360?",
"id": "570b3121ec8fbc190045b8d8",
"answers": [
"text": "Blue Dragon",
"answer_start": 505,
"answer_end": 516
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Blue Dragon surpassed this sales figure in Japan?",
"id": "570b3121ec8fbc190045b8d9",
"answers": [
"text": "200,000 units",
"answer_start": 686,
"answer_end": 699
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was Mistwalker's second 360 title to be released?",
"id": "570b3121ec8fbc190045b8da",
"answers": [
"text": "Lost Odyssey",
"answer_start": 804,
"answer_end": 816
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Hironobu Sakaguchi",
"answer_start": 440
"question": "Which developer created Chromehounds?",
"id": "5a70c1378abb0b001a67616d",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "over 10,000",
"answer_start": 580
"question": "How many game pre-orders did the console have in its first year?",
"id": "5a70c1378abb0b001a67616e",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "200,000",
"answer_start": 658
"question": "How many copies of the Phantasy Star Universe sold?",
"id": "5a70c1378abb0b001a67616f",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "three",
"answer_start": 626
"question": "How many of the original six games available in Japan surpassed 200,000?",
"id": "5a70c1378abb0b001a676170",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "2006",
"answer_start": 514
"question": "When was Mistwalker's second game released?",
"id": "5a70c1378abb0b001a676171",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "[0] Six [0] games were initially available in Japan, while eagerly anticipated titles such as Dead or Alive 4 and Enchanted Arms were released in the weeks following the console's launch. Games targeted specifically for the region, such as Chromehounds, Ninety-Nine Nights, and Phantasy Star Universe, were also released in the console's first year. Microsoft also had the support of Japanese developer [1] Mistwalker [1], founded by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. Mistwalker's first game, [2] Blue Dragon [2], was released in 2006 and had a limited-edition bundle which sold out quickly with over 10,000 pre-orders. Blue Dragon is one of three Xbox 360 games to surpass [3] 200,000 units [3] in Japan, along with Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Mistwalker's second game, [4] Lost Odyssey [4] also sold over 100,000 copies.",
"translatedContext": "[0] V Japonsku bolo p\u00f4vodne dostupn\u00fdch \u0161es\u0165 [0] hier, zatia\u013e \u010do netrpezlivo o\u010dak\u00e1van\u00e9 tituly ako Dead or Alive 4 a Enchanted Arms boli vydan\u00e9 v t\u00fd\u017ed\u0148och po uveden\u00ed konzoly. V prvom roku konzoly boli vydan\u00e9 aj hry zacielen\u00e9 \u0161peci\u00e1lne pre tento regi\u00f3n, ako napr\u00edklad Chromehounds, Ninety-Nine Nights a Phantasy Star Universe. Microsoft mal aj podporu japonsk\u00e9ho v\u00fdvoj\u00e1ra [1] Mistwalker [1], ktor\u00fd zalo\u017eil tvorca Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi. Prv\u00e1 hra Mistwalker, [2] Blue Dragon [2], bola vydan\u00e1 v roku 2006 a mala limitovan\u00fa ed\u00edciu, ktor\u00e1 sa r\u00fdchlo vypredala s viac ako 10 000 predobjedn\u00e1vkami. Blue Dragon je jednou z troch hier pre Xbox 360, ktor\u00e9 prekonali [3] 200 000 kusov [3] v Japonsku, spolu s Tales of Vesperia a Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Aj z druhej hry Mistwalker, [4] Lost Odyssey [4] sa predalo viac ako 100 000 k\u00f3pi\u00ed."
"qas": [
"question": "How many titles did the 360 have at launch in North America?",
"id": "570b1ef16b8089140040f73c",
"answers": [
"text": "14 games",
"answer_start": 31,
"answer_end": 39
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What title was the console's best seller in 2005?",
"id": "570b1ef16b8089140040f73d",
"answers": [
"text": "Call of Duty 2",
"answer_start": 125,
"answer_end": 139
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Other than Call of Duty 2, how many games sold at least 1 million copies the first year of the 360?",
"id": "570b1ef16b8089140040f740",
"answers": [
"text": "Five",
"answer_start": 177,
"answer_end": 181
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Halo 3 was released in what year?",
"id": "570b1ef16b8089140040f73f",
"answers": [
"text": "2007",
"answer_start": 504,
"answer_end": 508
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How many copies did Halo 3 sell?",
"id": "570b1ef16b8089140040f73e",
"answers": [
"text": "8 million copies",
"answer_start": 537,
"answer_end": 553
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Call of Duty 2",
"answer_start": 113
"question": "What game was released in North America but not Europe?",
"id": "5a70c0a48abb0b001a676163",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "2005",
"answer_start": 107
"question": "What year was Saints Row the best-selling game?",
"id": "5a70c0a48abb0b001a676164",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "8 million",
"answer_start": 501
"question": "How many copies did Ghost REcon Advanced Warfighter sell in 2007?",
"id": "5a70c0a48abb0b001a676165",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "2007",
"answer_start": 476
"question": "When did Gears of War overtake Halo 3?",
"id": "5a70c0a48abb0b001a676166",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Five",
"answer_start": 157
"question": "How many games sold over one million copies in 2007?",
"id": "5a70c0a48abb0b001a676167",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "The Xbox 360 launched with [0] 14 games [0] in North America and 13 in Europe. The console's best-selling game for 2005, [1] Call of Duty 2 [1], sold over a million copies. [2] Five [2] other games sold over a million copies in the console's first year on the market: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Dead or Alive 4, Saints Row, and Gears of War. Gears of War would become the best-selling game on the console with 3 million copies in 2006, before being surpassed in [3] 2007 [3] by Halo 3 with over [4] 8 million copies [4].",
"translatedContext": "Xbox 360 bol uveden\u00fd na trh s [0] 14 hrami [0] v Severnej Amerike a 13 v Eur\u00f3pe. Najpred\u00e1vanej\u0161ia hra na konzole za rok 2005, [1] Call of Duty 2 [1], sa predalo viac ako mili\u00f3n k\u00f3pi\u00ed. [2] P\u00e4\u0165 [2] \u010fal\u0161\u00edch hier predalo za prv\u00fd rok uvedenia konzoly na trh viac ako mili\u00f3n k\u00f3pi\u00ed: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Dead or Alive 4, Saints Row a Gears of War. Gears of War by sa stal najpred\u00e1vanej\u0161ou hrou na konzole s 3 mili\u00f3nmi k\u00f3pi\u00ed v roku 2006, predt\u00fdm ako bol prekonan\u00fd v [3] 2007 [3] Halo 3 s viac ako [4] 8 mili\u00f3nmi k\u00f3pi\u00ed [4]."
"qas": [
"question": "What was a classic title originally offered by the Xbox Live Arcade?",
"id": "570b27b4ec8fbc190045b890",
"answers": [
"text": "Ms. Pac-Man",
"answer_start": 189,
"answer_end": 200
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was a new, original title originally available from Arcade?",
"id": "570b27b4ec8fbc190045b891",
"answers": [
"text": "Assault Heroes",
"answer_start": 258,
"answer_end": 272
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What date did the Xbox Live Arcade launch on?",
"id": "570b27b4ec8fbc190045b892",
"answers": [
"text": "November 3, 2004",
"answer_start": 469,
"answer_end": 485
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When was Arcade Live relaunched with 360 support?",
"id": "570b27b4ec8fbc190045b893",
"answers": [
"text": "November 22, 2005",
"answer_start": 675,
"answer_end": 692
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is the name of the online virtual arcade that launched in 2010?",
"id": "570b27b4ec8fbc190045b894",
"answers": [
"text": "Game Room",
"answer_start": 1055,
"answer_end": 1064
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "US$5",
"answer_start": 516
"question": "How much did the game Zuma cost?",
"id": "5a70d3ef8abb0b001a6761bb",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Castlevania: Symphony",
"answer_start": 353
"question": "What Playstation game was included in 2010?",
"id": "5a70d3ef8abb0b001a6761bc",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Geometry Wars, Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting, and Uno",
"answer_start": 892
"question": "What games were released as part of the Game Room?",
"id": "5a70d3ef8abb0b001a6761bd",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "$15",
"answer_start": 524
"question": "How much was Castlevania: Symphony sold for?",
"id": "5a70d3ef8abb0b001a6761be",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "November 22, 2005",
"answer_start": 647
"question": "When was Xbox Live Arcade decommissioned?",
"id": "5a70d3ef8abb0b001a6761bf",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Xbox Live Arcade is an online service operated by Microsoft that is used to distribute downloadable video games to Xbox and Xbox 360 owners. In addition to classic arcade games such as [0] Ms. Pac-Man [0], the service offers some new original games like [1] Assault Heroes [1]. The Xbox Live Arcade also features games from other consoles, such as the PlayStation game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and PC games such as Zuma. The service was first launched on [2] November 3, 2004 [2], using a DVD to load, and offered games for about US$5 to $15. Items are purchased using Microsoft Points, a proprietary currency used to reduce credit card transaction charges. On [3] November 22, 2005 [3], Xbox Live Arcade was re-launched with the release of the Xbox 360, in which it was now integrated with the Xbox 360's dashboard. The games are generally aimed toward more casual gamers; examples of the more popular titles are Geometry Wars, Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting, and Uno. On March 24, 2010, Microsoft introduced the Game Room to Xbox Live. [4] Game Room [4] is a gaming service for Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows that lets players compete in classic arcade and console games in a virtual arcade.",
"translatedContext": "Xbox Live Arcade je online slu\u017eba prev\u00e1dzkovan\u00e1 spolo\u010dnos\u0165ou Microsoft, ktor\u00e1 sa pou\u017e\u00edva na distrib\u00faciu videohier na stiahnutie majite\u013eom konzol Xbox a Xbox 360. Okrem klasick\u00fdch ark\u00e1dov\u00fdch hier, ako je [0] Ms. Pac-Man [0], slu\u017eba pon\u00faka nieko\u013eko nov\u00fdch origin\u00e1lnych hier ako [1] Assault Heroes [1]. Xbox Live Arcade obsahuje aj hry z in\u00fdch konzol, ako je hra pre PlayStation Castlevania: Symphony of the Night a po\u010d\u00edta\u010dov\u00e9 hry ako Zuma. Slu\u017eba bola prv\u00fdkr\u00e1t spusten\u00e1 [2] 3. novembra 2004 [2] pomocou DVD na na\u010d\u00edtanie a pon\u00fakala hry za pribli\u017ene 5 a\u017e 15 USD. Polo\u017eky sa kupuj\u00fa pomocou Microsoft Points, vlastnej meny pou\u017e\u00edvanej na zn\u00ed\u017eenie poplatkov za transakcie kreditnou kartou. D\u0148a [3] 22. novembra 2005 [3] bola Xbox Live Arcade znovu spusten\u00e1 vydan\u00edm konzoly Xbox 360, v ktorej bola teraz integrovan\u00e1 s ovl\u00e1dac\u00edm panelom konzoly Xbox 360. Hry s\u00fa vo v\u0161eobecnosti zameran\u00e9 na pr\u00edle\u017eitostn\u00fdch hr\u00e1\u010dov; pr\u00edkladmi ob\u013e\u00fabenej\u0161\u00edch titulov s\u00fa Geometry Wars, Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting a Uno. 24. marca 2010 spolo\u010dnos\u0165 Microsoft predstavila hern\u00fa miestnos\u0165 pre Xbox Live. [4] Game Room [4] je hern\u00e1 slu\u017eba pre Xbox 360 a Microsoft Windows, ktor\u00e1 umo\u017e\u0148uje hr\u00e1\u010dom s\u00fa\u0165a\u017ei\u0165 v klasick\u00fdch ark\u00e1dov\u00fdch a konzolov\u00fdch hr\u00e1ch vo virtu\u00e1lnej ark\u00e1dovej hre."
"qas": [
"question": "At what conventions did Microsoft announce IPTV support through the 360?",
"id": "570b28f1ec8fbc190045b89a",
"answers": [
"text": "Consumer Electronics Shows",
"answer_start": 32,
"answer_end": 58
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Which Microsoft executive announced IPTV as \"soon\" in 2007?",
"id": "570b28f1ec8fbc190045b89b",
"answers": [
"text": "Bill Gates",
"answer_start": 197,
"answer_end": 207
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who was Microsoft's president of Entertainment & Devices in 2008?",
"id": "570b28f1ec8fbc190045b89c",
"answers": [
"text": "Robbie Bach",
"answer_start": 412,
"answer_end": 423
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What UK company did Microsoft partner with to bring IPTV to the 360?",
"id": "570b28f1ec8fbc190045b89d",
"answers": [
"text": "BT",
"answer_start": 461,
"answer_end": 463
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What Microsoft executive announced the launch of version 2.0 of Mediaroom?",
"id": "570b28f1ec8fbc190045b89e",
"answers": [
"text": "Steve Ballmer",
"answer_start": 838,
"answer_end": 851
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Robbie Bach",
"answer_start": 392
"question": "Who was the president of Microsoft in 2009?",
"id": "5a70ca678abb0b001a676193",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Steve Ballmer",
"answer_start": 802
"question": "Who is the CEO of BT?",
"id": "5a70ca678abb0b001a676194",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "the United Kingdom",
"answer_start": 439
"question": "Where is the Entertainment & Devices branch located?",
"id": "5a70ca678abb0b001a676195",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "2010",
"answer_start": 729
"question": "When were the DVR features made available?",
"id": "5a70ca678abb0b001a676196",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "January 2010",
"answer_start": 935
"question": "When did IPTV launch beyond its initial beta testers?",
"id": "5a70ca678abb0b001a676197",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "At the 2007, 2008, and 2009 [0] Consumer Electronics Shows [0], Microsoft had announced that IPTV services would soon be made available to use through the Xbox 360. In 2007, Microsoft chairman [1] Bill Gates [1] stated that IPTV on Xbox 360 was expected to be available to consumers by the holiday season, using the Microsoft TV IPTV Edition platform. In 2008, Gates and president of Entertainment & Devices [2] Robbie Bach [2] announced a partnership with [3] BT [3] in the United Kingdom, in which the BT Vision advanced TV service, using the newer Microsoft Mediaroom IPTV platform, would be accessible via Xbox 360, planned for the middle of the year. BT Vision's DVR-based features would not be available on Xbox 360 due to limited hard drive capacity. In 2010, while announcing version 2.0 of Microsoft Mediaroom, Microsoft CEO [4] Steve Ballmer [4] mentioned that AT&T's U-verse IPTV service would enable Xbox 360s to be used as set-top boxes later in the year. As of January 2010, IPTV on Xbox 360 has yet to be deployed beyond limited trials.",
"translatedContext": "Na v\u00fdstav\u00e1ch spotrebnej elektroniky [0] v rokoch 2007, 2008 a 2009 [0] Microsoft ozn\u00e1mil, \u017ee slu\u017eby IPTV bud\u00fa \u010doskoro spr\u00edstupnen\u00e9 na pou\u017eitie prostredn\u00edctvom konzoly Xbox 360. V roku 2007 predseda Microsoftu [1] Bill Gates [1] uviedol \u017ee sa o\u010dak\u00e1valo, \u017ee IPTV na Xbox 360 bude k dispoz\u00edcii spotrebite\u013eom do pr\u00e1zdnin, pomocou platformy Microsoft TV IPTV Edition. V roku 2008 Gates a prezident spolo\u010dnosti Entertainment & Devices [2] Robbie Bach [2] ozn\u00e1mili partnerstvo so spolo\u010dnos\u0165ou [3] BT [3] v Spojenom kr\u00e1\u013eovstve, v r\u00e1mci ktor\u00e9ho bola roz\u0161\u00edren\u00e1 telev\u00edzna slu\u017eba BT Vision vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00faca nov\u0161iu platformu IPTV Microsoft Mediaroom. , by bol pr\u00edstupn\u00fd cez Xbox 360, pl\u00e1novan\u00fd na polovicu roka. Funkcie BT Vision zalo\u017een\u00e9 na DVR nebud\u00fa dostupn\u00e9 na Xbox 360 z d\u00f4vodu obmedzenej kapacity pevn\u00e9ho disku. V roku 2010, pri ohlasovan\u00ed verzie 2.0 Microsoft Mediaroom, gener\u00e1lny riadite\u013e Microsoftu [4] Steve Ballmer [4] spomenul, \u017ee slu\u017eba IPTV U-verse od AT&T umo\u017en\u00ed nesk\u00f4r v priebehu roka pou\u017e\u00edva\u0165 Xbox 360 ako set-top boxy. Od janu\u00e1ra 2010 sa IPTV na konzole Xbox 360 e\u0161te nepodarilo nasadi\u0165 po limitovan\u00fdch sk\u00fa\u0161obn\u00fdch verzi\u00e1ch."
"qas": [
"question": "What was the name of the 360's video store service?",
"id": "570b2ec76b8089140040f7de",
"answers": [
"text": "Xbox Video Marketplace",
"answer_start": 49,
"answer_end": 71
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When was this video service launched?",
"id": "570b2ec76b8089140040f7df",
"answers": [
"text": "November 22, 2006",
"answer_start": 171,
"answer_end": 188
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When do movies rented through this marketplace expire?",
"id": "570b2ec76b8089140040f7e0",
"answers": [
"text": "14 days after download or at the end of the first 24 hours after the movie has begun playing",
"answer_start": 572,
"answer_end": 664
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What sound standard is supported for the marketplace videos?",
"id": "570b2ec76b8089140040f7e2",
"answers": [
"text": "5.1 surround audio",
"answer_start": 820,
"answer_end": 838
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What resolution are videos sold through this service?",
"id": "570b2ec76b8089140040f7e1",
"answers": [
"text": "720p",
"answer_start": 887,
"answer_end": 891
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "November 22, 2006",
"answer_start": 159
"question": "When was Video Marketplace released outside of the US?",
"id": "5a70dbc78abb0b001a6761cf",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "14",
"answer_start": 552
"question": "After how many days do TV shows expire?",
"id": "5a70dbc78abb0b001a6761d0",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "14 days after download or at the end of the first 24 hours",
"answer_start": 552
"question": "How long do users have to stream a film?",
"id": "5a70dbc78abb0b001a6761d1",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "unlimited",
"answer_start": 741
"question": "How many consoles can movies be transferred to?",
"id": "5a70dbc78abb0b001a6761d2",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "6.8 Mbit/s",
"answer_start": 875
"question": "What is the bitrate for the streamed short clips?",
"id": "5a70dbc78abb0b001a6761d3",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "On November 6, 2006, Microsoft announced the [0] Xbox Video Marketplace [0], an exclusive video store accessible through the console. Launched in the United States on [1] November 22, 2006 [1], the first anniversary of the Xbox 360's launch, the service allows users in the United States to download high-definition and standard-definition television shows and movies onto an Xbox 360 console for viewing. With the exception of short clips, content is not currently available for streaming, and must be downloaded. Movies are also available for rental. They expire in [2] 14 days after download or at the end of the first 24 hours after the movie has begun playing [2], whichever comes first. Television episodes can be purchased to own, and are transferable to an unlimited number of consoles. Downloaded files use [3] 5.1 surround audio [3] and are encoded using VC-1 for video at [4] 720p [4], with a bitrate of 6.8 Mbit/s. Television content is offered from MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, Turner Broadcasting, and CBS; and movie content is Warner Bros., Paramount, and Disney, along with other publishers.",
"translatedContext": "D\u0148a 6. novembra 2006 spolo\u010dnos\u0165 Microsoft ozn\u00e1mila [0] Xbox Video Marketplace [0], exkluz\u00edvny video obchod pr\u00edstupn\u00fd cez konzolu. Slu\u017eba, ktor\u00e1 bola spusten\u00e1 v Spojen\u00fdch \u0161t\u00e1toch [1] 22. novembra 2006 [1], prv\u00e9 v\u00fdro\u010die uvedenia konzoly Xbox 360 na trh, umo\u017e\u0148uje pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom v Spojen\u00fdch \u0161t\u00e1toch s\u0165ahova\u0165 telev\u00edzne programy a filmy vo vysokom a \u0161tandardnom rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00ed do konzoly Xbox. 360 konzola na prezeranie. S v\u00fdnimkou kr\u00e1tkych klipov nie je obsah moment\u00e1lne dostupn\u00fd na streamovanie a je potrebn\u00e9 ho stiahnu\u0165. Filmy s\u00fa tie\u017e k dispoz\u00edcii na pren\u00e1jom. Ich platnos\u0165 vypr\u0161\u00ed za [2] 14 dn\u00ed po stiahnut\u00ed alebo na konci prv\u00fdch 24 hod\u00edn po za\u010dat\u00ed prehr\u00e1vania filmu [2], pod\u013ea toho, \u010do nastane sk\u00f4r. Telev\u00edzne epiz\u00f3dy je mo\u017en\u00e9 zak\u00fapi\u0165 do vlastn\u00edctva a s\u00fa prenosn\u00e9 na neobmedzen\u00fd po\u010det konzol. Stiahnut\u00e9 s\u00fabory pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa [3] 5.1 priestorov\u00fd zvuk [3] a s\u00fa k\u00f3dovan\u00e9 pomocou VC-1 pre video pri [4] 720p [4] s bitovou r\u00fdchlos\u0165ou 6,8 Mbit/s. Telev\u00edzny obsah pon\u00faka MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, Turner Broadcasting a CBS; a filmov\u00fdm obsahom s\u00fa Warner Bros., Paramount a Disney spolu s \u010fal\u0161\u00edmi vydavate\u013emi."
