280 lines
12 KiB
280 lines
12 KiB
import json
import requests
import logging
import time
import re
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from langchain.chains import SequentialChain
from langchain.chains import LLMChain, SequentialChain
from langchain_huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain_elasticsearch import ElasticsearchStore
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from googletrans import Translator # Translator for final polishing
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Load configuration
config_file_path = "config.json"
with open(config_file_path, 'r') as config_file:
config = json.load(config_file)
# Load Mistral API key
mistral_api_key = "hXDC4RBJk1qy5pOlrgr01GtOlmyCBaNs"
if not mistral_api_key:
raise ValueError("Mistral API key not found in configuration.")
# Function to translate entire text to Slovak #
translator = Translator()
def translate_to_slovak(text: str) -> str:
Translates the entire text into Slovak.
Logs the text before and after translation.
if not text.strip():
return text
# 1) Slovak (or any language) -> English
mid_result = translator.translate(text, src='auto', dest='en').text
# 2) English -> Slovak
final_result = translator.translate(mid_result, src='en', dest='sk').text
return final_result
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Translation error: {e}")
return text # fallback to the original text
# Custom Mistral LLM #
class CustomMistralLLM:
def __init__(self, api_key: str, endpoint_url: str, model_name: str):
self.api_key = api_key
self.endpoint_url = endpoint_url
self.model_name = model_name
def generate_text(self, prompt: str, max_tokens=512, temperature=0.7, retries=3, delay=2):
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = {
"model": self.model_name,
"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],
"max_tokens": max_tokens,
"temperature": temperature
attempt = 0
while attempt < retries:
response = requests.post(self.endpoint_url, headers=headers, json=payload)
result = response.json()
logger.info(f"Full response from model {self.model_name}: {result}")
return result.get("choices", [{}])[0].