"title": "Anti-aircraft_warfare",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "What do armies tend to have in depth?",
"id": "570da3fadf2f5219002ed094",
"answers": [
"text": "air defence",
"answer_start": 26,
"answer_end": 37
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Stinger and Igla are two examples of what type of system?",
"id": "570da3fadf2f5219002ed096",
"answers": [
"text": "smaller force levels",
"answer_start": 118,
"answer_end": 138
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Angara and Patriot are two examples of what type of system?",
"id": "570da3fadf2f5219002ed095",
"answers": [
"text": "army-level missile defence systems",
"answer_start": 153,
"answer_end": 187
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What does SPAAG stand for?",
"id": "570da3fadf2f5219002ed097",
"answers": [
"text": "self-propelled anti-aircraft guns",
"answer_start": 584,
"answer_end": 617
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What kind of platform are Roland and SA-8 Gecko?",
"id": "570da3fadf2f5219002ed098",
"answers": [
"text": "all-in-one surface-to-air missile platforms",
"answer_start": 684,
"answer_end": 727
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Armies typically have [0] air defence [0] in depth, from integral MANPADS such as the RBS 70, Stinger and Igla at [1] smaller force levels [1] up to [2] army-level missile defence systems [2] such as Angara and Patriot. Often, the high-altitude long-range missile systems force aircraft to fly at low level, where anti-aircraft guns can bring them down. As well as the small and large systems, for effective air defence there must be intermediate systems. These may be deployed at regiment-level and consist of platoons of self-propelled anti-aircraft platforms, whether they are [3] self-propelled anti-aircraft guns [3] (SPAAGs), integrated air-defence systems like Tunguska or [4] all-in-one surface-to-air missile platforms [4] like Roland or SA-8 Gecko.",
"translatedContext": "Arm\u00e1dy maj\u00fa zvy\u010dajne [0] protivzdu\u0161n\u00fa obranu [0] do h\u013abky, od integrovan\u00fdch MANPADS, ako s\u00fa RBS 70, Stinger a Igla na [1] men\u0161\u00edch silov\u00fdch \u00farovniach [1] a\u017e po [2] syst\u00e9my protiraketovej obrany na \u00farovni arm\u00e1dy [2] ako Angara a Patriot. V\u00fd\u0161kov\u00e9 raketov\u00e9 syst\u00e9my s dlh\u00fdm doletom \u010dasto n\u00fatia lietadl\u00e1 lieta\u0165 na n\u00edzkej \u00farovni, kde ich m\u00f4\u017eu zrazi\u0165 protilietadlov\u00e9 del\u00e1. Rovnako ako mal\u00e9 a ve\u013ek\u00e9 syst\u00e9my, pre efekt\u00edvnu protivzdu\u0161n\u00fa obranu musia existova\u0165 stredn\u00e9 syst\u00e9my. Tieto m\u00f4\u017eu by\u0165 nasaden\u00e9 na \u00farovni pluku a pozost\u00e1vaj\u00fa z \u010daty samohybn\u00fdch protilietadlov\u00fdch platforiem, \u010di u\u017e ide o [3] samohybn\u00e9 protilietadlov\u00e9 del\u00e1 [3] (SPAAG), integrovan\u00e9 syst\u00e9my protivzdu\u0161nej obrany ako Tunguska alebo [ 4] raketov\u00e9 platformy zem-vzduch typu v\u0161etko v jednom [4] ako Roland alebo SA-8 Gecko."
"qas": [
"question": "When were sensors initially developed?",
"id": "570d3941fed7b91900d45d47",
"answers": [
"text": "during the First World War",
"answer_start": 66,
"answer_end": 92
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Radar was supplemented by what in the 1980s?",
"id": "570d3941fed7b91900d45d48",
"answers": [
"text": "optronics",
"answer_start": 203,
"answer_end": 212
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What country created an integrated system for ADGB?",
"id": "570d3941fed7b91900d45d49",
"answers": [
"text": "Britain",
"answer_start": 301,
"answer_end": 308
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What did the integrated system for ADGB link?",
"id": "570d3941fed7b91900d45d4a",
"answers": [
"text": "the ground-based air defence of the army's AA Command",
"answer_start": 367,
"answer_end": 420
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What agency stated that the arrangements were an air defence ground environment?",
"id": "570d3941fed7b91900d45d4b",
"answers": [
"text": "NATO",
"answer_start": 509,
"answer_end": 513
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Initially sensors were optical and acoustic devices developed [0] during the First World War [0] and continued into the 1930s, but were quickly superseded by radar, which in turn was supplemented by [1] optronics [1] in the 1980s. Command and control remained primitive until the late 1930s, when [2] Britain [2] created an integrated system for ADGB that linked [3] the ground-based air defence of the army's AA Command [3], although field-deployed air defence relied on less sophisticated arrangements. [4] NATO [4] later called these arrangements an \"air defence ground environment\", defined as \"the network of ground radar sites and command and control centres within a specific theatre of operations which are used for the tactical control of air defence operations\".",
"translatedContext": "Spo\u010diatku boli senzory optick\u00e9 a akustick\u00e9 zariadenia vyvinut\u00e9 [0] po\u010das prvej svetovej vojny [0] a pokra\u010dovali do 30. rokov 20. storo\u010dia, ale r\u00fdchlo ich nahradil radar, ktor\u00fd bol v 80. rokoch doplnen\u00fd o [1] optroniku [1]. Velenie a riadenie zostali primit\u00edvne a\u017e do konca tridsiatych rokov 20. storo\u010dia, ke\u010f [2] Brit\u00e1nia [2] vytvorila integrovan\u00fd syst\u00e9m pre ADGB, ktor\u00fd sp\u00e1jal [3] pozemn\u00fa protivzdu\u0161n\u00fa obranu arm\u00e1dneho velite\u013estva AA [3], hoci protivzdu\u0161n\u00e1 obrana rozmiestnen\u00e1 v ter\u00e9ne spoliehali na menej sofistikovan\u00e9 aran\u017em\u00e1ny. [4] NATO [4] nesk\u00f4r nazvalo tieto opatrenia \u201epozemn\u00e9 prostredie protivzdu\u0161nej obrany\u201c, definovan\u00e9 ako \u201esie\u0165 pozemn\u00fdch radarov\u00fdch stanov\u00ed\u0161\u0165 a velite\u013esk\u00fdch a riadiacich centier v r\u00e1mci \u0161pecifick\u00e9ho priestoru oper\u00e1ci\u00ed, ktor\u00e9 sa pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa na taktick\u00e9 riadenie oper\u00e1ci\u00ed protivzdu\u0161nej obrany. "."
"qas": [
"question": "What can be deployed in fixed launchers but re-deploy at will?",
"id": "570daf76df2f5219002ed0ec",
"answers": [
"text": "Larger SAMs",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 15
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What does MANPADS mean?",
"id": "570daf76df2f5219002ed0ee",
"answers": [
"text": "Man-Portable Air Defence Systems",
"answer_start": 169,
"answer_end": 201
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What are the SAMs called that are launched by individuals in the US?",
"id": "570daf76df2f5219002ed0ed",
"answers": [
"text": "MANPADS",
"answer_start": 211,
"answer_end": 218
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How are targets aquired for non-ManPAD SAMs?",
"id": "570daf76df2f5219002ed0ef",
"answers": [
"text": "air-search radar",
"answer_start": 403,
"answer_end": 419
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Short range missiles are replacing what weapons?",
"id": "570daf76df2f5219002ed0f0",
"answers": [
"text": "autocannons",
"answer_start": 695,
"answer_end": 706
"is_impossible": false
"context": "[0] Larger SAMs [0] may be deployed in fixed launchers, but can be towed/re-deployed at will. The SAMs launched by individuals are known in the United States as the [1] Man-Portable Air Defence Systems [1] ([2] MANPADS [2]). MANPADS of the former Soviet Union have been exported around the World, and can be found in use by many armed forces. Targets for non-ManPAD SAMs will usually be acquired by [3] air-search radar [3], then tracked before/while a SAM is \"locked-on\" and then fired. Potential targets, if they are military aircraft, will be identified as friend or foe before being engaged. The developments in the latest and relatively cheap short-range missiles have begun to replace [4] autocannons [4] in this role.",
"translatedContext": "[0] V\u00e4\u010d\u0161ie SAM [0] m\u00f4\u017eu by\u0165 nasaden\u00e9 v pevn\u00fdch odpa\u013eovac\u00edch zariadeniach, ale m\u00f4\u017eu by\u0165 \u0165ahan\u00e9/op\u00e4tovne rozmiestnen\u00e9 pod\u013ea \u013eubov\u00f4le. SAM vypusten\u00e9 jednotlivcami s\u00fa v Spojen\u00fdch \u0161t\u00e1toch zn\u00e1me ako [1] Man-Portable Air Defense Systems [1] ([2] MANPADS [2]). MANPADS z b\u00fdval\u00e9ho Sovietskeho zv\u00e4zu boli vyvezen\u00e9 do cel\u00e9ho sveta a mo\u017eno ich n\u00e1js\u0165 v mnoh\u00fdch ozbrojen\u00fdch sil\u00e1ch. Ciele pre in\u00e9 ako ManPAD SAM sa zvy\u010dajne z\u00edskaj\u00fa [3] radarom na vyh\u013ead\u00e1vanie vzduchu [3], potom sa sleduj\u00fa predt\u00fdm, ako je SAM \u201ezamknut\u00fd\u201c, a potom sa vyp\u00e1li. Potenci\u00e1lne ciele, ak s\u00fa to vojensk\u00e9 lietadl\u00e1, bud\u00fa identifikovan\u00e9 ako priate\u013e alebo nepriate\u013e predt\u00fdm, ako bud\u00fa nasaden\u00e9. V\u00fdvoj najnov\u0161\u00edch a relat\u00edvne lacn\u00fdch rakiet kr\u00e1tkeho doletu za\u010dal v tejto \u00falohe nahr\u00e1dza\u0165 [4] autokan\u00f3ny [4]."
"qas": [
"question": "Which country probably coined the term air defence?",
"id": "570d5163b3d812140066d6b1",
"answers": [
"text": "Britain",
"answer_start": 52,
"answer_end": 59
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What does ADGB stand for?",
"id": "570d5163b3d812140066d6b2",
"answers": [
"text": "Air Defence of Great Britain",
"answer_start": 73,
"answer_end": 101
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What year was the ADGB created?",
"id": "570d5163b3d812140066d6b3",
"answers": [
"text": "1925",
"answer_start": 161,
"answer_end": 165
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who is probably the one who coined the term archie for anti-aircraft guns?",
"id": "570d5163b3d812140066d6b4",
"answers": [
"text": "Amyas Borton",
"answer_start": 689,
"answer_end": 701
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What George Robey line is believed to have started the archie nickname?",
"id": "570d5163b3d812140066d6b5",
"answers": [
"text": "\"Archibald, certainly not!\"",
"answer_start": 809,
"answer_end": 836
"is_impossible": false
"context": "The term air defence was probably first used by [0] Britain [0] when [1] Air Defence of Great Britain [1] (ADGB) was created as a Royal Air Force command in [2] 1925 [2]. However, arrangements in the UK were also called 'anti-aircraft', abbreviated as AA, a term that remained in general use into the 1950s. After the First World War it was sometimes prefixed by 'Light' or 'Heavy' (LAA or HAA) to classify a type of gun or unit. Nicknames for anti-aircraft guns include AA, AAA or triple-A, an abbreviation of anti-aircraft artillery; \"ack-ack\" (from the spelling alphabet used by the British for voice transmission of \"AA\"); and archie (a World War I British term probably coined by [3] Amyas Borton [3] and believed to derive via the Royal Flying Corps from the music-hall comedian George Robey's line [4] \"Archibald, certainly not!\" [4]).",
"translatedContext": "Term\u00edn protivzdu\u0161n\u00e1 obrana pravdepodobne prv\u00fdkr\u00e1t pou\u017eila [0] Brit\u00e1nia [0], ke\u010f [1] Protivzdu\u0161n\u00e1 obrana Ve\u013ekej Brit\u00e1nie [1] (ADGB) bola vytvoren\u00e1 ako velenie Royal Air Force v [2] 1925 [2]. Opatrenia v Spojenom kr\u00e1\u013eovstve sa v\u0161ak naz\u00fdvali aj \u201eprotilietadlov\u00e9\u201c, skr\u00e1tene AA, \u010do je v\u00fdraz, ktor\u00fd sa v\u0161eobecne pou\u017e\u00edval a\u017e do 50. rokov 20. storo\u010dia. Po prvej svetovej vojne to bolo niekedy predponou \u201e\u013eahk\u00e9\u201c alebo \u201e\u0165a\u017ek\u00e9\u201c (LAA alebo HAA) na klasifik\u00e1ciu typu zbrane alebo jednotky. Prez\u00fdvky pre protilietadlov\u00e9 del\u00e1 zah\u0155\u0148aj\u00fa AA, AAA alebo triple-A, \u010do je skratka pre protilietadlov\u00e9 delostrelectvo; "ack-ack" (z hl\u00e1skovacej abecedy pou\u017e\u00edvanej Britmi na prenos hlasu "AA"); a archie (britsk\u00fd term\u00edn z 1. svetovej vojny, ktor\u00fd pravdepodobne vytvoril [3] Amyas Borton [3] a o ktorom sa predpoklad\u00e1, \u017ee poch\u00e1dza prostredn\u00edctvom Royal Flying Corps z l\u00ednie hudobn\u00e9ho komika Georga Robeyho [4] \u201eArchibald, ur\u010dite nie!\u201c [4 ])."
"qas": [
"question": "How many different countries developed radar starting in the 1930s?",
"id": "570d3f2ffed7b91900d45d95",
"answers": [
"text": "eight",
"answer_start": 25,
"answer_end": 30
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Where was the Observer Corps based?",
"id": "570d3f2ffed7b91900d45d96",
"answers": [
"text": "Britain",
"answer_start": 259,
"answer_end": 266
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When was the Observer Corps formed?",
"id": "570d3f2ffed7b91900d45d97",
"answers": [
"text": "1925",
"answer_start": 314,
"answer_end": 318
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What did the Observer Corps observe and report on?",
"id": "570d3f2ffed7b91900d45d98",
"answers": [
"text": "hostile aircraft flying over Britain",
"answer_start": 377,
"answer_end": 413
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was originally used to see hostile aircraft approaching?",
"id": "570d3f2ffed7b91900d45d99",
"answers": [
"text": "radar",
"answer_start": 433,
"answer_end": 438
"is_impossible": false
"context": "From the early 1930s [0] eight [0] countries developed radar, these developments were sufficiently advanced by the late 1930s for development work on sound locating acoustic devices to be generally halted, although equipment was retained. Furthermore, in [1] Britain [1] the volunteer Observer Corps formed in [2] 1925 [2] provided a network of observation posts to report [3] hostile aircraft flying over Britain [3]. Initially [4] radar [4] was used for airspace surveillance to detect approaching hostile aircraft. However, the German W\u00fcrzburg radar was capable of providing data suitable for controlling AA guns and the British AA No 1 Mk 1 GL radar was designed to be used on AA gun positions.",
"translatedContext": "Od za\u010diatku 30. rokov [0] osem [0] kraj\u00edn vyvinulo radar, tento v\u00fdvoj bol koncom tridsiatych rokov dostato\u010dne pokro\u010dil\u00fd na to, aby v\u00fdvojov\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce na akustick\u00fdch zariadeniach na lokaliz\u00e1ciu zvuku boli vo v\u0161eobecnosti zastaven\u00e9, hoci vybavenie zostalo zachovan\u00e9. Okrem toho v [1] Brit\u00e1nii [1] dobrovo\u013en\u00edcky pozorovate\u013esk\u00fd zbor vytvoren\u00fd v [2] v roku 1925 [2] poskytoval sie\u0165 pozorovac\u00edch stanov\u00edsk na hl\u00e1senie [3] nepriate\u013esk\u00fdch lietadiel letiacich nad Brit\u00e1niou [3]. Spo\u010diatku sa [4] radar [4] pou\u017e\u00edval na sledovanie vzdu\u0161n\u00e9ho priestoru na detekciu pribli\u017euj\u00facich sa nepriate\u013esk\u00fdch lietadiel. Nemeck\u00fd radar W\u00fcrzburg v\u0161ak bol schopn\u00fd poskytn\u00fa\u0165 \u00fadaje vhodn\u00e9 na ovl\u00e1danie protilietadlov\u00fdch zbran\u00ed a britsk\u00fd protilietadlov\u00fd radar \u010d. 1 Mk 1 GL bol navrhnut\u00fd na pou\u017eitie na poz\u00edci\u00e1ch protilietadlov\u00fdch zbran\u00ed."
"title": "Oklahoma_City",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "Where is the Children's hospital located?",
"id": "56df8a9638dc42170015202b",
"answers": [
"text": "Oklahoma Health Center district",
"answer_start": 371,
"answer_end": 402
"is_impossible": false
"context": "OU Medicine, an academic medical institution located on the campus of The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, is home to OU Medical Center. OU Medicine operates Oklahoma's only level-one trauma center at the OU Medical Center and the state's only level-one trauma center for children at Children's Hospital at OU Medicine, both of which are located in the [0] Oklahoma Health Center district [0]. Other medical facilities operated by OU Medicine include OU Physicians and OU Children's Physicians, the OU College of Medicine, the Oklahoma Cancer Center and OU Medical Center Edmond, the latter being located in the northern suburb of Edmond.",
"translatedContext": "OU Medicine, akademick\u00e1 lek\u00e1rska in\u0161tit\u00facia nach\u00e1dzaj\u00faca sa v are\u00e1li The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, je domovom OU Medical Center. OU Medicine prev\u00e1dzkuje jedin\u00e9 trauma centrum prvej \u00farovne v Oklahome v OU Medical Center a jedin\u00e9 \u0161t\u00e1tne trauma centrum prvej \u00farovne pre deti v Detskej nemocnici v OU Medicine, ktor\u00e9 sa obe nach\u00e1dzaj\u00fa v okrese [0] Oklahoma Health Center [0] . Medzi \u010fal\u0161ie zdravotn\u00edcke zariadenia prev\u00e1dzkovan\u00e9 OU Medicine patria OU Physicians a OU Children's Physicians, OU College of Medicine, Oklahoma Cancer Center a OU Medical Center Edmond, ktor\u00e9 sa nach\u00e1dza na severnom predmest\u00ed Edmondu."
"qas": [
"question": "Which university is the third-largest in the state?",
"id": "56df7cd456340a1900b29c28",
"answers": [
"text": "University of Central Oklahoma",
"answer_start": 51,
"answer_end": 81
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Which private university is located near the Edmond border?",
"id": "56df7cd456340a1900b29c29",
"answers": [
"text": "Oklahoma Christian University",
"answer_start": 150,
"answer_end": 179
"is_impossible": false
"context": "The third-largest university in the state, the [0] University of Central Oklahoma [0], is located just north of the city in the suburb of Edmond. [1] Oklahoma Christian University [1], one of the state's private liberal arts institutions, is located just south of the Edmond border, inside the Oklahoma City limits.",
"translatedContext": "Tretia najv\u00e4\u010d\u0161ia univerzita v \u0161t\u00e1te [0] University of Central Oklahoma [0] sa nach\u00e1dza severne od mesta na predmest\u00ed Edmond. [1] Oklahoma Christian University [1], jedna zo \u0161t\u00e1tnych s\u00fakromn\u00fdch in\u0161tit\u00faci\u00ed slobodn\u00e9ho umenia, sa nach\u00e1dza ju\u017ene od hranice Edmond, v r\u00e1mci hran\u00edc mesta Oklahoma."
"qas": [
"question": "When was the most rainfall for Oklahoma city?",
"id": "56df56288bc80c19004e4ac9",
"answers": [
"text": "May 2015",
"answer_start": 35,
"answer_end": 43
"is_impossible": false
"context": "With 19.48 inches of rainfall, [0] May 2015 [0] was by far Oklahoma City's record-wettest month since record keeping began in 1890. Across Oklahoma and Texas generally, there was record flooding in the latter part of the month ",
"translatedContext": "M\u00e1j 2015 [0] bol s 19,48 palcami zr\u00e1\u017eok [0] m\u00e1j 2015 [0] z\u010faleka rekordne najmokrej\u0161\u00edm mesiacom v Oklahoma City od za\u010diatku zaznamen\u00e1vania z\u00e1znamov v roku 1890. Vo v\u0161eobecnosti v Oklahome a Texase boli v druhej \u010dasti mesiaca rekordn\u00e9 z\u00e1plavy"
"qas": [
"question": "Where did the Hornets play after Hurricane Katrina?",
"id": "56df70755ca0a614008f9a3b",
"answers": [
"text": "Ford Center",
"answer_start": 133,
"answer_end": 144
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What team played against the Hornets in their final home game before leave Oklahoma City?",
"id": "56df70755ca0a614008f9a3d",
"answers": [
"text": "Houston Rockets",
"answer_start": 639,
"answer_end": 654
"is_impossible": false
"context": "In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the NBA's New Orleans Hornets (now the New Orleans Pelicans) temporarily relocated to the [0] Ford Center [0], playing the majority of its home games there during the 2005\u201306 and 2006\u201307 seasons. The team became the first NBA franchise to play regular-season games in the state of Oklahoma.[citation needed] The team was known as the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets while playing in Oklahoma City. The team ultimately returned to New Orleans full-time for the 2007\u201308 season. The Hornets played their final home game in Oklahoma City during the exhibition season on October 9, 2007 against the [1] Houston Rockets [1].",
"translatedContext": "Po hurik\u00e1ne Katrina sa t\u00edm NBA New Orleans Hornets (teraz New Orleans Pelicans) do\u010dasne pres\u0165ahoval do [0] Ford Center [0], kde v sez\u00f3nach 2005\u201306 a 2006\u201307 odohral v\u00e4\u010d\u0161inu svojich dom\u00e1cich z\u00e1pasov. . T\u00edm sa stal prvou fran\u0161\u00edzou NBA, ktor\u00e1 hrala z\u00e1pasy pravidelnej sez\u00f3ny v \u0161t\u00e1te Oklahoma. [pochvaln\u00e1 zmienka] T\u00edm bol po\u010das hrania v Oklahoma City zn\u00e1my ako New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets. T\u00edm sa nakoniec vr\u00e1til do New Orleans na pln\u00fd \u00fav\u00e4zok na sez\u00f3nu 2007-08. Hornets odohrali svoj posledn\u00fd dom\u00e1ci z\u00e1pas v Oklahoma City po\u010das exhibi\u010dnej sez\u00f3ny 9. okt\u00f3bra 2007 proti [1] Houston Rockets [1]."
"qas": [
"question": "What are two newly renovated locations in downtown Oklahoma city?",
"id": "56df514f8bc80c19004e4a78",
"answers": [
"text": "Crystal Bridge and Myriad Botanical Gardens",
"answer_start": 319,
"answer_end": 362
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Downtown Oklahoma City, which has 7,600 residents, is currently seeing an influx of new private investment and large scale public works projects, which have helped to resuscitate a central business district left almost deserted by the Oil Bust of the early 1980s. The centerpiece of downtown is the newly renovated [0] Crystal Bridge and Myriad Botanical Gardens [0], one of the few elements of the Pei Plan to be completed. In the next few years a massive new central park will link the gardens near the CBD and the new convention center to be built just south of it to the North Canadian River, as part of a massive works project known as Core to Shore; the new park is part of MAPS3, a collection of civic projects funded by a 1-cent temporary (seven-year) sales tax increase.",
"translatedContext": "Downtown Oklahoma City, ktor\u00e9 m\u00e1 7 600 obyvate\u013eov, v s\u00fa\u010dasnosti zaznamen\u00e1va pr\u00edlev nov\u00fdch s\u00fakromn\u00fdch invest\u00edci\u00ed a rozsiahlych projektov verejn\u00fdch pr\u00e1c, ktor\u00e9 pomohli o\u017eivi\u0165 centr\u00e1lnu obchodn\u00fa \u0161tvr\u0165, ktor\u00fa takmer opustila ropn\u00e1 kr\u00edza zo za\u010diatku 80. rokov. Centrom centra mesta je novo zrekon\u0161truovan\u00fd [0] Crystal Bridge a Myriad Botanical Gardens [0], jeden z m\u00e1la prvkov pl\u00e1nu Pei, ktor\u00fd sa m\u00e1 dokon\u010di\u0165. V priebehu nieko\u013ek\u00fdch nasleduj\u00facich rokov prepoj\u00ed nov\u00fd mas\u00edvny centr\u00e1lny park z\u00e1hrady v bl\u00edzkosti CBD a nov\u00e9 kongresov\u00e9 centrum, ktor\u00e9 sa m\u00e1 postavi\u0165 ju\u017ene od neho k rieke North Canadian River, ako s\u00fa\u010das\u0165 rozsiahleho projektu zn\u00e1meho ako Core to Shore; nov\u00fd park je s\u00fa\u010das\u0165ou MAPS3, zbierky ob\u010dianskych projektov financovan\u00fdch z do\u010dasn\u00e9ho (sedemro\u010dn\u00e9ho) zv\u00fd\u0161enia dane z obratu o 1 cent."
"title": "High-definition_television",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "A very high resolution source may require more of what?",
"id": "56faa8ff8f12f31900630193",
"answers": [
"text": "bandwidth",
"answer_start": 51,
"answer_end": 60
"is_impossible": false
"question": "If more bandwith is required than is available, a very high resolution source my not be able to transmitted without loss of what?",
"id": "56faa8ff8f12f31900630191",
"answers": [
"text": "fidelity",
"answer_start": 127,
"answer_end": 135
"is_impossible": false
"question": "The compression used in all HDTV storage and transmission systems will do what if resolution is too high?",
"id": "56faa8ff8f12f31900630192",
"answers": [
"text": "distort the received picture",
"answer_start": 238,
"answer_end": 266
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "fidelity",
"answer_start": 115
"question": "If more bandwidth is required than is available, a very low resolution source my not be able to transmitted without loss of what?",
"id": "5ad3c57b604f3c001a3feffb",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "distort the received picture",
"answer_start": 218
"question": " The compression used in all SDTV storage and transmission systems will do what if resolution is too high?",
"id": "5ad3c57b604f3c001a3feffc",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "bandwidth",
"answer_start": 47
"question": " A very low resolution source may require more of what?",
"id": "5ad3c57b604f3c001a3feffd",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "A very high resolution source may require more [0] bandwidth [0] than available in order to be transmitted without loss of [1] fidelity [1]. The lossy compression that is used in all digital HDTV storage and transmission systems will [2] distort the received picture [2], when compared to the uncompressed source.",
"translatedContext": "Zdroj s ve\u013emi vysok\u00fdm rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00edm m\u00f4\u017ee vy\u017eadova\u0165 v\u00e4\u010d\u0161iu [0] \u0161\u00edrku p\u00e1sma [0], ne\u017e je dostupn\u00e1, aby mohol by\u0165 pren\u00e1\u0161an\u00fd bez straty [1] vernosti [1]. Stratov\u00e1 kompresia, ktor\u00e1 sa pou\u017e\u00edva vo v\u0161etk\u00fdch digit\u00e1lnych HDTV \u00falo\u017en\u00fdch a prenosov\u00fdch syst\u00e9moch, [2] skresl\u00ed prij\u00edman\u00fd obraz [2] v porovnan\u00ed s nekomprimovan\u00fdm zdrojom."
"qas": [
"question": "In the US, what kind of tuner is needed for residents to receive free, over the air programming?",
"id": "56fac6d48f12f3190063019f",
"answers": [
"text": "ATSC",
"answer_start": 160,
"answer_end": 164
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Most television sets sold since what year have an ATSC tuner?",
"id": "56fac6d48f12f319006301a3",
"answers": [
"text": "2009",
"answer_start": 201,
"answer_end": 205
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Laws regarding antennas were upated before what?",
"id": "56fac6d48f12f319006301a0",
"answers": [
"text": "the change to digital terrestrial broadcasts",
"answer_start": 653,
"answer_end": 697
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who do these laws prohibit from banning the installation of antennas?",
"id": "56fac6d48f12f319006301a1",
"answers": [
"text": "home owners' associations and city government",
"answer_start": 731,
"answer_end": 776
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Laws about antennas keep home owners' associations and city government from banning what?",
"id": "56fac6d48f12f319006301a2",
"answers": [
"text": "the installation of antennas",
"answer_start": 798,
"answer_end": 826
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "ATSC",
"answer_start": 156
"question": "In the UK, what kind of tuner is needed for residents to receive free, over the air programming?",
"id": "5ad3c6c6604f3c001a3ff033",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "change to digital terrestrial broadcasts",
"answer_start": 637
"question": " Laws regarding antennas weren't updated before what?",
"id": "5ad3c6c6604f3c001a3ff034",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "home owners' associations and city government",
"answer_start": 703
"question": "Who do these laws allow the installation of antennas?",
"id": "5ad3c6c6604f3c001a3ff035",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "installation of antennas",
"answer_start": 766
"question": "Laws about antennas keep home owners' associations and city government from allowing what?",
"id": "5ad3c6c6604f3c001a3ff036",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "In the US, residents in the line of sight of television station broadcast antennas can receive free, over the air programming with a television set with an [0] ATSC [0] tuner (most sets sold since [1] 2009 [1] have this). This is achieved with a TV aerial, just as it has been since the 1940s except now the major network signals are broadcast in high definition (ABC, Fox, and Ion Television broadcast at 720p resolution; CBS, My Network TV, NBC, PBS, and The CW at 1080i). As their digital signals more efficiently use the broadcast channel, many broadcasters are adding multiple channels to their signals. Laws about antennas were updated before [2] the change to digital terrestrial broadcasts [2]. These new laws prohibit [3] home owners' associations and city government [3] from banning [4] the installation of antennas [4].",
"translatedContext": "V USA m\u00f4\u017eu obyvatelia v priamom zornom poli vysielac\u00edch ant\u00e9n telev\u00edznych stan\u00edc prij\u00edma\u0165 bezplatn\u00e9 vysielanie programov prostredn\u00edctvom telev\u00edzneho prij\u00edma\u010da s tunerom [0] ATSC [0] (v\u00e4\u010d\u0161ina prij\u00edma\u010dov predan\u00fdch od [1] 2009 [1] m\u00e1 toto). To sa dosahuje pomocou telev\u00edznej ant\u00e9ny, rovnako ako od 40. rokov 20. storo\u010dia, s v\u00fdnimkou toho, \u017ee teraz s\u00fa hlavn\u00e9 sie\u0165ov\u00e9 sign\u00e1ly vysielan\u00e9 vo vysokom rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00ed (ABC, Fox a Ion Television vysielan\u00e9 v rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00ed 720p; CBS, My Network TV, NBC, PBS, a CW pri 1080i). Ke\u010f\u017ee ich digit\u00e1lne sign\u00e1ly efekt\u00edvnej\u0161ie vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa vysielac\u00ed kan\u00e1l, mnoho vysielate\u013eov prid\u00e1va k svojim sign\u00e1lom viacero kan\u00e1lov. Z\u00e1kony o ant\u00e9nach boli aktualizovan\u00e9 pred [2] prechodom na digit\u00e1lne terestri\u00e1lne vysielanie [2]. Tieto nov\u00e9 z\u00e1kony zakazuj\u00fa [3] zdru\u017eeniam vlastn\u00edkov domov a mestskej samospr\u00e1ve [3] zak\u00e1za\u0165 [4] in\u0161tal\u00e1ciu ant\u00e9n [4]."
"qas": [
"question": "At least how many times more linear resolution does HDTV have over SDTV?",
"id": "56fa9f9df34c681400b0c101",
"answers": [
"text": "twice",
"answer_start": 27,
"answer_end": 32
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What does SDTV stand for?",
"id": "56fa9f9df34c681400b0c103",
"answers": [
"text": "standard-definition television",
"answer_start": 66,
"answer_end": 96
"is_impossible": false
"question": "HDTV handles what aspect ratio without using letterboxing or anamorphic stretching?",
"id": "56fa9f9df34c681400b0c104",
"answers": [
"text": "16:9",
"answer_start": 249,
"answer_end": 253
"is_impossible": false
"question": "HDTV increases the effective image resolution by not using what?",
"id": "56fa9f9df34c681400b0c102",
"answers": [
"text": "letterboxing or anamorphic stretching",
"answer_start": 296,
"answer_end": 333
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "twice",
"answer_start": 23
"question": "At least how many times more linear resolution does SDTV have?",
"id": "5ad3c558604f3c001a3fefe9",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "letterboxing or anamorphic stretching",
"answer_start": 268
"question": " HDTV increases the effective image resolution by using what?",
"id": "5ad3c558604f3c001a3fefea",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "standard-definition television",
"answer_start": 54
"question": " What does HDTV stand for?",
"id": "5ad3c558604f3c001a3fefeb",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "16:9",
"answer_start": 229
"question": "SDTV handles what aspect ratio without using letterboxing or anamorphic stretching?",
"id": "5ad3c558604f3c001a3fefec",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "At a minimum, HDTV has [0] twice [0] the linear resolution of [1] standard-definition television [1] (SDTV), thus showing greater detail than either analog television or regular DVD. The technical standards for broadcasting HDTV also handle the [2] 16:9 [2] aspect ratio images without using [3] letterboxing or anamorphic stretching [3], thus increasing the effective image resolution.",
"translatedContext": "HDTV m\u00e1 minim\u00e1lne [0] dvakr\u00e1t [0] line\u00e1rne rozl\u00ed\u0161enie [1] v \u0161tandardnom rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00ed [1] (SDTV), tak\u017ee zobrazuje viac detailov ako anal\u00f3gov\u00e1 telev\u00edzia alebo be\u017en\u00e9 DVD. Technick\u00e9 \u0161tandardy pre vysielanie HDTV zvl\u00e1daj\u00fa aj obr\u00e1zky [2] s pomerom str\u00e1n 16:9 [2] bez pou\u017eitia [3] letterboxing alebo anamorfn\u00e9ho roz\u0165ahovania [3], \u010d\u00edm sa zvy\u0161uje efekt\u00edvne rozl\u00ed\u0161enie obrazu."
"qas": [
"question": "When was the Hauppauge 1212 Personal Video Recorder introduced?",
"id": "56facca98f12f319006301b9",
"answers": [
"text": "2008",
"answer_start": 171,
"answer_end": 175
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What uncompressed storage option was introduced in 2008?",
"id": "56facca98f12f319006301bc",
"answers": [
"text": "the Hauppauge 1212 Personal Video Recorder",
"answer_start": 185,
"answer_end": 227
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How does the Personal Video Recorder store content?",
"id": "56facca98f12f319006301ba",
"answers": [
"text": "in MPEG-2 format in a .ts file or in a Blu-ray compatible format .m2ts file",
"answer_start": 337,
"answer_end": 412
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Recent systems can record a broadcast HD program in what format?",
"id": "56facca98f12f319006301bb",
"answers": [
"text": "'as broadcast' format or transcode to a format more compatible with Blu-ray",
"answer_start": 599,
"answer_end": 674
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "2008",
"answer_start": 167
"question": "When was the Hauppauge 1212 NonPersonal Video Recorder introduced?",
"id": "5ad3c82a604f3c001a3ff065",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "MPEG-2 format in a .ts file or in a Blu-ray compatible format .m2ts",
"answer_start": 320
"question": " How doesn't the Personal Video Recorder store content?",
"id": "5ad3c82a604f3c001a3ff066",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "as broadcast",
"answer_start": 572
"question": "Recent systems can record a broadcast SD program in what format?",
"id": "5ad3c82a604f3c001a3ff067",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Hauppauge 1212 Personal Video Recorder",
"answer_start": 177
"question": " What uncompressed storage option wasn't introduced in 2008?",
"id": "5ad3c82a604f3c001a3ff068",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "The massive amount of data storage required to archive uncompressed streams meant that inexpensive uncompressed storage options were not available to the consumer. In [0] 2008 [0], [1] the Hauppauge 1212 Personal Video Recorder [1] was introduced. This device accepts HD content through component video inputs and stores the content [2] in MPEG-2 format in a .ts file or in a Blu-ray compatible format .m2ts file [2] on the hard drive or DVD burner of a computer connected to the PVR through a USB 2.0 interface. More recent systems are able to record a broadcast high definition program in its [3] 'as broadcast' format or transcode to a format more compatible with Blu-ray [3].",
"translatedContext": "Obrovsk\u00e9 mno\u017estvo d\u00e1tov\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017eiska potrebn\u00e9ho na archiv\u00e1ciu nekomprimovan\u00fdch streamov znamenalo, \u017ee pre spotrebite\u013ea neboli dostupn\u00e9 lacn\u00e9 mo\u017enosti nekomprimovan\u00e9ho \u00falo\u017eiska. V roku [0] 2008 [0], [1] bol predstaven\u00fd osobn\u00fd videorekord\u00e9r Hauppauge 1212 [1]. Toto zariadenie prij\u00edma HD obsah cez komponentn\u00e9 video vstupy a uklad\u00e1 obsah [2] vo form\u00e1te MPEG-2 v s\u00fabore .ts alebo v s\u00fabore .m2ts vo form\u00e1te kompatibilnom s Blu-ray [2] na pevn\u00fd disk alebo napa\u013eova\u010dku DVD po\u010d\u00edta\u010da pripojen\u00fd k PVR cez rozhranie USB 2.0. Nov\u0161ie syst\u00e9my s\u00fa schopn\u00e9 zaznamena\u0165 vysielan\u00fd program vo vysokom rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00ed v jeho [3] \u201eako vysielanom\u201c form\u00e1te alebo prek\u00f3dova\u0165 do form\u00e1tu kompatibilnej\u0161ieho s Blu-ray [3]."
"qas": [
"question": "When did the UK deploy HD content using the new DVB-T2 transmission standard?",
"id": "56fa85dd8f12f31900630170",
"answers": [
"text": "December 2009",
"answer_start": 7,
"answer_end": 20
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Which European country first deployed HD content using the new DVB-T2 standard?",
"id": "56fa85dd8f12f3190063016f",
"answers": [
"text": "the United Kingdom",
"answer_start": 29,
"answer_end": 47
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What transmission standard did the UK start using in December 2009?",
"id": "56fa85dd8f12f31900630171",
"answers": [
"text": "DVB-T2",
"answer_start": 138,
"answer_end": 144
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What does DTG stand for?",
"id": "56fa85dd8f12f31900630172",
"answers": [
"text": "Digital TV Group",
"answer_start": 196,
"answer_end": 212
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "United Kingdom",
"answer_start": 21
"question": "Which European country first deployed SD content using the new DVB-T2 standard?",
"id": "5ad3bee3604f3c001a3fef4b",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "December 2009",
"answer_start": 3
"question": "When did the UK deploy SD content using the new DVB-T2 transmission standard?",
"id": "5ad3bee3604f3c001a3fef4c",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "DVB",
"answer_start": 118
"question": "What transmission standard did the US start using in December 2009?",
"id": "5ad3bee3604f3c001a3fef4d",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Digital TV Group",
"answer_start": 168
"question": " What does DTD stand for?",
"id": "5ad3bee3604f3c001a3fef4e",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "In [0] December 2009 [0] [1] the United Kingdom [1] became the first European country to deploy high definition content using the new [2] DVB-T2 [2] transmission standard, as specified in the [3] Digital TV Group [3] (DTG) D-book, on digital terrestrial television.",
"translatedContext": "V [0] decembri 2009 [0] [1] sa Spojen\u00e9 kr\u00e1\u013eovstvo [1] stalo prvou eur\u00f3pskou krajinou, ktor\u00e1 nasadila obsah s vysok\u00fdm rozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00edm pomocou nov\u00e9ho [2] \u0161tandardu prenosu DVB-T2 [2], ako je uveden\u00e9 v [3] Digital TV Group [3] (DTG) D-kniha o digit\u00e1lnej pozemnej telev\u00edzii."
"title": "Crucifixion_of_Jesus",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "What does Jesus' death and Resurrection support?",
"id": "5727a9314b864d19001639c2",
"answers": [
"text": "how salvation is granted to humanity",
"answer_start": 90,
"answer_end": 126
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How important is Jesus' death to modern theology?",
"id": "5727a9314b864d19001639c3",
"answers": [
"text": "central importance",
"answer_start": 318,
"answer_end": 336
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Did Jesus sacrifice himself without fighting?",
"id": "5727a9314b864d19001639c4",
"answers": [
"text": "Jesus willingly sacrificed himself",
"answer_start": 350,
"answer_end": 384
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Why did Jesus sacrifice himself?",
"id": "5727a9314b864d19001639c5",
"answers": [
"text": "an act of perfect obedience",
"answer_start": 396,
"answer_end": 423
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What church is the sacrifice important to?",
"id": "5727a9314b864d19001639c6",
"answers": [
"text": "the Roman Catholic church",
"answer_start": 990,
"answer_end": 1015
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "of central importance",
"answer_start": 303
"question": "According to the moral influence theory, Jesus death is how important?",
"id": "5a8cbcd7fd22b3001a8d8dbe",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "perfect obedience",
"answer_start": 378
"question": "What kind of obedience do those believe in moral influence theory believe Jesus went to his death in?",
"id": "5a8cbcd7fd22b3001a8d8dbf",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "pleased",
"answer_start": 425
"question": "What do moral influence theorists believe God thought of Jesus's sacrifice?",
"id": "5a8cbcd7fd22b3001a8d8dc0",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Middle Ages",
"answer_start": 597
"question": "Since what period in time has the Roman Catholic Church existed?",
"id": "5a8cbcd7fd22b3001a8d8dc1",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "penal substitution",
"answer_start": 788
"question": "What kind of substitution do moral influence theorists believe Jesus's death particularly was?",
"id": "5a8cbcd7fd22b3001a8d8dc2",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Jesus' death and resurrection underpin a variety of theological interpretations as to [0] how salvation is granted to humanity [0]. These interpretations vary widely in how much emphasis they place on the death of Jesus as compared to his words. According to the substitutionary atonement view, Jesus' death is of [1] central importance [1], and [2] Jesus willingly sacrificed himself [2] as [3] an act of perfect obedience [3] as a sacrifice of love which pleased God. By contrast the moral influence theory of atonement focuses much more on the moral content of Jesus' teaching, and sees Jesus' death as a martyrdom. Since the Middle Ages there has been conflict between these two views within Western Christianity. Evangelical Protestants typically hold a substitutionary view and in particular hold to the theory of penal substitution. Liberal Protestants typically reject substitutionary atonement and hold to the moral influence theory of atonement. Both views are popular within [4] the Roman Catholic church [4], with the satisfaction doctrine incorporated into the idea of penance.",
"translatedContext": "Je\u017ei\u0161ova smr\u0165 a zm\u0155tvychvstanie s\u00fa z\u00e1kladom r\u00f4znych teologick\u00fdch v\u00fdkladov o tom, ako je \u013eudstvu udelen\u00e1 sp\u00e1sa [0]. Tieto v\u00fdklady sa zna\u010dne l\u00ed\u0161ia v tom, ak\u00fd ve\u013ek\u00fd d\u00f4raz klad\u00fa na Je\u017ei\u0161ovu smr\u0165 v porovnan\u00ed s jeho slovami. Pod\u013ea n\u00e1zoru substitu\u010dn\u00e9ho zmierenia m\u00e1 Je\u017ei\u0161ova smr\u0165 [1] \u00fastredn\u00fd v\u00fdznam [1] a [2] Je\u017ei\u0161 sa ochotne obetoval [2] ako [3] skutok dokonalej poslu\u0161nosti [3] ako obetu l\u00e1sky, ktor\u00e1 p\u00e1\u010dilo sa Bohu. Naproti tomu te\u00f3ria mor\u00e1lneho vplyvu zmierenia sa ove\u013ea viac zameriava na mor\u00e1lny obsah Je\u017ei\u0161ovho u\u010denia a Je\u017ei\u0161ovu smr\u0165 vn\u00edma ako mu\u010den\u00edctvo. Od stredoveku existuje medzi t\u00fdmito dvoma n\u00e1zormi v z\u00e1padnom kres\u0165anstve konflikt. Evanjelick\u00ed protestanti zvy\u010dajne zast\u00e1vaj\u00fa substitu\u010dn\u00fd n\u00e1zor a najm\u00e4 sa dr\u017eia te\u00f3rie trestnej substit\u00facie. Liber\u00e1lni protestanti zvy\u010dajne odmietaj\u00fa substitu\u010dn\u00e9 zmierenie a dr\u017eia sa te\u00f3rie mor\u00e1lneho vplyvu zmierenia. Oba n\u00e1zory s\u00fa popul\u00e1rne v [4] r\u00edmskokatol\u00edckej cirkvi [4], pri\u010dom doktr\u00edna uspokojenia je za\u010dlenen\u00e1 do my\u0161lienky pok\u00e1nia."
"qas": [
"question": "How many nails were suggested they used for the crucifixion?",
"id": "57278649f1498d1400e8fac6",
"answers": [
"text": "three nails",
"answer_start": 141,
"answer_end": 152
"is_impossible": false
"question": "According to some sources, what is theorized to be the maximum nails used?",
"id": "57278649f1498d1400e8fac7",
"answers": [
"text": "14 nails",
"answer_start": 290,
"answer_end": 298
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What adds to the confusion of the number of nails used?",
"id": "57278649f1498d1400e8fac8",
"answers": [
"text": "artistic depictions of the crucifixion",
"answer_start": 349,
"answer_end": 387
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What do all artworks have in common regarding the crucifixion?",
"id": "57278649f1498d1400e8fac9",
"answers": [
"text": "Nails are almost always depicted",
"answer_start": 599,
"answer_end": 631
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Jesuits claim how many nails were used?",
"id": "57278649f1498d1400e8faca",
"answers": [
"text": "three nails",
"answer_start": 780,
"answer_end": 791
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "14",
"answer_start": 278
"question": "How many paintings have been made about the crucifixion?",
"id": "5a8c8dcafd22b3001a8d8ab8",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "side by side",
"answer_start": 467
"question": "Before the Renaissance where did Jesuits usually place their art?",
"id": "5a8c8dcafd22b3001a8d8ab9",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "art",
"answer_start": 607
"question": "What artistic medium was appreciated by Romans?",
"id": "5a8c8dcafd22b3001a8d8aba",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "the Renaissance",
"answer_start": 399
"question": "There were 14 western churches before what period?",
"id": "5a8c8dcafd22b3001a8d8abb",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "art",
"answer_start": 607
"question": "What are Romans usually depicted in?",
"id": "5a8c8dcafd22b3001a8d8abc",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "The assumption of the use of a two-beamed cross does not determine the number of nails used in the crucifixion and some theories suggest [0] three nails [0] while others suggest four nails. However, throughout history larger numbers of nails have been hypothesized, at times as high as [1] 14 nails [1]. These variations are also present in the [2] artistic depictions of the crucifixion [2]. In the Western Church, before the Renaissance usually four nails would be depicted, with the feet side by side. After the Renaissance most depictions use three nails, with one foot placed on the other. [3] Nails are almost always depicted [3] in art, although Romans sometimes just tied the victims to the cross. The tradition also carries to Christian emblems, e.g. the Jesuits use [4] three nails [4] under the IHS monogram and a cross to symbolize the crucifixion.",
"translatedContext": "Predpoklad pou\u017eitia dvojramenn\u00e9ho kr\u00ed\u017ea neur\u010duje po\u010det klincov pou\u017eit\u00fdch pri ukri\u017eovan\u00ed a niektor\u00e9 te\u00f3rie uv\u00e1dzaj\u00fa [0] tri klince [0], in\u00e9 zasa \u0161tyri klince. V priebehu hist\u00f3rie sa v\u0161ak predpokladalo v\u00e4\u010d\u0161ie mno\u017estvo nechtov, niekedy a\u017e [1] 14 nechtov [1]. Tieto vari\u00e1cie s\u00fa pr\u00edtomn\u00e9 aj v [2] umeleck\u00fdch zobrazeniach ukri\u017eovania [2]. V z\u00e1padnej cirkvi pred renesanciou boli zvy\u010dajne zobrazen\u00e9 \u0161tyri klince s nohami ved\u013ea seba. Po renesancii v\u00e4\u010d\u0161ina zobrazen\u00ed pou\u017e\u00edva tri klince s jednou nohou polo\u017eenou na druhej. [3] V umen\u00ed s\u00fa takmer v\u017edy zobrazen\u00e9 klince [3], hoci Rimania niekedy obete len priv\u00e4zovali na kr\u00ed\u017e. Trad\u00edcia sa nesie aj v kres\u0165ansk\u00fdch znakoch, napr. jezuiti pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa [4] tri klince [4] pod monogramom IHS a kr\u00ed\u017e ako symbol ukri\u017eovania."
"qas": [
"question": "What do Christians believe regarding Jesus' death?",
"id": "5727a4ee3acd2414000de8b7",
"answers": [
"text": "instrumental in restoring humankind to relationship with God",
"answer_start": 45,
"answer_end": 105
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How are people united with God?",
"id": "5727a4ee3acd2414000de8b8",
"answers": [
"text": "through faith in Jesus\u2019 substitutionary death",
"answer_start": 139,
"answer_end": 184
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What feeling usually fills a believer regarding the resurrection?",
"id": "5727a4ee3acd2414000de8bb",
"answers": [
"text": "joy",
"answer_start": 266,
"answer_end": 269
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What specific fact do Christians believe about death?",
"id": "5727a4ee3acd2414000de8b9",
"answers": [
"text": "eternal life in heaven after the body\u2019s death",
"answer_start": 312,
"answer_end": 357
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Jesus's Resurrection fills believer with what?",
"id": "5727a4ee3acd2414000de8ba",
"answers": [
"text": "confidence of eternal life",
"answer_start": 514,
"answer_end": 540
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "confidence",
"answer_start": 478
"question": "What is one thing people need to have to gain employment?",
"id": "5a8cae39fd22b3001a8d8d20",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "instrumental",
"answer_start": 41
"question": "What kind of music do Christians often have during church service?",
"id": "5a8cae39fd22b3001a8d8d21",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "God",
"answer_start": 98
"question": "Who do Christians believe created the universe?",
"id": "5a8cae39fd22b3001a8d8d22",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "death",
"answer_start": 324
"question": "What is one thing that people are afraid of?",
"id": "5a8cae39fd22b3001a8d8d23",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "power",
"answer_start": 254
"question": "What is one thing you need to have in your house to see at night?",
"id": "5a8cae39fd22b3001a8d8d24",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Christians believe that Jesus\u2019 death was [0] instrumental in restoring humankind to relationship with God [0]. Christians believe that [1] through faith in Jesus\u2019 substitutionary death [1] and triumphant resurrection people are reunited with God and receive new [2] joy [2] and power in this life as well as [3] eternal life in heaven after the body\u2019s death [3]. Thus the crucifixion of Jesus along with his resurrection restores access to a vibrant experience of God\u2019s presence, love and grace as well as the [4] confidence of eternal life [4].",
"translatedContext": "Kres\u0165ania veria, \u017ee Je\u017ei\u0161ova smr\u0165 bola [0] n\u00e1pomocn\u00e1 pri obnoven\u00ed vz\u0165ahu \u013eudstva s Bohom [0]. Kres\u0165ania veria, \u017ee [1] skrze vieru v Je\u017ei\u0161ovu z\u00e1stupn\u00fa smr\u0165 [1] a triumf\u00e1lne vzkriesenie sa \u013eudia znovu zjednocuj\u00fa s Bohom a dost\u00e1vaj\u00fa nov\u00fa [2] rados\u0165 [2] a moc v tomto \u017eivote, ako aj [3] ve\u010dn\u00fd \u017eivot v nebi po smr\u0165 tela [3]. Tak Je\u017ei\u0161ovo ukri\u017eovanie spolu s jeho zm\u0155tvychvstan\u00edm obnovuje pr\u00edstup k \u017eiv\u00e9mu z\u00e1\u017eitku Bo\u017eej pr\u00edtomnosti, l\u00e1sky a milosti, ako aj [4] d\u00f4very vo ve\u010dn\u00fd \u017eivot [4]."
"qas": [
"question": "What time was the crucifiction per Mark?",
"id": "57277e3cf1498d1400e8f9b2",
"answers": [
"text": "9 a.m.",
"answer_start": 61,
"answer_end": 67
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What time did Jesus die per Mark?",
"id": "57277e3cf1498d1400e8f9b3",
"answers": [
"text": "3 p.m.",
"answer_start": 113,
"answer_end": 119
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Why do scholars say the times are different depending on the gospel it's written in?",
"id": "57277e3cf1498d1400e8f9b4",
"answers": [
"text": "based on the use of Roman timekeeping in John but not in Mark",
"answer_start": 311,
"answer_end": 372
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is another reason the times differ so much?",
"id": "57277e3cf1498d1400e8f9b5",
"answers": [
"text": "no standardization of timepieces, or exact recording of hours and minutes was available",
"answer_start": 585,
"answer_end": 672
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How close was time guessed in the day of the Gospels?",
"id": "57277e3cf1498d1400e8f9b6",
"answers": [
"text": "approximated to the closest three-hour period",
"answer_start": 701,
"answer_end": 746
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "(9 a.m.)",
"answer_start": 56
"question": "What time did Pilate hold court in the morning?",
"id": "5a8c819efd22b3001a8d8984",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "standardization of timepieces",
"answer_start": 560
"question": "What did Pilate call for to make it easier to tell time?",
"id": "5a8c819efd22b3001a8d8985",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "three-hour period",
"answer_start": 693
"question": "During what time period was Pilate avaliable to be seen?",
"id": "5a8c819efd22b3001a8d8986",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "a reconciliation",
"answer_start": 267
"question": "What did Pilate want with the Roman empire?",
"id": "5a8c819efd22b3001a8d8987",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "the arguments",
"answer_start": 379
"question": "What was rejected by Rome when Pilate brought reconciliation to the table?",
"id": "5a8c819efd22b3001a8d8988",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "In Mark 15:25 crucifixion takes place at the third hour ([0] 9 a.m. [0]) and Jesus' death at the ninth hour ([1] 3 p.m. [1]). However, in John 19:14 Jesus is still before Pilate at the sixth hour. Scholars have presented a number of arguments to deal with the issue, some suggesting a reconciliation, e.g., [2] based on the use of Roman timekeeping in John but not in Mark [2], yet others have rejected the arguments. Several notable scholars have argued that the modern precision of marking the time of day should not be read back into the gospel accounts, written at a time when [3] no standardization of timepieces, or exact recording of hours and minutes was available [3], and time was often [4] approximated to the closest three-hour period [4].",
"translatedContext": "V Markovi 15:25 sa ukri\u017eovanie uskuto\u010dn\u00ed o tretej hodine ([0] 9:00 [0]) a Je\u017ei\u0161ova smr\u0165 o deviatej hodine ([1] 15:00 [1]). Av\u0161ak v J\u00e1novi 19:14 je Je\u017ei\u0161 st\u00e1le pred Pil\u00e1tom o \u0161iestej hodine. Vedci predlo\u017eili mno\u017estvo argumentov na rie\u0161enie tohto probl\u00e9mu, niektor\u00ed navrhovali zmierenie, napr. [2] na z\u00e1klade pou\u017eitia r\u00edmskeho merania \u010dasu v J\u00e1novi, ale nie v Markovi [2], in\u00ed v\u0161ak argumenty odmietli. Viacer\u00ed v\u00fdznamn\u00ed u\u010denci tvrdili, \u017ee modern\u00e1 presnos\u0165 ozna\u010dovania denn\u00e9ho \u010dasu by sa nemala sp\u00e4tne \u010d\u00edta\u0165 do spr\u00e1v evanjeli\u00ed, ktor\u00e9 boli nap\u00edsan\u00e9 v \u010dase, ke\u010f [3] neexistovala \u017eiadna \u0161tandardiz\u00e1cia hodiniek alebo presn\u00e9 zaznamen\u00e1vanie hod\u00edn a min\u00fat [3]. a \u010das sa \u010dasto [4] pribli\u017eoval k najbli\u017e\u0161iemu trojhodinov\u00e9mu intervalu [4]."
"qas": [
"question": "Who described an interaction between Jesus on the cross and women?",
"id": "572781c65951b619008f8b89",
"answers": [
"text": "Luke's gospel",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 17
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What followed Jesus around?",
"id": "572781c65951b619008f8b8c",
"answers": [
"text": "crowd of mourners",
"answer_start": 94,
"answer_end": 111
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What did Jesus say to women in the crowd?",
"id": "572781c65951b619008f8b8a",
"answers": [
"text": "do not weep for me",
"answer_start": 184,
"answer_end": 202
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Where are the words found in the Gospel?",
"id": "572781c65951b619008f8b8b",
"answers": [
"text": "Lk. 23:28-31",
"answer_start": 577,
"answer_end": 589
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "dry",
"answer_start": 543
"question": "What was the ground like where Jesus was crucified?",
"id": "5a8c8349fd22b3001a8d89c4",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "wood",
"answer_start": 500
"question": "What did the women gather to keep themselves warm?",
"id": "5a8c8349fd22b3001a8d89c5",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "green",
"answer_start": 508
"question": "What color did some women in Jerusalem like to wear?",
"id": "5a8c8349fd22b3001a8d89c6",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "weep",
"answer_start": 171
"question": "What did Jesus do when he felt sorrow for Jerusalem?",
"id": "5a8c8349fd22b3001a8d89c7",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "hills",
"answer_start": 444
"question": "What high area is usually green when new grass grows?",
"id": "5a8c8349fd22b3001a8d89c8",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "[0] Luke's gospel [0] also describes an interaction between Jesus and the women among the [1] crowd of mourners [1] following him, quoting Jesus as saying \"Daughters of Jerusalem, [2] do not weep for me [2], but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.' For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?\"[[3] Lk. 23:28-31 [3]]",
"translatedContext": "[0] Luk\u00e1\u0161ovo evanjelium [0] tie\u017e opisuje interakciu medzi Je\u017ei\u0161om a \u017eenami medzi [1] z\u00e1stupom sm\u00fatiacich [1], ktor\u00ed ho nasledovali, cituj\u00fac Je\u017ei\u0161a ako povedal: \u201eDc\u00e9ry Jeruzalemsk\u00e9, [2] nepla\u010dte nado mnou [2] ], ale pla\u010dte sami nad sebou a nad svojimi de\u0165mi, lebo h\u013ea, prich\u00e1dzaj\u00fa dni, ke\u010f povedia: Blahoslaven\u00e9 neplodn\u00e9 a lon\u00e1, ktor\u00e9 nerodili, a prsia, ktor\u00e9 nedoj\u010dili! Vtedy za\u010dn\u00fa hovori\u0165 vrchom: Padnite na n\u00e1s a vrchom: Prikryte n\u00e1s! Lebo ak robia tieto veci, ke\u010f je drevo zelen\u00e9, \u010do sa stane, ke\u010f bude such\u00e9?"[[3] Lk. 23:28-31 [3]]"
"title": "London",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "Approximately how many foxes live in the City of London?",
"id": "57282b75ff5b5019007d9e6a",
"answers": [
"text": "10,000",
"answer_start": 42,
"answer_end": 48
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What animal was seen sleeping in London's Parliament Building?",
"id": "57282b75ff5b5019007d9e69",
"answers": [
"text": "fox",
"answer_start": 57,
"answer_end": 60
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is London's fox population density?",
"id": "57282b75ff5b5019007d9e6c",
"answers": [
"text": "16 foxes for every square mile (2.6 square kilometres)",
"answer_start": 94,
"answer_end": 148
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What type of animal belonging to Queen Elizabeth II was killed by an intruding fox on the Buckingham Palace grounds?",
"id": "57282b75ff5b5019007d9e68",
"answers": [
"text": "pink flamingos",
"answer_start": 525,
"answer_end": 539
"is_impossible": false
"question": "In 2001, what organization conducted a survey of residents regarding London's fox population?",
"id": "57282b75ff5b5019007d9e6b",
"answers": [
"text": "the London-based Mammal Society",
"answer_start": 630,
"answer_end": 661
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Among other inhabitants of London are [0] 10,000 [0] [1] fox [1]es, so that there are now [2] 16 foxes for every square mile (2.6 square kilometres) [2] of London. These urban foxes are noticeably bolder than their country cousins, sharing the pavement with pedestrians and raising cubs in people's backyards. Foxes have even sneaked into the Houses of Parliament, where one was found asleep on a filing cabinet. Another broke into the grounds of Buckingham Palace, reportedly killing some of Queen Elizabeth II's prized [3] pink flamingos [3]. Generally, however, foxes and city folk appear to get along. A survey in 2001 by [4] the London-based Mammal Society [4] found that 80 percent of 3,779 respondents who volunteered to keep a diary of garden mammal visits liked having them around. This sample cannot be taken to represent Londoners as a whole.",
"translatedContext": "Medzi ostatn\u00fdmi obyvate\u013emi Lond\u00fdna je [0] 10 000 [0] [1] l\u00ed\u0161ok [1], tak\u017ee teraz je [2] 16 l\u00ed\u0161ok na ka\u017ed\u00fa \u0161tvorcov\u00fa m\u00ed\u013eu (2,6 \u0161tvorcov\u00fdch kilometrov) [2] Lond\u00fdna. Tieto mestsk\u00e9 l\u00ed\u0161ky s\u00fa v\u00fdrazne odv\u00e1\u017enej\u0161ie ako ich vidiecke sesternice, zdie\u013eaj\u00fa chodn\u00edk s chodcami a chovaj\u00fa ml\u00e1\u010fat\u00e1 na dvoroch \u013eud\u00ed. L\u00ed\u0161ky sa dokonca vkradli do budovy parlamentu, kde jednu na\u0161li spa\u0165 na kartot\u00e9ke. \u010eal\u0161\u00ed sa vl\u00e1mal do are\u00e1lu Buckinghamsk\u00e9ho pal\u00e1ca, pri\u010dom \u00fadajne zabil nieko\u013eko cenen\u00fdch [3] ru\u017eov\u00fdch plameniakov kr\u00e1\u013eovnej Al\u017ebety II. Vo v\u0161eobecnosti sa v\u0161ak zd\u00e1, \u017ee l\u00ed\u0161ky a mestsk\u00ed \u013eudia spolu vych\u00e1dzaj\u00fa. Prieskum v roku 2001 [4] lond\u00fdnskej Mammal Society [4] zistil, \u017ee 80 percent z 3 779 respondentov, ktor\u00ed sa dobrovo\u013ene prihl\u00e1sili do denn\u00edka n\u00e1v\u0161tev z\u00e1hradn\u00fdch cicavcov, ich malo r\u00e1do. T\u00e1to vzorka nem\u00f4\u017ee reprezentova\u0165 Lond\u00fdn\u010danov ako celok."
"qas": [
"question": "What government entity was abolished in 1986?",
"id": "572806e03acd2414000df28e",
"answers": [
"text": "The Greater London Council",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 30
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What replaced the long-abolished Greater London Council in 2000?",
"id": "572806e03acd2414000df290",
"answers": [
"text": "the Greater London Authority",
"answer_start": 223,
"answer_end": 251
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What were the Millennium Dome, the London Eye, and the Millennium Bridge created to honor?",
"id": "572806e03acd2414000df28d",
"answers": [
"text": "the start of the 21st century",
"answer_start": 274,
"answer_end": 303
"is_impossible": false
"question": "London was honored with what in July, 2005?",
"id": "572806e03acd2414000df28f",
"answers": [
"text": "awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics",
"answer_start": 411,
"answer_end": 443
"is_impossible": false
"question": "The population of Greater London in January 2015 was its greatest since what year?",
"id": "572806e03acd2414000df291",
"answers": [
"text": "1939",
"answer_start": 625,
"answer_end": 629
"is_impossible": false
"context": "[0] The Greater London Council [0] was abolished in 1986, which left London as the only large metropolis in the world without a central administration. In 2000, London-wide government was restored, with the creation of [1] the Greater London Authority [1]. To celebrate [2] the start of the 21st century [2], the Millennium Dome, London Eye and Millennium Bridge were constructed. On 6 July 2005 London was [3] awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics [3], making London the first city to stage the Olympic Games three times. In January 2015, Greater London's population was estimated to be 8.63 million, the highest level since [4] 1939 [4].",
"translatedContext": "[0] Greater London Council [0] bol zru\u0161en\u00fd v roku 1986, \u010d\u00edm zostal Lond\u00fdn ako jedin\u00e1 ve\u013ek\u00e1 metropola na svete bez centr\u00e1lnej spr\u00e1vy. V roku 2000 bola obnoven\u00e1 vl\u00e1da v celom Lond\u00fdne vytvoren\u00edm [1] Greater London Authority [1]. Na oslavu [2] za\u010diatku 21. storo\u010dia [2] boli postaven\u00e9 Millennium Dome, London Eye a Millennium Bridge. D\u0148a 6. j\u00fala 2005 bol Lond\u00fdn [3] ocenen\u00fd Letn\u00fdmi olympijsk\u00fdmi hrami 2012 [3], \u010d\u00edm sa Lond\u00fdn stal prv\u00fdm mestom, ktor\u00e9 usporiadalo olympijsk\u00e9 hry trikr\u00e1t. V janu\u00e1ri 2015 sa po\u010det obyvate\u013eov Ve\u013ek\u00e9ho Lond\u00fdna odhadoval na 8,63 mili\u00f3na, \u010do je najvy\u0161\u0161ia \u00farove\u0148 od [4] roku 1939 [4]."
"qas": [
"question": "What area has historically been the literary hub of London?",
"id": "5728c6dbff5b5019007da67f",
"answers": [
"text": "Hampstead",
"answer_start": 123,
"answer_end": 132
"is_impossible": false
"question": "A more current, 20th century center for London's literary set is located where?",
"id": "5728c6dbff5b5019007da680",
"answers": [
"text": "Bloomsbury",
"answer_start": 176,
"answer_end": 186
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who witnessed first-hand and wrote about the Great Fire of 1666?",
"id": "5728c6dbff5b5019007da67e",
"answers": [
"text": "Samuel Pepys",
"answer_start": 253,
"answer_end": 265
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Which author's novels painted a dismal portrait of Victorian London?",
"id": "5728c6dbff5b5019007da681",
"answers": [
"text": "Charles Dickens",
"answer_start": 327,
"answer_end": 342
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What female writer is one of the leading literary minds of the 20th century?",
"id": "5728c6dbff5b5019007da682",
"answers": [
"text": "Virginia Woolf",
"answer_start": 517,
"answer_end": 531
"is_impossible": false
"context": "London has been the setting for many works of literature. The literary centres of London have traditionally been hilly [0] Hampstead [0] and (since the early 20th century) [1] Bloomsbury [1]. Writers closely associated with the city are the diarist [2] Samuel Pepys [2], noted for his eyewitness account of the Great Fire, [3] Charles Dickens [3], whose representation of a foggy, snowy, grimy London of street sweepers and pickpockets has been a major influence on people's vision of early Victorian London, and [4] Virginia Woolf [4], regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the 20th century.",
"translatedContext": "Lond\u00fdn bol dejiskom mnoh\u00fdch liter\u00e1rnych diel. Liter\u00e1rne centr\u00e1 Lond\u00fdna boli tradi\u010dne kopcovit\u00e9 [0] Hampstead [0] a (od za\u010diatku 20. storo\u010dia) [1] Bloomsbury [1]. Spisovatelia \u00fazko sp\u00e4t\u00ed s mestom s\u00fa denn\u00edk [2] Samuel Pepys [2], zn\u00e1my svoj\u00edm o\u010dit\u00fdm svedkom o ve\u013ekom po\u017eiari, [3] Charles Dickens [3], ktor\u00fd predstavuje hmlist\u00fd, zasne\u017een\u00fd a \u0161pinav\u00fd Lond\u00fdn zameta\u010dov ul\u00edc. a vreck\u00e1ri mali ve\u013ek\u00fd vplyv na predstavu \u013eud\u00ed o ranom viktori\u00e1nskom Lond\u00fdne a [4] Virginia Woolf [4], pova\u017eovan\u00e1 za jednu z popredn\u00fdch modernistick\u00fdch liter\u00e1rnych post\u00e1v 20. storo\u010dia."
"qas": [
"question": "Danelaw, established by the Vikings, covered what geographical area?",
"id": "5727ddfc3acd2414000dee7a",
"answers": [
"text": "London to Chester",
"answer_start": 132,
"answer_end": 149
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was Danelaw?",
"id": "5727ddfc3acd2414000dee7d",
"answers": [
"text": "political and geographical control imposed by the Viking incursions",
"answer_start": 177,
"answer_end": 244
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the name of the Danish warlord who played a major role in establishing Danelaw?",
"id": "5727ddfc3acd2414000dee7b",
"answers": [
"text": "Guthrum",
"answer_start": 305,
"answer_end": 312
"is_impossible": false
"question": "According to the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, who reestablished London in 886 AD?",
"id": "5727ddfc3acd2414000dee79",
"answers": [
"text": "Alfred the Great",
"answer_start": 436,
"answer_end": 452
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Following the Viking invasion, when did London begin to significantly grow and expand?",
"id": "5727ddfc3acd2414000dee7c",
"answers": [
"text": "about 950",
"answer_start": 633,
"answer_end": 642
"is_impossible": false
"context": "The Vikings established Danelaw over much of the eastern and northern part of England with its boundary roughly stretching from [0] London to Chester [0]. It was an area of [1] political and geographical control imposed by the Viking incursions [1] which was formally agreed to by the Danish warlord, [2] Guthrum [2] and west-Saxon king, Alfred the Great in 886 AD. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle recorded that London was \"refounded\" by [3] Alfred the Great [3] in 886. Archaeological research shows that this involved abandonment of Lundenwic and a revival of life and trade within the old Roman walls. London then grew slowly until [4] about 950 [4], after which activity increased dramatically.",
"translatedContext": "Vikingovia zalo\u017eili Danelaw na ve\u013ekej \u010dasti v\u00fdchodnej a severnej \u010dasti Anglicka, pri\u010dom jeho hranica sa tiahla zhruba od [0] Lond\u00fdna po Chester [0]. Bola to oblas\u0165 [1] politickej a geografickej kontroly vyn\u00fatenej vikingsk\u00fdmi vp\u00e1dmi [1], s ktorou form\u00e1lne s\u00fahlasil d\u00e1nsky velite\u013e [2] Guthrum [2] a z\u00e1padosask\u00fd kr\u00e1\u013e Alfr\u00e9d Ve\u013ek\u00fd v roku 886 n.l. Anglosask\u00e1 kronika zaznamenala, \u017ee Lond\u00fdn bol \u201eznovu zalo\u017een\u00fd\u201c [3] Alfr\u00e9dom Ve\u013ek\u00fdm [3] v roku 886. Archeologick\u00fd v\u00fdskum ukazuje, \u017ee i\u0161lo o opustenie Lundenwicu a o\u017eivenie \u017eivota a obchodu v r\u00e1mci star\u00fdch r\u00edmskych hradieb. Lond\u00fdn potom pomaly r\u00e1stol a\u017e do [4] okolo roku 950 [4], po ktorom aktivita dramaticky vzr\u00e1stla."
"qas": [
"question": "What is the best-known London accent known as?",
"id": "572840674b864d1900164800",
"answers": [
"text": "Cockney",
"answer_start": 144,
"answer_end": 151
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Outside of London, where is the Cockney accent typically heard?",
"id": "572840674b864d1900164803",
"answers": [
"text": "the wider South East England region",
"answer_start": 216,
"answer_end": 251
"is_impossible": false
"question": "An increasingly popular London accent among younger people fuses Cockney with what?",
"id": "572840674b864d1900164801",
"answers": [
"text": "'ethnic' accents",
"answer_start": 447,
"answer_end": 463
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What style of accent in London is commonly used by media and other professionals?",
"id": "572840674b864d1900164802",
"answers": [
"text": "RP (Received Pronunciation)",
"answer_start": 608,
"answer_end": 635
"is_impossible": false
"context": "There are many accents that are traditionally thought of as London accents. The most well known of the London accents long ago acquired the [0] Cockney [0] label, which is heard both in London itself, and across [1] the wider South East England region [1] more generally. The accent of a 21st-century 'Londoner' varies widely; what is becoming more and more common amongst the under-30s however is some fusion of Cockney with a whole array of [2] 'ethnic' accents [2], in particular Caribbean, which form an accent labelled Multicultural London English (MLE). The other widely heard and spoken accent is [3] RP (Received Pronunciation) [3] in various forms, which can often be heard in the media and many of other traditional professions and beyond, although this accent is not limited to London and South East England, and can also be heard selectively throughout the whole UK amongst certain social groupings.",
"translatedContext": "Existuje ve\u013ea akcentov, ktor\u00e9 sa tradi\u010dne pova\u017euj\u00fa za lond\u00fdnske akcenty. Najzn\u00e1mej\u0161\u00ed z lond\u00fdnskych akcentov u\u017e d\u00e1vno z\u00edskal ozna\u010denie [0] Cockney [0], ktor\u00e9 je po\u010du\u0165 tak v samotnom Lond\u00fdne, ako aj v [1] \u0161ir\u0161om regi\u00f3ne juhov\u00fdchodn\u00e9ho Anglicka [1] v\u0161eobecnej\u0161ie. Pr\u00edzvuk \u201eLond\u00fdna\u201c 21. storo\u010dia sa ve\u013emi l\u00ed\u0161i; \u010co sa v\u0161ak medzi \u013eu\u010fmi do 30 rokov st\u00e1va \u010doraz be\u017enej\u0161\u00edm, je ur\u010dit\u00e1 f\u00fazia Cockneyho s cel\u00fdm radom [2] \u201eetnick\u00fdch\u201c pr\u00edzvukov [2], najm\u00e4 karibsk\u00fdch, ktor\u00e9 tvoria pr\u00edzvuk ozna\u010den\u00fd ako multikult\u00farna lond\u00fdnska angli\u010dtina (MLE). \u010eal\u0161\u00edm \u0161iroko po\u010dut\u00fdm a hovoren\u00fdm pr\u00edzvukom je [3] RP (Received Pronunciation) [3] v r\u00f4znych form\u00e1ch, ktor\u00fd mo\u017eno \u010dasto po\u010du\u0165 v m\u00e9di\u00e1ch a mnoh\u00fdch in\u00fdch tradi\u010dn\u00fdch profesi\u00e1ch aj mimo nich, hoci tento pr\u00edzvuk sa neobmedzuje len na Lond\u00fdn a Juh. v\u00fdchodnom Anglicku a mo\u017eno ich selekt\u00edvne po\u010du\u0165 aj v celom Spojenom kr\u00e1\u013eovstve medzi ur\u010dit\u00fdmi soci\u00e1lnymi skupinami."
"title": "Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric_Chopin",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "What is the world's oldest monographic music competition?",
"id": "56d3aa352ccc5a1400d82de2",
"answers": [
"text": "the International Chopin Piano Competition",
"answer_start": 152,
"answer_end": 194
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is the name of the oldest music essay competition?",
"id": "56cf5376aab44d1400b88fd8",
"answers": [
"text": "International Chopin Piano Competition",
"answer_start": 160,
"answer_end": 202
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What year was the International Chopin Piano Competition founded?",
"id": "56cf5376aab44d1400b88fd9",
"answers": [
"text": "1927",
"answer_start": 223,
"answer_end": 227
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When was the International Chopin Piano Competition established?",
"id": "56d3aa352ccc5a1400d82de3",
"answers": [
"text": "1927",
"answer_start": 227,
"answer_end": 235
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How often is the International Chopin Piano Competition held?",
"id": "56cf5376aab44d1400b88fdb",
"answers": [
"text": "every five years",
"answer_start": 253,
"answer_end": 269
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Where is the International Chopin Piano Competition held?",
"id": "56cf5376aab44d1400b88fda",
"answers": [
"text": "Warsaw",
"answer_start": 281,
"answer_end": 287
"is_impossible": false
"question": "There are over 80 societies throughout the world that have been established because of Chopin and his music according to who?",
"id": "56d3aa352ccc5a1400d82de4",
"answers": [
"text": "The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland",
"answer_start": 297,
"answer_end": 336
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How many known works of Chopin's music were on YouTube up to the beginning of 2014?",
"id": "56d3aa352ccc5a1400d82de5",
"answers": [
"text": "nearly 1,500",
"answer_start": 468,
"answer_end": 480
"is_impossible": false
"question": "The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland includes approximately how many recordings of Chopin's work from Youtube?",
"id": "56cf5376aab44d1400b88fdc",
"answers": [
"text": "1,500",
"answer_start": 479,
"answer_end": 488
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Chopin's music remains very popular and is regularly performed, recorded and broadcast worldwide. The world's oldest monographic music competition, [0] the [1] International Chopin Piano Competition [0] [1], founded in [2] [3] 1927 [2] [3], is held [4] every five years [4] in [5] Warsaw [5]. [6] The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland [6] lists on its website over eighty societies world-wide devoted to the composer and his music. The Institute site also lists [7] nearly [8] 1,500 [7] [8] performances of Chopin works on YouTube as of January 2014.",
"translatedContext": "Chopinova hudba zost\u00e1va ve\u013emi popul\u00e1rna a pravidelne sa hr\u00e1, nahr\u00e1va a vysiela po celom svete. Najstar\u0161ia monografick\u00e1 hudobn\u00e1 s\u00fa\u0165a\u017e na svete, [0] [1] International Chopin Piano Competition [0] [1], zalo\u017een\u00e1 v [2] [3] 1927 [2] [3], sa kon\u00e1 [4] ka\u017ed\u00fdch p\u00e4\u0165 rokov [ 4] vo [5] Var\u0161ave [5]. [6] In\u0161tit\u00fat Fryderyka Chopina z Po\u013eska [6] uv\u00e1dza na svojej webovej str\u00e1nke viac ako osemdesiat spolo\u010dnost\u00ed z cel\u00e9ho sveta, ktor\u00e9 sa venuj\u00fa skladate\u013eovi a jeho hudbe. Str\u00e1nka in\u0161tit\u00fatu tie\u017e uv\u00e1dza [7] takmer [8] 1 500 [7] [8] predstaven\u00ed Chopinov\u00fdch diel na YouTube k janu\u00e1ru 2014."
"qas": [
"question": "Who wrote that the current large concert style conflicts with Chopin's preference of intimate performances?",
"id": "56cff817234ae51400d9c1a3",
"answers": [
"text": "Jonathan Bellman",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 20
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What did Chopin tell a student is given up in concerts?",
"id": "56d3a1e959d6e41400146841",
"answers": [
"text": "hearing in them all the most beautiful things of art",
"answer_start": 390,
"answer_end": 442
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What did Chopin tend to avoid?",
"id": "56cff817234ae51400d9c1a4",
"answers": [
"text": "rigid procedures",
"answer_start": 520,
"answer_end": 536
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What has been falsely credited to Chopin?",
"id": "56cff817234ae51400d9c1a5",
"answers": [
"text": "\"always crescendo to a high note\"",
"answer_start": 594,
"answer_end": 627
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who wrote about Chopin's \"chromatic embroidery\"?",
"id": "56d3a1e959d6e41400146842",
"answers": [
"text": "Berlioz",
"answer_start": 735,
"answer_end": 742
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who wrote that Chopin's music, when played by him, became a \"colorful wreath of flowers\"?",
"id": "56d3a1e959d6e41400146843",
"answers": [
"text": "Hiller",
"answer_start": 988,
"answer_end": 994
"is_impossible": false
"context": "[0] Jonathan Bellman [0] writes that modern concert performance style\u2014set in the \"conservatory\" tradition of late 19th- and 20th-century music schools, and suitable for large auditoria or recordings\u2014militates against what is known of Chopin's more intimate performance technique. The composer himself said to a pupil that \"concerts are never real music, you have to give up the idea of [1] hearing in them all the most beautiful things of art [1].\" Contemporary accounts indicate that in performance, Chopin avoided [2] rigid procedures [2] sometimes incorrectly attributed to him, such as [3] \"always crescendo to a high note\" [3], but that he was concerned with expressive phrasing, rhythmic consistency and sensitive colouring. [4] Berlioz [4] wrote in 1853 that Chopin \"has created a kind of chromatic embroidery ... whose effect is so strange and piquant as to be impossible to describe ... virtually nobody but Chopin himself can play this music and give it this unusual turn\". [5] Hiller [5] wrote that \"What in the hands of others was elegant embellishment, in his hands became a colourful wreath of flowers.\"",
"translatedContext": "[0] Jonathan Bellman [0] p\u00ed\u0161e, \u017ee modern\u00fd \u0161t\u00fdl koncertn\u00e9ho vyst\u00fapenia \u2013 zasaden\u00fd do trad\u00edcie \u201ekonzervat\u00f3ria\u201c hudobn\u00fdch \u0161k\u00f4l z konca 19. a 20. storo\u010dia a vhodn\u00fd pre ve\u013ek\u00e9 posluch\u00e1rne alebo nahr\u00e1vky \u2013 bojuje proti tomu, \u010do je zn\u00e1me o Chopinovom int\u00edmnej\u0161om technika v\u00fdkonu. S\u00e1m skladate\u013e povedal jedn\u00e9mu \u017eiakovi, \u017ee \u201ekoncerty nikdy nie s\u00fa skuto\u010dnou hudbou, mus\u00edte sa vzda\u0165 predstavy [1], aby ste na nich po\u010duli v\u0161etko najkraj\u0161ie z umenia [1].\u201c S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e9 spr\u00e1vy nazna\u010duj\u00fa, \u017ee Chopin sa pri v\u00fdkone vyh\u00fdbal [2] strnul\u00fdm postupom [2], ktor\u00e9 sa mu niekedy nespr\u00e1vne pripisovali, ako napr\u00edklad [3] \u201ev\u017edy st\u00fapol na vysok\u00fd t\u00f3n\u201c [3], ale \u017ee mu i\u0161lo o expres\u00edvne fr\u00e1zovanie, rytmick\u00e9 konzistencia a citliv\u00e9 sfarbenie. [4] Berlioz [4] v roku 1853 nap\u00edsal, \u017ee Chopin \u201evytvoril ur\u010dit\u00fd druh chromatickej v\u00fd\u0161ivky ... ktorej efekt je tak\u00fd zvl\u00e1\u0161tny a pikantn\u00fd, \u017ee sa ned\u00e1 op\u00edsa\u0165 ... prakticky nikto okrem Chopina nem\u00f4\u017ee hra\u0165 t\u00fato hudbu a da\u0165 je to nezvy\u010dajn\u00fd obrat." [5] Hiller [5] nap\u00edsal, \u017ee "\u010co v ruk\u00e1ch in\u00fdch bolo elegantnou ozdobou, v jeho ruk\u00e1ch sa stalo farebn\u00fdm vencom kvetov.""
"qas": [
"question": "Chopin's ability to create an advanced polonasises surpassed even two of his teachers, Zywny and who?",
"id": "56d39abf59d6e414001467fd",
"answers": [
"text": "Elsner",
"answer_start": 131,
"answer_end": 137
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What time are Chopin's polonaises written in?",
"id": "56cff390234ae51400d9c151",
"answers": [
"text": "triple time",
"answer_start": 205,
"answer_end": 216
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Chopin's polonaise often have what kind of rhythm in their melodies?",
"id": "56d39abf59d6e414001467fe",
"answers": [
"text": "martial",
"answer_start": 249,
"answer_end": 256
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Chopin's polonaises needed what kind of playing technique?",
"id": "56d39abf59d6e414001467ff",
"answers": [
"text": "formidable",
"answer_start": 373,
"answer_end": 383
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Chopin's polonaises show a marked advance on those of his Polish predecessors in the form (who included his teachers Zywny and [0] Elsner [0]). As with the traditional polonaise, Chopin's works are in [1] triple time [1] and typically display a [2] martial [2] rhythm in their melodies, accompaniments and cadences. Unlike most of their precursors, they also require a [3] formidable [3] playing technique.",
"translatedContext": "Chopinove polon\u00e9zy vykazuj\u00fa v\u00fdrazn\u00fd pokrok v porovnan\u00ed s t\u00fdmi jeho po\u013esk\u00fdch predchodcov vo forme (ku ktor\u00fdm patrili jeho u\u010ditelia Zywny a [0] Elsner [0]). Rovnako ako v pr\u00edpade tradi\u010dnej polon\u00e9zy, aj Chopinove diela s\u00fa v [1] trojitom \u010dase [1] a vo svojich mel\u00f3di\u00e1ch, sprievodoch a kadenci\u00e1ch typicky zobrazuj\u00fa [2] bojov\u00fd [2] rytmus. Na rozdiel od v\u00e4\u010d\u0161iny svojich predchodcov vy\u017eaduj\u00fa aj [3] impozantn\u00fa [3] techniku hry."
"qas": [
"question": "What is listed as Chopin's official cause of death?",
"id": "56cfeaa3234ae51400d9c0b3",
"answers": [
"text": "tuberculosis",
"answer_start": 128,
"answer_end": 140
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the cause of death on Chopin's death certificate?",
"id": "56d38ac959d6e414001466cf",
"answers": [
"text": "tuberculosis",
"answer_start": 132,
"answer_end": 148
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the name of Chopin's doctor?",
"id": "56cfeaa3234ae51400d9c0b4",
"answers": [
"text": "Jean Cruveilhier",
"answer_start": 177,
"answer_end": 193
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who was Chopin's physician?",
"id": "56d38ac959d6e414001466d0",
"answers": [
"text": "Jean Cruveilhier",
"answer_start": 181,
"answer_end": 201
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Other possiblities for Chopin's death include cirrhosis, alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, and what?",
"id": "56d38ac959d6e414001466d1",
"answers": [
"text": "cystic fibrosis",
"answer_start": 315,
"answer_end": 330
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What has the Polish government not allowed to find true cause of death?",
"id": "56cfeaa3234ae51400d9c0b5",
"answers": [
"text": "DNA testing",
"answer_start": 494,
"answer_end": 505
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who has denied testing Chopin's DNA to determine the actual cause of death?",
"id": "56d38ac959d6e414001466d2",
"answers": [
"text": "the Polish government.",
"answer_start": 570,
"answer_end": 592
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Chopin's disease and the cause of his death have since been a matter of discussion. His death certificate gave the cause as [0] [1] tuberculosis [0] [1], and his physician, [2] [3] Jean Cruveilhier [2] [3], was then the leading French authority on this disease. Other possibilities have been advanced including [4] cystic fibrosis [4], cirrhosis and alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency. However, the attribution of tuberculosis as principal cause of death has not been disproved. Permission for [5] DNA testing [5], which could put the matter to rest, has been denied by [6] the Polish government. [6]",
"translatedContext": "Chopinova choroba a pr\u00ed\u010dina jeho smrti s\u00fa odvtedy predmetom diskusi\u00ed. Jeho \u00famrtn\u00fd list uv\u00e1dzal pr\u00ed\u010dinu ako [0] [1] tuberkul\u00f3za [0] [1] a jeho lek\u00e1r [2] [3] Jean Cruveilhier [2] [3] bol vtedy popredn\u00fdm franc\u00fazskym odborn\u00edkom na t\u00fato chorobu. Boli vyvinut\u00e9 \u010fal\u0161ie mo\u017enosti vr\u00e1tane [4] cystickej fibr\u00f3zy [4], cirh\u00f3zy a deficitu alfa 1-antitryps\u00ednu. Pripisovanie tuberkul\u00f3zy ako hlavnej pr\u00ed\u010diny smrti v\u0161ak nebolo vyvr\u00e1ten\u00e9. Po\u013esk\u00e1 vl\u00e1da zamietla [6] povolenie na [5] testovanie DNA [5], ktor\u00e9 by mohlo vec ukon\u010di\u0165. [6]"
"qas": [
"question": "What did Chopin add to the modern dance of his era?",
"id": "56d390b559d6e41400146789",
"answers": [
"text": "greater range of melody and expression.",
"answer_start": 51,
"answer_end": 90
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Chopin was credited for making what more internationally known?",
"id": "56cfee5d234ae51400d9c0f9",
"answers": [
"text": "mazurkas",
"answer_start": 108,
"answer_end": 116
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Chopin's Polish dance music was developed for what type of hall?",
"id": "56d390b559d6e4140014678a",
"answers": [
"text": "concert hall",
"answer_start": 263,
"answer_end": 275
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was Chopin responsible for making popular with Euorpeans?",
"id": "56d390b559d6e4140014678b",
"answers": [
"text": "the mazurka",
"answer_start": 335,
"answer_end": 346
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How many polonaises were published while Chopin lived?",
"id": "56cfee5d234ae51400d9c0f7",
"answers": [
"text": "seven",
"answer_start": 399,
"answer_end": 404
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How many polonaises were published after Chopin died?",
"id": "56cfee5d234ae51400d9c0f8",
"answers": [
"text": "nine",
"answer_start": 459,
"answer_end": 463
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How many Chopin polonaises were published after his death?",
"id": "56d390b559d6e4140014678c",
"answers": [
"text": "nine",
"answer_start": 463,
"answer_end": 471
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What dance music of Chopin was written more for recitals than ballrooms?",
"id": "56d390b559d6e4140014678d",
"answers": [
"text": "waltzes",
"answer_start": 605,
"answer_end": 612
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is different about Chopin's waltzes versus a ballroom waltz?",
"id": "56cfee5d234ae51400d9c0fa",
"answers": [
"text": "faster tempos",
"answer_start": 728,
"answer_end": 741
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Chopin also endowed popular dance forms with a [0] greater range of melody and expression. [0] Chopin's [1] mazurkas [1], while originating in the traditional Polish dance (the mazurek), differed from the traditional variety in that they were written for the [2] concert hall [2] rather than the dance hall; \"it was Chopin who put [3] the mazurka [3] on the European musical map.\" The series of [4] seven [4] polonaises published in his lifetime (another [5] [6] nine [5] [6] were published posthumously), beginning with the Op. 26 pair (published 1836), set a new standard for music in the form. His [7] waltzes [7] were also written specifically for the salon recital rather than the ballroom and are frequently at rather [8] faster tempos [8] than their dance-floor equivalents.",
"translatedContext": "Chopin tie\u017e obdaril popul\u00e1rne tane\u010dn\u00e9 formy [0] v\u00e4\u010d\u0161\u00edm rozsahom mel\u00f3die a v\u00fdrazu. [0] Chopinove [1] mazurky [1], hoci poch\u00e1dzaj\u00fa z tradi\u010dn\u00e9ho po\u013esk\u00e9ho tanca (mazurek), sa l\u00ed\u0161ili od tradi\u010dn\u00e9ho druhu v tom, \u017ee boli nap\u00edsan\u00e9 pre [2] koncertn\u00fa s\u00e1lu [2] a nie pre tane\u010dn\u00fa s\u00e1lu; "Bol to Chopin, kto dal [3] mazurku [3] na eur\u00f3psku hudobn\u00fa mapu." S\u00e9ria [4] siedmich [4] polon\u00e9z vydan\u00fdch za jeho \u017eivota (\u010fal\u0161\u00edch [5] [6] dev\u00e4\u0165 [5] [6] vy\u0161lo posmrtne, po\u010dn\u00fac op. 26 p\u00e1r (publikovan\u00e9 v roku 1836), stanovilo nov\u00fd \u0161tandard pre hudbu vo forme. Jeho [7] val\u010d\u00edky [7] boli tie\u017e nap\u00edsan\u00e9 \u0161peci\u00e1lne pre sal\u00f3nny recit\u00e1l a nie pre tane\u010dn\u00fa s\u00e1lu a \u010dasto maj\u00fa sk\u00f4r [8] r\u00fdchlej\u0161ie tempo [8] ako ich ekvivalenty na tane\u010dnom parkete."
"title": "Humanism",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "What was humanism once considered the same as?",
"id": "57327819e99e3014001e67ca",
"answers": [
"text": "philanthropy",
"answer_start": 77,
"answer_end": 89
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who has disagreed with this connotation of the word?",
"id": "57327819e99e3014001e67cb",
"answers": [
"text": "Gellius",
"answer_start": 161,
"answer_end": 168
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who is credited with clarifying and making the term humanitas commonplace?",
"id": "57327819e99e3014001e67cd",
"answers": [
"text": "Cicero",
"answer_start": 261,
"answer_end": 267
"is_impossible": false
"question": "In which period did Gellius gain fame?",
"id": "57327819e99e3014001e67cc",
"answers": [
"text": "Italian Renaissance",
"answer_start": 438,
"answer_end": 457
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is the characteristic that most separates humans from animals?",
"id": "57327819e99e3014001e67ce",
"answers": [
"text": "speech",
"answer_start": 894,
"answer_end": 900
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "philanthropy",
"answer_start": 73
"question": "What was humanism once considered worse than?",
"id": "5a81debb31013a001a334f21",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Gellius",
"answer_start": 149
"question": "Who can't disagree with a connotation of a word?",
"id": "5a81debb31013a001a334f22",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Italian Renaissance",
"answer_start": 410
"question": "Which period did Gellius lose fame?",
"id": "5a81debb31013a001a334f23",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Cicero",
"answer_start": 793
"question": "Who is credited with clarifying and making the term humanitas forbidden?",
"id": "5a81debb31013a001a334f24",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "speech",
"answer_start": 858
"question": "What is the characteristic that most indicates why humans are the same as robots?",
"id": "5a81debb31013a001a334f25",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Gellius says that in his day humanitas is commonly used as a synonym for [0] philanthropy [0] \u2013 or kindness and benevolence toward one's fellow human being. [1] Gellius [1] maintains that this common usage is wrong, and that model writers of Latin, such as [2] Cicero [2] and others, used the word only to mean what we might call \"humane\" or \"polite\" learning, or the Greek equivalent Paideia. Gellius became a favorite author in the [3] Italian Renaissance [3], and, in fifteenth-century Italy, teachers and scholars of philosophy, poetry, and rhetoric were called and called themselves \"humanists\". Modern scholars, however, point out that Cicero (106 \u2013 43 BCE), who was most responsible for defining and popularizing the term humanitas, in fact frequently used the word in both senses, as did his near contemporaries. For Cicero, a lawyer, what most distinguished humans from brutes was [4] speech [4], which, allied to reason, could (and should) enable them to settle disputes and live together in concord and harmony under the rule of law. Thus humanitas included two meanings from the outset and these continue in the modern derivative, humanism, which even today can refer to both humanitarian benevolence and to scholarship.",
"translatedContext": "Gellius hovor\u00ed, \u017ee v jeho dobe sa humanitas be\u017ene pou\u017e\u00edva ako synonymum pre [0] filantropiu [0] \u2013 alebo l\u00e1skavos\u0165 a zhovievavos\u0165 vo\u010di bl\u00ed\u017enemu. [1] Gellius [1] tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee tento be\u017en\u00fd zvyk je nespr\u00e1vny a \u017ee modelov\u00ed pisatelia latin\u010diny, ako [2] Cicero [2] a in\u00ed, pou\u017e\u00edvali toto slovo len vo v\u00fdzname toho, \u010do by sme mohli nazva\u0165 \u201ehum\u00e1nny\u201c alebo \u201eslu\u0161n\u00fd\u201c. u\u010denie, alebo gr\u00e9cky ekvivalent Paideia. Gellius sa stal ob\u013e\u00faben\u00fdm autorom v [3] talianskej renesancii [3] a v Taliansku p\u00e4tn\u00e1steho storo\u010dia sa u\u010ditelia a u\u010denci filozofie, po\u00e9zie a r\u00e9toriky naz\u00fdvali a naz\u00fdvali sa \u201ehumanistami\u201c. Modern\u00ed u\u010denci v\u0161ak poukazuj\u00fa na to, \u017ee Cicero (106 \u2013 43 pred Kristom), ktor\u00fd sa najviac zasl\u00fa\u017eil o definovanie a populariz\u00e1ciu pojmu humanitas, v skuto\u010dnosti \u010dasto pou\u017e\u00edval toto slovo v oboch v\u00fdznamoch, rovnako ako jeho bl\u00edzki s\u00fa\u010dasn\u00edci. Pre pr\u00e1vnika Cicera to, \u010do najviac odli\u0161ovalo \u013eud\u00ed od surovcov, bola [4] re\u010d [4], ktor\u00e1 im v spojen\u00ed s rozumom mohla (a mala by) umo\u017eni\u0165 urovna\u0165 spory a \u017ei\u0165 spolu v zhode a harm\u00f3nii v r\u00e1mci pr\u00e1vneho \u0161t\u00e1tu. Humanitas teda od za\u010diatku zah\u0155\u0148al dva v\u00fdznamy a tieto pokra\u010duj\u00fa v modernom odvoden\u00ed, humanizme, ktor\u00fd sa aj dnes m\u00f4\u017ee vz\u0165ahova\u0165 na humanit\u00e1rnu zhovievavos\u0165 aj na u\u010denos\u0165."
"qas": [
"question": " At the time of the French Revolution what previous focus of humanism was removed?",
"id": "573278c8e99e3014001e67d4",
"answers": [
"text": "supernatural",
"answer_start": 199,
"answer_end": 211
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was a name for humanism believers who emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?",
"id": "573278c8e99e3014001e67d7",
"answers": [
"text": "Religious Humanism",
"answer_start": 237,
"answer_end": 255
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Protestantism differs from Humanism in its focus is on what?",
"id": "573278c8e99e3014001e67d5",
"answers": [
"text": "supernatural",
"answer_start": 471,
"answer_end": 483
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"question": "What do current tenants humanism have their origins in?",
"id": "573278c8e99e3014001e67d6",
"answers": [
"text": "18th-century Enlightenment",
"answer_start": 584,
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"text": "supernatural",
"answer_start": 195
"question": "What previous focus of humanism was required at the time of the French Revolution?",
"id": "5a81df6631013a001a334f2b",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "attention to the transcendent or supernatural",
"answer_start": 162
"question": "What makes Protestantism the exact same as Humanism?",
"id": "5a81df6631013a001a334f2c",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "18th-century Enlightenment",
"answer_start": 556
"question": "What do current tenants of humanism avoid?",
"id": "5a81df6631013a001a334f2d",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Religious Humanism",
"answer_start": 225
"question": "What was a name for humanism believers who emerged in the late 12th and early 13th centuries?",
"id": "5a81df6631013a001a334f2e",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "During the French Revolution, and soon after, in Germany (by the Left Hegelians), humanism began to refer to an ethical philosophy centered on humankind, without attention to the transcendent or [0] supernatural [0]. The designation [1] Religious Humanism [1] refers to organized groups that sprang up during the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is similar to Protestantism, although centered on human needs, interests, and abilities rather than the [2] supernatural [2]. In the Anglophone world, such modern, organized forms of humanism, which are rooted in the [3] 18th-century Enlightenment [3], have to a considerable extent more or less detached themselves from the historic connection of humanism with classical learning and the liberal arts.",
"translatedContext": "Po\u010das Franc\u00fazskej revol\u00facie a kr\u00e1tko po nej v Nemecku (u \u013eavicov\u00fdch hegeli\u00e1nov) sa humanizmus za\u010dal odvol\u00e1va\u0165 na etick\u00fa filozofiu zameran\u00fa na \u013eudstvo, bez pozornosti k transcendentnu alebo nadprirodzenosti [0]. Ozna\u010denie [1] N\u00e1bo\u017eensk\u00fd humanizmus [1] sa vz\u0165ahuje na organizovan\u00e9 skupiny, ktor\u00e9 vznikli koncom dev\u00e4tn\u00e1steho a za\u010diatkom dvadsiateho storo\u010dia. Podob\u00e1 sa protestantizmu, hoci je zameran\u00fd sk\u00f4r na \u013eudsk\u00e9 potreby, z\u00e1ujmy a schopnosti ne\u017e na [2] nadprirodzen\u00e9 [2]. V anglof\u00f3nnom svete sa tak\u00e9to modern\u00e9, organizovan\u00e9 formy humanizmu, ktor\u00e9 maj\u00fa korene v [3] osvietenstve 18. storo\u010dia [3], do zna\u010dnej miery viac-menej odp\u00fatali od historick\u00e9ho spojenia humanizmu s klasick\u00fdm u\u010den\u00edm a tzv. slobodn\u00e9 umenia."
"qas": [
"question": "Who felt that the further examination and knowledge of studies in the arena of humanism could further art?",
"id": "573282b9b9988014000c764a",
"answers": [
"text": "Leonardo da Vinci",
"answer_start": 32,
"answer_end": 49
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who helped to further the movement away from Scholasticism of the time?",
"id": "573282b9b9988014000c764b",
"answers": [
"text": "Juan Luis Vives",
"answer_start": 234,
"answer_end": 249
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What type of philosophy was essential to this forwarding of thought?",
"id": "573282b9b9988014000c764d",
"answers": [
"text": "Aristotelian",
"answer_start": 362,
"answer_end": 374
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Where did this initiate?",
"id": "573282b9b9988014000c764c",
"answers": [
"text": "universities",
"answer_start": 401,
"answer_end": 413
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Leonardo da Vinci",
"answer_start": 28
"question": "Who felt that the further examination and knowledge of studies in the arena of humanism could limit art?",
"id": "5a82057f31013a001a3350e5",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Juan Luis Vives",
"answer_start": 222
"question": "Who helped to further the movement closer to Scholasticism of the time?",
"id": "5a82057f31013a001a3350e6",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Aristotelian",
"answer_start": 342
"question": "What type of philosophy was unessential to this forwarding of thought?",
"id": "5a82057f31013a001a3350e7",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Leonardo da Vinci",
"answer_start": 28
"question": "Who was the most famous humanist?",
"id": "5a82057f31013a001a3350e8",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Just as artist and inventor [0] Leonardo da Vinci [0] \u2013 partaking of the zeitgeist though not himself a humanist \u2013 advocated study of human anatomy, nature, and weather to enrich Renaissance works of art, so Spanish-born humanist [1] Juan Luis Vives [1] (c. 1493\u20131540) advocated observation, craft, and practical techniques to improve the formal teaching of [2] Aristotelian [2] philosophy at the [3] universities [3], helping to free them from the grip of Medieval Scholasticism. Thus, the stage was set for the adoption of an approach to natural philosophy, based on empirical observations and experimentation of the physical universe, making possible the advent of the age of scientific inquiry that followed the Renaissance.",
"translatedContext": "Rovnako ako umelec a vyn\u00e1lezca [0] Leonardo da Vinci [0] \u2013 z\u00fa\u010dast\u0148uj\u00faci sa ducha doby, hoci s\u00e1m nie je humanistom \u2013 obhajoval \u0161t\u00fadium \u013eudskej anat\u00f3mie, pr\u00edrody a po\u010dasia s cie\u013eom obohati\u0165 renesan\u010dn\u00e9 umeleck\u00e9 diela, tak aj humanista \u0161panielskeho p\u00f4vodu [1] Juan Luis Vives [1] (okolo 1493\u20131540) obhajoval pozorovanie, remeslo a praktick\u00e9 techniky na zlep\u0161enie form\u00e1lneho vyu\u010dovania [2] aristotelovskej [2] filozofie na [3] univerzit\u00e1ch [3], ktor\u00e9 im pom\u00e1hali oslobodi\u0165 sa od uchopenie stredovekej scholastiky. Tak sa pripravila p\u00f4da pre prijatie pr\u00edstupu k pr\u00edrodnej filozofii, zalo\u017een\u00e9ho na empirick\u00fdch pozorovaniach a experimentovan\u00ed fyzik\u00e1lneho vesm\u00edru, \u010do umo\u017enilo n\u00e1stup veku vedeck\u00e9ho b\u00e1dania, ktor\u00fd nasledoval po renesancii."
"qas": [
"question": "What is contemporary humanism optimistic about?",
"id": "57328740b3a91d1900202e21",
"answers": [
"text": "capacity of people",
"answer_start": 65,
"answer_end": 83
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What doesnt conetemporary humanism believe about human nature?",
"id": "57328740b3a91d1900202e24",
"answers": [
"text": "purely good",
"answer_start": 148,
"answer_end": 159
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is the main goal of humanism optimistic?",
"id": "57328740b3a91d1900202e22",
"answers": [
"text": "human flourishing",
"answer_start": 371,
"answer_end": 388
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is human flourishing?",
"id": "57328740b3a91d1900202e23",
"answers": [
"text": "making life better",
"answer_start": 398,
"answer_end": 416
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "capacity of people",
"answer_start": 61
"question": "What is contemporary humanism upset about?",
"id": "5a821b2131013a001a33520b",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "human flourishing",
"answer_start": 351
"question": "What is the lowest goal of humanism?",
"id": "5a821b2131013a001a33520c",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "making life better for all humans",
"answer_start": 370
"question": "What is human flourishing against?",
"id": "5a821b2131013a001a33520d",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "purely good",
"answer_start": 136
"question": "What doesn't contemporary humanism forget about human nature being?",
"id": "5a821b2131013a001a33520e",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"answer_start": 709
"question": "What English mathematician had no interest in philosophy?",
"id": "5a821b2131013a001a33520f",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Contemporary humanism entails a qualified optimism about the [0] capacity of people [0], but it does not involve believing that human nature is [1] purely good [1] or that all people can live up to the Humanist ideals without help. If anything, there is recognition that living up to one's potential is hard work and requires the help of others. The ultimate goal is [2] human flourishing [2]; [3] making life better [3] for all humans, and as the most conscious species, also promoting concern for the welfare of other sentient beings and the planet as a whole. The focus is on doing good and living well in the here and now, and leaving the world a better place for those who come after. In 1925, the English mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead cautioned: \"The prophecy of Francis Bacon has now been fulfilled; and man, who at times dreamt of himself as a little lower than the angels, has submitted to become the servant and the minister of nature. It still remains to be seen whether the same actor can play both parts\".",
"translatedContext": "S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00fd humanizmus so sebou nesie kvalifikovan\u00fd optimizmus o schopnosti [0] \u013eud\u00ed [0], ale nezah\u0155\u0148a vieru, \u017ee \u013eudsk\u00e1 prirodzenos\u0165 [1] je \u010disto dobr\u00e1 [1] alebo \u017ee v\u0161etci \u013eudia m\u00f4\u017eu \u017ei\u0165 pod\u013ea humanistick\u00fdch ide\u00e1lov bez pomoci. Ak v\u00f4bec nie\u010do, existuje uznanie, \u017ee naplno vyu\u017ei\u0165 svoj potenci\u00e1l je n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e1 pr\u00e1ca a vy\u017eaduje si pomoc druh\u00fdch. Kone\u010dn\u00fdm cie\u013eom je [2] \u013eudsk\u00fd rozkvet [2]; [3] zlep\u0161enie \u017eivota [3] pre v\u0161etk\u00fdch \u013eud\u00ed a ako pre najuvedomelej\u0161\u00ed druh, a tie\u017e podporova\u0165 z\u00e1ujem o blaho in\u00fdch c\u00edtiacich bytost\u00ed a plan\u00e9ty ako celku. D\u00f4raz je kladen\u00fd na to, aby sme konali dobro a dobre \u017eili tu a teraz a aby svet zostal lep\u0161\u00edm miestom pre t\u00fdch, ktor\u00ed pr\u00eddu potom. V roku 1925 anglick\u00fd matematik a filozof Alfred North Whitehead varoval: \u201eProroctvo Francisa Bacona sa teraz naplnilo; a \u010dlovek, ktor\u00fd niekedy sn\u00edval o sebe, \u017ee je o nie\u010do ni\u017e\u0161\u00ed ako anjeli, sa podvolil, aby sa stal slu\u017eobn\u00edkom a ministrom. E\u0161te sa uvid\u00ed, \u010di ten ist\u00fd herec m\u00f4\u017ee hra\u0165 obe \u010dasti.\u201c"
"qas": [
"question": " What is one religious text that was thought to eventually lead to a peace between all?",
"id": "57327e1757eb1f1400fd2d30",
"answers": [
"text": "the Jewish Kabbalah",
"answer_start": 236,
"answer_end": 255
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who gave followers of Humanism the ability to think out of bounds?",
"id": "57327e1757eb1f1400fd2d32",
"answers": [
"text": "era of universal agreement",
"answer_start": 297,
"answer_end": 323
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What cities may have influenced the beliefs of Gemistus Pleto?",
"id": "57327e1757eb1f1400fd2d33",
"answers": [
"text": "Florence, Venice, and Rome",
"answer_start": 607,
"answer_end": 633
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "the Jewish Kabbalah",
"answer_start": 232
"question": "What is one religious text that was thought to eventually lead to a war between all?",
"id": "5a81fe7431013a001a335073",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Renaissance Church authorities",
"answer_start": 336
"question": "Who gave followers of Humanism the ability to think inside the box?",
"id": "5a81fe7431013a001a335074",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Florence, Venice, and Rome",
"answer_start": 587
"question": "What cities may have influenced the fashion of Gemistus Pleto?",
"id": "5a81fe7431013a001a335075",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Gemistus Pletho",
"answer_start": 499
"question": "Who denounced being a humanist in 1357?",
"id": "5a81fe7431013a001a335076",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "In the high Renaissance, in fact, there was a hope that more direct knowledge of the wisdom of antiquity, including the writings of the Church fathers, the earliest known Greek texts of the Christian Gospels, and in some cases even [0] the Jewish Kabbalah [0], would initiate a harmonious new [1] era of universal agreement [1]. With this end in view, Renaissance Church authorities afforded humanists what in retrospect appears a remarkable degree of freedom of thought. One humanist, the Greek Orthodox Platonist Gemistus Pletho (1355\u20131452), based in Mystras, Greece (but in contact with humanists in [2] Florence, Venice, and Rome [2]) taught a Christianised version of pagan polytheism.",
"translatedContext": "V obdob\u00ed vrcholnej renesancie existovala n\u00e1dej, \u017ee priamej\u0161ie poznanie m\u00fadrosti staroveku, vr\u00e1tane spisov cirkevn\u00fdch otcov, najstar\u0161\u00edch zn\u00e1mych gr\u00e9ckych textov kres\u0165ansk\u00fdch evanjeli\u00ed a v niektor\u00fdch pr\u00edpadoch dokonca [0] \u017eidovsk\u00fdch Kabala [0] by iniciovala nov\u00fa harmonick\u00fa [1] \u00e9ru univerz\u00e1lnej dohody [1]. S t\u00fdmto cie\u013eom autority renesan\u010dnej cirkvi poskytli humanistom to, \u010do sa pri sp\u00e4tnom poh\u013eade jav\u00ed ako pozoruhodn\u00fd stupe\u0148 slobody myslenia. Jeden humanista, gr\u00e9cky pravosl\u00e1vny platonista Gemistus Pletho (1355 \u2013 1452), s\u00eddliaci v Mystre v Gr\u00e9cku (av\u0161ak v kontakte s humanistami vo Florencii, Ben\u00e1tkach a R\u00edme [2]), u\u010dil pokres\u0165an\u010den\u00fa verziu pohansk\u00e9ho polyteizmu."
"title": "Yale_University",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "Who was dean of Yale Medical School from 1920 to 1935?",
"id": "5726b0b6708984140094cde9",
"answers": [
"text": "Milton Winternitz",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 21
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the driving force behind Milton Winternitz's research?",
"id": "5726b0b6708984140094cdea",
"answers": [
"text": "social medicine",
"answer_start": 184,
"answer_end": 199
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What teaching style did Milton Winternitz develop?",
"id": "5726b0b6708984140094cdeb",
"answers": [
"text": "Yale System",
"answer_start": 287,
"answer_end": 298
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is the Yale System?",
"id": "5726b0b6708984140094cdec",
"answers": [
"text": "few lectures and fewer exams, and strengthened the full-time faculty system",
"answer_start": 326,
"answer_end": 401
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What programs did Milton Winternitz create?",
"id": "5726b0b6708984140094cded",
"answers": [
"text": "graduate-level Yale School of Nursing and the Psychiatry Department",
"answer_start": 431,
"answer_end": 498
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Milton Winternitz",
"answer_start": 0
"question": "Who was dean of Yale Medical School from 1925 to 1935?",
"id": "5ad3d6fd604f3c001a3ff31f",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "social medicine",
"answer_start": 172
"question": "What wasn't the driving force behind Milton Winternitz's research?",
"id": "5ad3d6fd604f3c001a3ff320",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Yale System",
"answer_start": 267
"question": "What teaching style did Milton Winternitz reject?",
"id": "5ad3d6fd604f3c001a3ff321",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "few lectures and fewer exams, and strengthened the full-time faculty system",
"answer_start": 298
"question": "What isn't the Yale System?",
"id": "5ad3d6fd604f3c001a3ff322",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "graduate-level Yale School of Nursing and the Psychiatry Department",
"answer_start": 395
"question": "What programs did Milton Winternitz end?",
"id": "5ad3d6fd604f3c001a3ff323",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "[0] Milton Winternitz [0] led the Yale Medical School as its dean from 1920 to 1935. Dedicated to the new scientific medicine established in Germany, he was equally fervent about \"[1] social medicine [1]\" and the study of humans in their culture and environment. He established the \"[2] Yale System [2]\" of teaching, with [3] few lectures and fewer exams, and strengthened the full-time faculty system [3]; he also created the [4] graduate-level Yale School of Nursing and the Psychiatry Department [4], and built numerous new buildings. Progress toward his plans for an Institute of Human Relations, envisioned as a refuge where social scientists would collaborate with biological scientists in a holistic study of humankind, unfortunately lasted for only a few years before the opposition of resentful anti-Semitic colleagues drove him to resign.",
"translatedContext": "[0] Milton Winternitz [0] viedol Yale Medical School ako jej dekan v rokoch 1920 a\u017e 1935. Venoval sa novej vedeckej medic\u00edne zalo\u017eenej v Nemecku a rovnako horlivo sa venoval \u201e[1] soci\u00e1lnej medic\u00edne [1]\u201c a \u0161t\u00fadiu \u013eud\u00ed v ich kult\u00fare a prostred\u00ed. Zaviedol \u201e[2] Yale System [2]\u201c v\u00fdu\u010dby s [3] nieko\u013ek\u00fdmi predn\u00e1\u0161kami a men\u0161\u00edm po\u010dtom sk\u00fa\u0161ok a posilnil syst\u00e9m na pln\u00fd \u00fav\u00e4zok [3]; vytvoril tie\u017e [4] postgradu\u00e1lnu Yale School of Nursing a Psychiatrick\u00e9 oddelenie [4] a postavil mno\u017estvo nov\u00fdch budov. Pokrok smerom k jeho pl\u00e1nom na In\u0161tit\u00fat \u013eudsk\u00fdch vz\u0165ahov, ktor\u00fd si predstavoval ako \u00fato\u010disko, kde by soci\u00e1lni vedci spolupracovali s biologick\u00fdmi vedcami na holistickom \u0161t\u00fadiu \u013eudstva, nane\u0161\u0165astie trval len nieko\u013eko rokov, k\u00fdm ho odpor rozhor\u010den\u00fdch antisemitsk\u00fdch kolegov dohnal k rezign\u00e1cii. ."
"qas": [
"question": "Who led the 1954 class in their large donation?",
"id": "5726f6d3708984140094d733",
"answers": [
"text": "Richard Gilder",
"answer_start": 473,
"answer_end": 487
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How much did the 1954 class donate for their 50th reunion?",
"id": "5726f6d3708984140094d732",
"answers": [
"text": "$70 million",
"answer_start": 505,
"answer_end": 516
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How much did Charles B. Johnson pledge to Yale in 2013?",
"id": "5726f6d3708984140094d731",
"answers": [
"text": "$250 million",
"answer_start": 628,
"answer_end": 640
"is_impossible": false
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"text": "$250 million",
"answer_start": 608
"question": "How much didn't Charles B. Johnson pledge to Yale in 2013?",
"id": "5ad3ece8604f3c001a3ff78b",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "$250 million",
"answer_start": 608
"question": "How much did Charles B. Johnson pledge to Yale in 2003?",
"id": "5ad3ece8604f3c001a3ff78c",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "$70 million",
"answer_start": 493
"question": "How much did the 1945 class donate for their 50th reunion?",
"id": "5ad3ece8604f3c001a3ff78d",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "$70 million",
"answer_start": 493
"question": "How much did the 1954 class donate for their 40th reunion?",
"id": "5ad3ece8604f3c001a3ff78e",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Richard Gilder",
"answer_start": 469
"question": "Who led the 1945 class in their large donation?",
"id": "5ad3ece8604f3c001a3ff78f",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Yale has had many financial supporters, but some stand out by the magnitude or timeliness of their contributions. Among those who have made large donations commemorated at the university are: Elihu Yale; Jeremiah Dummer; the Harkness family (Edward, Anna, and William); the Beinecke family (Edwin, Frederick, and Walter); John William Sterling; Payne Whitney; Joseph E. Sheffield, Paul Mellon, Charles B. G. Murphy and William K. Lanman. The Yale Class of 1954, led by [0] Richard Gilder [0], donated [1] $70 million [1] in commemoration of their 50th reunion. Charles B. Johnson, a 1954 graduate of Yale College, pledged a [2] $250 million [2] gift in 2013 to support of the construction of two new residential colleges.",
"translatedContext": "Yale m\u00e1 ve\u013ea finan\u010dn\u00fdch podporovate\u013eov, no niektor\u00ed vynikaj\u00fa ve\u013ekos\u0165ou alebo v\u010dasnos\u0165ou svojich pr\u00edspevkov. Medzi t\u00fdmi, ktor\u00ed poskytli ve\u013ek\u00e9 dary, na ktor\u00fdch sa spom\u00edna na univerzite, s\u00fa: Elihu Yale; Jeremi\u00e1\u0161 Dummer; rodina Harkness (Edward, Anna a William); rodina Beineckov\u00fdch (Edwin, Frederick a Walter); John William Sterling; Payne Whitney; Joseph E. Sheffield, Paul Mellon, Charles BG Murphy a William K. Lanman. Yaleova trieda z roku 1954 pod veden\u00edm [0] Richarda Gildera [0] venovala [1] 70 mili\u00f3nov dol\u00e1rov [1] na pamiatku ich 50. op\u00e4tovn\u00e9ho stretnutia. Charles B. Johnson, absolvent Yale College z roku 1954, pris\u013e\u00fabil v roku 2013 [2] dar vo v\u00fd\u0161ke 250 mili\u00f3nov dol\u00e1rov [2] na podporu v\u00fdstavby dvoch nov\u00fdch reziden\u010dn\u00fdch vysok\u00fdch \u0161k\u00f4l."
"qas": [
"question": "What royalty has attended Yale?",
"id": "5726f7dbf1498d1400e8f148",
"answers": [
"text": "Crown Princess Victoria Bernadotte, Prince Rostislav Romanov and Prince Akiiki Hosea Nyabongo",
"answer_start": 205,
"answer_end": 298
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What Italian Prime Minister attended Yale?",
"id": "5726f7dbf1498d1400e8f149",
"answers": [
"text": "Mario Monti",
"answer_start": 357,
"answer_end": 368
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What Mexican president attended Yale?",
"id": "5726f7dbf1498d1400e8f14a",
"answers": [
"text": "Ernesto Zedillo",
"answer_start": 433,
"answer_end": 448
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who was the father of American football?",
"id": "5726f7dbf1498d1400e8f14b",
"answers": [
"text": "Walter Camp",
"answer_start": 1252,
"answer_end": 1263
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What Time magazine founder attended Yale?",
"id": "5726f7dbf1498d1400e8f14c",
"answers": [
"text": "Henry Luce",
"answer_start": 2264,
"answer_end": 2274
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Crown Princess Victoria Bernadotte, Prince Rostislav Romanov and Prince Akiiki Hosea Nyabongo",
"answer_start": 201
"question": "What royalty hasn't attended Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ed86604f3c001a3ff7b3",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Mario Monti",
"answer_start": 345
"question": "What Italian Prime Minister never attended Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ed86604f3c001a3ff7b4",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Ernesto Zedillo",
"answer_start": 413
"question": "What Mexican president never attended Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ed86604f3c001a3ff7b5",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Walter Camp",
"answer_start": 1224
"question": "Who was the mother of American football?",
"id": "5ad3ed86604f3c001a3ff7b6",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Henry Luce",
"answer_start": 2228
"question": "What Time magazine founder never attended Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ed86604f3c001a3ff7b7",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Yale has produced alumni distinguished in their respective fields. Among the best-known are U.S. Presidents William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; royals [0] Crown Princess Victoria Bernadotte, Prince Rostislav Romanov and Prince Akiiki Hosea Nyabongo [0]; heads of state, including Italian prime minister [1] Mario Monti [1], Turkish prime minister Tansu \u00c7iller, Mexican president [2] Ernesto Zedillo [2], German president Karl Carstens, and Philippines president Jos\u00e9 Paciano Laurel; U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas; U.S. Secretaries of State John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Cyrus Vance, and Dean Acheson; authors Sinclair Lewis, Stephen Vincent Ben\u00e9t, and Tom Wolfe; lexicographer Noah Webster; inventors Samuel F. B. Morse and Eli Whitney; patriot and \"first spy\" Nathan Hale; theologian Jonathan Edwards; actors, directors and producers Paul Newman, Henry Winkler, Vincent Price, Meryl Streep, Sigourney Weaver, Jodie Foster, Angela Bassett, Patricia Clarkson, Courtney Vance, Frances McDormand, Elia Kazan, George Roy Hill, Edward Norton, Lupita Nyong'o, Allison Williams, Oliver Stone, Sam Waterston, and Michael Cimino; \"Father of American football\" [3] Walter Camp [3], James Franco, \"The perfect oarsman\" Rusty Wailes; baseball players Ron Darling, Bill Hutchinson, and Craig Breslow; basketball player Chris Dudley; football players Gary Fencik, and Calvin Hill; hockey players Chris Higgins and Mike Richter; figure skater Sarah Hughes; swimmer Don Schollander; skier Ryan Max Riley; runner Frank Shorter; composers Charles Ives, Douglas Moore and Cole Porter; Peace Corps founder Sargent Shriver; child psychologist Benjamin Spock; architects Eero Saarinen and Norman Foster; sculptor Richard Serra; film critic Gene Siskel; television commentators Dick Cavett and Anderson Cooper; New York Times journalist David Gonzalez; pundits William F. Buckley, Jr., and Fareed Zakaria; economists Irving Fischer, Mahbub ul Haq, and Paul Krugman; cyclotron inventor and Nobel laureate in Physics, Ernest Lawrence; Human Genome Project director Francis S. Collins; mathematician and chemist Josiah Willard Gibbs; and businesspeople, including Time Magazine co-founder [4] Henry Luce [4], Morgan Stanley founder Harold Stanley, Boeing CEO James McNerney, FedEx founder Frederick W. Smith, Time Warner president Jeffrey Bewkes, Electronic Arts co-founder Bing Gordon, and investor/philanthropist Sir John Templeton; pioneer in electrical applications Austin Cornelius Dunham.",
"translatedContext": "Yale vyprodukoval absolventov, ktor\u00ed s\u00fa vo svojich odboroch vynikaj\u00faci. Medzi najzn\u00e1mej\u0161\u00edch patria americk\u00ed prezidenti William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton a George W. Bush; kr\u00e1\u013eovsk\u00e1 rodina [0] korunn\u00e1 princezn\u00e1 Victoria Bernadotte, princ Rostislav Romanov a princ Akiiki Hosea Nyabongo [0]; hlavy \u0161t\u00e1tov vr\u00e1tane talianskeho premi\u00e9ra [1] Maria Montiho [1], tureck\u00e9ho premi\u00e9ra Tansu \u00c7illera, mexick\u00e9ho prezidenta [2] Ernesta Zedilla [2], nemeck\u00e9ho prezidenta Karla Carstensa a filip\u00ednskeho prezidenta Jos\u00e9ho Paciana Laurela; sudcovia Najvy\u0161\u0161ieho s\u00fadu USA Sonia Sotomayor, Samuel Alito a Clarence Thomas; ministri zahrani\u010dn\u00fdch vec\u00ed USA John Kerry, Hillary Clintonov\u00e1, Cyrus Vance a Dean Acheson; autori Sinclair Lewis, Stephen Vincent Ben\u00e9t a Tom Wolfe; lexikograf Noah Webster; vyn\u00e1lezcovia Samuel FB Morse a Eli Whitney; patriot a \u201eprv\u00fd \u0161pi\u00f3n\u201c Nathan Hale; teol\u00f3g Jonathan Edwards; herci, re\u017eis\u00e9ri a producenti Paul Newman, Henry Winkler, Vincent Price, Meryl Streep, Sigourney Weaver, Jodie Foster, Angela Bassett, Patricia Clarkson, Courtney Vance, Frances McDormand, Elia Kazan, George Roy Hill, Edward Norton, Lupita Nyong'o, Allison Williams, Oliver Stone, Sam Waterston a Michael Cimino; "Otec americk\u00e9ho futbalu" [3] Walter Camp [3], James Franco, "Dokonal\u00fd vesl\u00e1r" Rusty Wailes; bejzbalov\u00ed hr\u00e1\u010di Ron Darling, Bill Hutchinson a Craig Breslow; basketbalov\u00fd hr\u00e1\u010d Chris Dudley; futbalisti Gary Fencik a Calvin Hill; hokejisti Chris Higgins a Mike Richter; krasokor\u010duliarka Sarah Hughes; plavec Don Schollander; ly\u017eiar Ryan Max Riley; be\u017eec Frank Shorter; skladatelia Charles Ives, Douglas Moore a Cole Porter; zakladate\u013e Peace Corps Sargent Shriver; detsk\u00fd psychol\u00f3g Benjamin Spock; architekti Eero Saarinen a Norman Foster; soch\u00e1r Richard Serra; filmov\u00fd kritik Gene Siskel; telev\u00edzni koment\u00e1tori Dick Cavett a Anderson Cooper; novin\u00e1r New York Times David Gonzalez; u\u010denci William F. Buckley, Jr., a Fareed Zakaria; ekon\u00f3movia Irving Fischer, Mahbub ul Haq a Paul Krugman; vyn\u00e1lezca cyklotr\u00f3nu a laure\u00e1t Nobelovej ceny za fyziku Ernest Lawrence; Riadite\u013e projektu \u013eudsk\u00e9ho gen\u00f3mu Francis S. Collins; matematik a chemik Josiah Willard Gibbs; a podnikatelia vr\u00e1tane spoluzakladate\u013ea \u010dasopisu Time [4] Henry Luce [4], zakladate\u013e Morgan Stanley Harold Stanley, gener\u00e1lny riadite\u013e Boeingu James McNerney, zakladate\u013e FedEx Frederick W. Smith, prezident Time Warner Jeffrey Bewkes, spoluzakladate\u013e Electronic Arts Bing Gordon, a investor/filantrop Sir John Templeton; priekopn\u00edk v elektrick\u00fdch aplik\u00e1ci\u00e1ch Austin Cornelius Dunham."
"qas": [
"question": "How many strikes has Yale had since 1968?",
"id": "5726dde0f1498d1400e8edf4",
"answers": [
"text": "at least eight",
"answer_start": 116,
"answer_end": 130
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What are The New York Times' views on Yale's labor tension?",
"id": "5726dde0f1498d1400e8edf5",
"answers": [
"text": "the worst record of labor tension of any university in the U.S.",
"answer_start": 225,
"answer_end": 288
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What adds to the tensions during wage considerations?",
"id": "5726dde0f1498d1400e8edf8",
"answers": [
"text": "Yale's unusually large endowment",
"answer_start": 297,
"answer_end": 329
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What professor was retired in a 2003 labor strike?",
"id": "5726dde0f1498d1400e8edf6",
"answers": [
"text": "Professor David Graeber",
"answer_start": 552,
"answer_end": 575
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Why was Professor David Graeber retired during the strike?",
"id": "5726dde0f1498d1400e8edf7",
"answers": [
"text": "he came to the defense of a student who was involved in campus labor issues.",
"answer_start": 604,
"answer_end": 680
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "at least eight",
"answer_start": 112
"question": "How many strikes has Yale had since 1986?",
"id": "5ad3e20e604f3c001a3ff521",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "the worst record of labor tension of any university in the U.S.",
"answer_start": 213
"question": "What are The New Jersey Times' views on Yale's labor tension?",
"id": "5ad3e20e604f3c001a3ff522",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Professor David Graeber",
"answer_start": 524
"question": "What professor was retired in a 2013 labor strike?",
"id": "5ad3e20e604f3c001a3ff523",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "he came to the defense of a student who was involved in campus labor issues",
"answer_start": 568
"question": "Why was Professor David Graeber hired during the strike?",
"id": "5ad3e20e604f3c001a3ff524",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Yale's unusually large endowment",
"answer_start": 277
"question": "What eases the tensions during wage considerations?",
"id": "5ad3e20e604f3c001a3ff525",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Yale has a history of difficult and prolonged labor negotiations, often culminating in strikes. There have been [0] at least eight [0] strikes since 1968, and The New York Times wrote that Yale has a reputation as having [1] the worst record of labor tension of any university in the U.S. [1] [2] Yale's unusually large endowment [2] exacerbates the tension over wages. Moreover, Yale has been accused of failing to treat workers with respect. In a 2003 strike, however, the university claimed that more union employees were working than striking. [3] Professor David Graeber [3] was 'retired' after [4] he came to the defense of a student who was involved in campus labor issues. [4]",
"translatedContext": "Yale m\u00e1 za sebou hist\u00f3riu zlo\u017eit\u00fdch a dlhotrvaj\u00facich pracovn\u00fdch rokovan\u00ed, ktor\u00e9 \u010dasto vyvrcholili \u0161trajkom. Od roku 1968 bolo [0] najmenej osem [0] \u0161trajkov a The New York Times nap\u00edsal, \u017ee Yale m\u00e1 poves\u0165 [1] najhor\u0161ieho rekordu pracovn\u00e9ho nap\u00e4tia zo v\u0161etk\u00fdch univerz\u00edt v USA [1] [2] Nezvy\u010dajne ve\u013ek\u00e9 dotovanie Yale [2] zhor\u0161uje nap\u00e4tie oh\u013eadom miezd. Okrem toho bol Yale obvinen\u00fd z toho, \u017ee sa k pracovn\u00edkom nespr\u00e1val s re\u0161pektom. V \u0161trajku v roku 2003 v\u0161ak univerzita tvrdila, \u017ee viac zamestnancov odborov pracuje ako \u0161trajkuje. [3] Profesor David Graeber [3] bol \u201ena d\u00f4chodku\u201c po tom, \u010do [4] pri\u0161iel na obhajobu \u0161tudenta, ktor\u00fd sa zaoberal problematikou pr\u00e1ce na univerzite. [4]"
"qas": [
"question": "Who wrote the novel Stover at Yale?",
"id": "5726f9485951b619008f83df",
"answers": [
"text": "Owen Johnson",
"answer_start": 291,
"answer_end": 303
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who were the main characters in Stover at Yale?",
"id": "5726f9485951b619008f83db",
"answers": [
"text": "Dink Stover and Frank Merriwell",
"answer_start": 367,
"answer_end": 398
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What F. Scott Fitzgerald novel is Yale a part of?",
"id": "5726f9485951b619008f83dc",
"answers": [
"text": "The Great Gatsby",
"answer_start": 617,
"answer_end": 633
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What character in The Great Gatsby wrote editorials for the Yale News?",
"id": "5726f9485951b619008f83dd",
"answers": [
"text": "Nick Carraway",
"answer_start": 658,
"answer_end": 671
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What football playing character in The Great Gatsby played for Yale?",
"id": "5726f9485951b619008f83de",
"answers": [
"text": "Tom Buchanan",
"answer_start": 733,
"answer_end": 745
"is_impossible": false
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Dink Stover and Frank Merriwell",
"answer_start": 355
"question": "Who were the side characters in Stover at Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ede9604f3c001a3ff7cd",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "The Great Gatsby",
"answer_start": 597
"question": "What F. Scott Fitzgerald novel is Yale not a part of?",
"id": "5ad3ede9604f3c001a3ff7ce",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Nick Carraway",
"answer_start": 630
"question": "What character in The Great Gatsby read editorials for the Yale News?",
"id": "5ad3ede9604f3c001a3ff7cf",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Tom Buchanan",
"answer_start": 697
"question": "What baseball playing character in The Great Gatsby played for Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ede9604f3c001a3ff7d0",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"plausible_answers": [
"text": "Owen Johnson",
"answer_start": 287
"question": "Who read the novel Stover at Yale?",
"id": "5ad3ede9604f3c001a3ff7d1",
"answers": [],
"is_impossible": true
"context": "Yale University, one of the oldest universities in the United States, is a cultural referent as an institution that produces some of the most elite members of society and its grounds, alumni, and students have been prominently portrayed in fiction and U.S. popular culture. For example, [0] Owen Johnson [0]'s novel, Stover at Yale, follows the college career of [1] Dink Stover and Frank Merriwell [1], the model for all later juvenile sports fiction, plays football, baseball, crew, and track at Yale while solving mysteries and righting wrongs. Yale University also is featured in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel \"[2] The Great Gatsby [2]\". The narrator, [3] Nick Carraway [3], wrote a series of editorials for the Yale News, and [4] Tom Buchanan [4] was \"one of the most powerful ends that ever played football\" for Yale.",
"translatedContext": "Yale University, jedna z najstar\u0161\u00edch univerz\u00edt v Spojen\u00fdch \u0161t\u00e1toch, je kult\u00farnym referentom ako in\u0161tit\u00facia, ktor\u00e1 produkuje niektor\u00fdch z najv\u00fdznamnej\u0161\u00edch \u010dlenov spolo\u010dnosti a jej z\u00e1kladov, absolventov a \u0161tudentov, ktor\u00ed boli prominentne vykreslen\u00ed v beletrii a americkej popul\u00e1rnej kult\u00fare. Napr\u00edklad rom\u00e1n [0] Owena Johnsona [0], Stover at Yale, sleduje univerzitn\u00fa kari\u00e9ru [1] Dinka Stovera a Franka Merriwella [1], ktor\u00ed s\u00fa vzorom pre cel\u00fa neskor\u0161iu \u0161portov\u00fa fikciu pre ml\u00e1de\u017e, hraj\u00fa futbal, bejzbal, pos\u00e1dku a stopu na Yale pri rie\u0161en\u00ed z\u00e1had a n\u00e1prave krivd. Yale University je tie\u017e uveden\u00e1 v rom\u00e1ne F. Scotta Fitzgeralda \u201e[2] The Great Gatsby [2]\u201c. Rozpr\u00e1va\u010d, [3] Nick Carraway [3], nap\u00edsal s\u00e9riu \u00favodn\u00edkov pre Yale News a [4] Tom Buchanan [4] bol pre Yale \u201ejedn\u00fdm z najsilnej\u0161\u00edch cie\u013eov, ak\u00e9 kedy hrali futbal\u201c."
"title": "Pacific_War",
"paragraphs": [
"qas": [
"question": "America dropped what on August 6, 1945?",
"id": "57324b84e17f3d14004227fb",
"answers": [
"text": "atomic bomb",
"answer_start": 42,
"answer_end": 53
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the forst Japenese city nuked by the United States?",
"id": "57324b84e17f3d14004227fc",
"answers": [
"text": "Hiroshima",
"answer_start": 86,
"answer_end": 95
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When did American drop a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki?",
"id": "57324b84e17f3d14004227fd",
"answers": [
"text": "9 August",
"answer_start": 360,
"answer_end": 368
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What was the name of the blockade and bombing of Japan planed to make them surrender?",
"id": "57324b84e17f3d14004227fe",
"answers": [
"text": "Operation Downfall",
"answer_start": 974,
"answer_end": 992
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who wrote that a Soviet invasion of Japan was unlikely?",
"id": "57324b84e17f3d14004227ff",
"answers": [
"text": "Richard B. Frank",
"answer_start": 1139,
"answer_end": 1155
"is_impossible": false
"context": "On 6 August 1945, the U.S. dropped an [0] atomic bomb [0] on the Japanese city of [1] Hiroshima [1] in the first nuclear attack in history. In a press release issued after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Truman warned Japan to surrender or \"...expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.\" Three days later, on [2] 9 August [2], the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the last nuclear attack in history. More than 140,000\u2013240,000 people died as a direct result of these two bombings. The necessity of the atomic bombings has long been debated, with detractors claiming that a naval blockade and aerial bombing campaign had already made invasion, hence the atomic bomb, unnecessary. However, other scholars have argued that the bombings shocked the Japanese government into surrender, with Emperor finally indicating his wish to stop the war. Another argument in favor of the atomic bombs is that they helped avoid [3] Operation Downfall [3], or a prolonged blockade and bombing campaign, any of which would have exacted much higher casualties among Japanese civilians. Historian [4] Richard B. Frank [4] wrote that a Soviet invasion of Japan was never likely because they had insufficient naval capability to mount an amphibious invasion of Hokkaid\u014d.",
"translatedContext": "6. augusta 1945 USA zhodili [0] at\u00f3mov\u00fa bombu [0] na japonsk\u00e9 mesto [1] Hiro\u0161ima [1] pri prvom jadrovom \u00fatoku v hist\u00f3rii. V tla\u010dovej spr\u00e1ve vydanej po at\u00f3movom bombovom \u00fatoku na Hiro\u0161imu Truman varoval Japonsko, aby sa vzdalo alebo "... o\u010dak\u00e1valo zo vzduchu d\u00e1\u017e\u010f skazy, ak\u00fd na tejto zemi e\u0161te nikto nevidel." O tri dni nesk\u00f4r, [2] 9. augusta [2], USA zhodili \u010fal\u0161iu at\u00f3mov\u00fa bombu na Nagasaki, posledn\u00fd jadrov\u00fd \u00fatok v hist\u00f3rii. Priamym n\u00e1sledkom t\u00fdchto dvoch bombov\u00fdch \u00fatokov zomrelo viac ako 140 000 \u2013 240 000 \u013eud\u00ed. O nevyhnutnosti at\u00f3mov\u00fdch bombov\u00fdch \u00fatokov sa dlho diskutovalo, pri\u010dom kritici tvrdili, \u017ee n\u00e1morn\u00e1 blok\u00e1da a leteck\u00e1 bombardovacia kampa\u0148 u\u017e sp\u00f4sobili, \u017ee inv\u00e1zia, a teda at\u00f3mov\u00e1 bomba, je zbyto\u010dn\u00e1. In\u00ed vedci v\u0161ak tvrdili, \u017ee bombov\u00e9 \u00fatoky \u0161okovali japonsk\u00fa vl\u00e1du, aby sa vzdala, pri\u010dom cis\u00e1r napokon nazna\u010dil svoje \u017eelanie zastavi\u0165 vojnu. \u010eal\u0161\u00edm argumentom v prospech at\u00f3mov\u00fdch b\u00f4mb je, \u017ee pomohli vyhn\u00fa\u0165 sa [3] oper\u00e1cii Downfall [3] alebo dlhotrvaj\u00facej blok\u00e1de a bombardovacej kampani, z ktor\u00fdch ka\u017ed\u00e1 by si vy\u017eiadala ove\u013ea vy\u0161\u0161ie straty medzi japonsk\u00fdmi civilistami. Historik [4] Richard B. Frank [4] nap\u00edsal, \u017ee sovietska inv\u00e1zia do Japonska nebola nikdy pravdepodobn\u00e1, preto\u017ee nemali dostato\u010dn\u00e9 n\u00e1morn\u00e9 kapacity na uskuto\u010dnenie oboj\u017eivelnej inv\u00e1zie na Hokkaid\u00f3."
"qas": [
"question": "How many of Ozawa's submarines were sunk by American destroyers?",
"id": "57322a65b9d445190005e889",
"answers": [
"text": "17",
"answer_start": 143,
"answer_end": 145
"is_impossible": false
"question": "In what sequence did Japanese planes arrive at their targets?",
"id": "57322a65b9d445190005e88b",
"answers": [
"text": "staggered",
"answer_start": 362,
"answer_end": 371
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who gave the directive for all carriers in the US Navy to have combat information centers?",
"id": "57322a65b9d445190005e88d",
"answers": [
"text": "Nimitz",
"answer_start": 417,
"answer_end": 423
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Where did the radio interception orders to U.S> Hellcat fighters come from?",
"id": "57322a65b9d445190005e88c",
"answers": [
"text": "combat information centers",
"answer_start": 459,
"answer_end": 485
"is_impossible": false
"question": "How many American warships were damaged during the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot?",
"id": "57322a65b9d445190005e88a",
"answers": [
"text": "one",
"answer_start": 743,
"answer_end": 746
"is_impossible": false
"context": "The forces converged in the largest sea battle of World War II up to that point. Over the previous month American destroyers had destroyed [0] 17 [0] of 25 submarines out of Ozawa's screening force. Repeated U.S. raids destroyed the Japanese land-based planes. Ozawa's main attack lacked coordination, with the Japanese planes arriving at their targets in a [1] staggered [1] sequence. Following a directive from [2] Nimitz [2], the U.S. carriers all had [3] combat information centers [3], which interpreted the flow of radar data and radioed interception orders to the Hellcats. The result was later dubbed the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot. The few attackers to reach the U.S. fleet encountered massive AA fire with proximity fuzes. Only [4] one [4] American warship was slightly damaged.",
"translatedContext": "Sily sa zbli\u017eovali v doteraz najv\u00e4\u010d\u0161ej n\u00e1mornej bitke druhej svetovej vojny. Po\u010das predch\u00e1dzaj\u00faceho mesiaca americk\u00e9 torp\u00e9doborce zni\u010dili [0] 17 [0] z 25 ponoriek z skr\u00edningov\u00fdch s\u00edl Ozawa. Opakovan\u00e9 americk\u00e9 n\u00e1lety zni\u010dili japonsk\u00e9 pozemn\u00e9 lietadl\u00e1. Ozawovmu hlavn\u00e9mu \u00fatoku ch\u00fdbala koordin\u00e1cia, pri\u010dom japonsk\u00e9 lietadl\u00e1 prilietali k svojim cie\u013eom v [1] rozlo\u017eenom [1] porad\u00ed. Na z\u00e1klade direkt\u00edvy [2] Nimitz [2] mali v\u0161etky americk\u00e9 nosi\u010de [3] bojov\u00e9 informa\u010dn\u00e9 centr\u00e1 [3], ktor\u00e9 interpretovali tok radarov\u00fdch \u00fadajov a vysielali pr\u00edkazy na odpo\u010d\u00favanie Hellcatom. V\u00fdsledok bol nesk\u00f4r nazvan\u00fd Great Marianas Turkey Shoot. T\u00fdch p\u00e1r \u00fato\u010dn\u00edkov, ktor\u00ed sa dostali k americkej flotile, narazilo na mas\u00edvnu protilietadlov\u00fa pa\u013ebu s bl\u00edzkos\u0165ov\u00fdmi z\u00e1palnicami. Len [4] jedna [4] americk\u00e1 vojnov\u00e1 lo\u010f bola mierne po\u0161koden\u00e1."
"qas": [
"question": "What battle was the advance in the Arakan halted to release troops for?",
"id": "5732275d0fdd8d15006c67f5",
"answers": [
"text": "Battle of Imphal",
"answer_start": 94,
"answer_end": 110
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who aided the Americans and Chinese during the advance in northern Burma?",
"id": "5732275d0fdd8d15006c67f6",
"answers": [
"text": "Chindits",
"answer_start": 203,
"answer_end": 211
"is_impossible": false
"question": "When did the Chinese invade northern Burma?",
"id": "5732275d0fdd8d15006c67f7",
"answers": [
"text": "middle of 1944",
"answer_start": 282,
"answer_end": 296
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What fortified position was captured by the Chinese Expeditionary Force?",
"id": "5732275d0fdd8d15006c67f8",
"answers": [
"text": "Mount Song",
"answer_start": 420,
"answer_end": 430
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What airfield was taken by the NCAC in August, 1944?",
"id": "5732275d0fdd8d15006c67f9",
"answers": [
"text": "Myitkyina",
"answer_start": 538,
"answer_end": 547
"is_impossible": false
"context": "Although the advance in the Arakan had been halted to release troops and aircraft for the [0] Battle of Imphal [0], the Americans and Chinese had continued to advance in northern Burma, aided by the [1] Chindits [1] operating against the Japanese lines of communication. In the [2] middle of 1944 [2] the Chinese Expeditionary Force invaded northern Burma from Yunnan province. They captured a fortified position at [3] Mount Song [3]. By the time campaigning ceased during the monsoon rains, the NCAC had secured a vital airfield at [4] Myitkyina [4] (August 1944), which eased the problems of air resupply from India to China over \"The Hump\".",
"translatedContext": "Hoci bol postup v Arakane zastaven\u00fd, aby sa uvo\u013enili jednotky a lietadl\u00e1 pre bitku o Imphal [0], Ameri\u010dania a \u010c\u00ed\u0148ania pokra\u010dovali v postupe v severnej Barme s pomocou [1] Chinditov [1] operuj\u00facich proti japonsk\u00e9 komunika\u010dn\u00e9 linky. V [2] polovici roku 1944 [2] \u010d\u00ednske expedi\u010dn\u00e9 sily napadli severn\u00fa Barmu z provincie Yunnan. Dobyli opevnen\u00fa poz\u00edciu na [3] Mount Song [3]. V \u010dase, ke\u010f kampa\u0148 prestala po\u010das monz\u00fanov\u00fdch da\u017e\u010fov, NCAC zabezpe\u010dilo d\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e9 letisko v [4] Myitkyina [4] (august 1944), \u010do u\u013eah\u010dilo probl\u00e9my s dod\u00e1vkou vzduchu z Indie do \u010c\u00edny cez \u201eHump\u201c."
"qas": [
"question": "What island was between Borneo and Mindoro?",
"id": "57323deae17f3d1400422777",
"answers": [
"text": "Palawan",
"answer_start": 4,
"answer_end": 11
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What island was invaded by the Eighth Army on February 28?",
"id": "57323deae17f3d1400422778",
"answers": [
"text": "Palawan",
"answer_start": 8,
"answer_end": 19
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What is the western-most Philippine island?",
"id": "57323deae17f3d140042277b",
"answers": [
"text": "Palawan",
"answer_start": 12,
"answer_end": 27
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Where did the Eighth Army land?",
"id": "57323deae17f3d1400422779",
"answers": [
"text": "Puerto Princesa",
"answer_start": 189,
"answer_end": 204
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who aided U.S. forces in finding Japanese holdouts in the Philippines?",
"id": "57323deae17f3d140042277a",
"answers": [
"text": "Filipino guerrillas",
"answer_start": 503,
"answer_end": 522
"is_impossible": false
"context": "[0] [1] [2] Palawan [0] [1] [2] Island, between Borneo and Mindoro, the fifth largest and western-most Philippine Island, was invaded on 28 February with landings of the Eighth Army at [3] Puerto Princesa [3]. The Japanese put up little direct defense of Palawan, but cleaning up pockets of Japanese resistance lasted until late April, as the Japanese used their common tactic of withdrawing into the mountain jungles, dispersed as small units. Throughout the Philippines, U.S. forces were aided by [4] Filipino guerrillas [4] to find and dispatch the holdouts.",
"translatedContext": "[0] [1] [2] Palawan [0] [1] [2] Ostrov medzi Borneom a Mindorom, piaty najv\u00e4\u010d\u0161\u00ed a najz\u00e1padnej\u0161\u00ed filip\u00ednsky ostrov, bol napadnut\u00fd 28. febru\u00e1ra s vyloden\u00edm \u00f4smej arm\u00e1dy na [3. ] Puerto Princesa [3]. Japonci postavili len mal\u00fa priamu obranu Palawanu, ale \u010distenie ohnisk japonsk\u00e9ho odporu trvalo a\u017e do konca apr\u00edla, ke\u010f Japonci pou\u017eili spolo\u010dn\u00fa taktiku stiahnutia sa do horsk\u00fdch d\u017eungl\u00ed, rozpt\u00fdlen\u00ed ako mal\u00e9 jednotky. Na cel\u00fdch Filip\u00ednach pom\u00e1hali americk\u00fdm sil\u00e1m [4] filip\u00ednski partiz\u00e1ni [4], aby na\u0161li a odoslali prepady."
"qas": [
"question": "What command prepared offensives into Burma after the Allied setbacks in 1943?",
"id": "573223b8b9d445190005e833",
"answers": [
"text": "South East Asia command",
"answer_start": 43,
"answer_end": 66
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who led Chinese and American troops for NCAC?",
"id": "573223b8b9d445190005e834",
"answers": [
"text": "Joseph Stilwell",
"answer_start": 266,
"answer_end": 281
"is_impossible": false
"question": "What road did the NCAC extend into northern Burma?",
"id": "573223b8b9d445190005e835",
"answers": [
"text": "Ledo Road",
"answer_start": 311,
"answer_end": 320
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who advanced aling the Arakan Province coast?",
"id": "573223b8b9d445190005e836",
"answers": [
"text": "XV Corps",
"answer_start": 371,
"answer_end": 379
"is_impossible": false
"question": "Who did aircraft drop supplies to isolated units until they could be relieved?",
"id": "573223b8b9d445190005e837",
"answers": [
"text": "XV Corps",
"answer_start": 613,
"answer_end": 621
"is_impossible": false
"context": "After the Allied setbacks in 1943, the [0] South East Asia command [0] prepared to launch offensives into Burma on several fronts. In the first months of 1944, the Chinese and American troops of the Northern Combat Area Command (NCAC), commanded by the American [1] Joseph Stilwell [1], began extending the [2] Ledo Road [2] from India into northern Burma, while the [3] XV Corps [3] began an advance along the coast in the Arakan Province. In February 1944 the Japanese mounted a local counter-attack in the Arakan. After early Japanese success, this counter-attack was defeated when the Indian divisions of [4] XV Corps [4] stood firm, relying on aircraft to drop supplies to isolated forward units until reserve divisions could relieve them.",
"translatedContext": "Po ne\u00faspechoch spojencov v roku 1943 sa velenie [0] Juhov\u00fdchodnej \u00c1zie [0] pripravilo na za\u010datie ofenz\u00edvy na Barmu na nieko\u013ek\u00fdch frontoch. V prv\u00fdch mesiacoch roku 1944 za\u010dali \u010d\u00ednske a americk\u00e9 jednotky NCAC, ktor\u00fdm velil Ameri\u010dan [1] Joseph Stilwell [1], predl\u017eova\u0165 [2] Ledo Road [2] z Indie na sever. Barma, zatia\u013e \u010do [3] XV. zbor [3] za\u010dal postup pozd\u013a\u017e pobre\u017eia v provincii Arakan. Vo febru\u00e1ri 1944 podnikli Japonci miestny proti\u00fatok v Arakane. Po skor\u00fdch japonsk\u00fdch \u00faspechoch bol tento proti\u00fatok porazen\u00fd, ke\u010f indick\u00e9 div\u00edzie [4] XV. zboru [4] pevne st\u00e1li a spoliehali sa na to, \u017ee lietadl\u00e1 bud\u00fa zhadzova\u0165 z\u00e1soby izolovan\u00fdm predsunut\u00fdm jednotk\u00e1m, k\u00fdm ich z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00e9 div\u00edzie nevyslobodia."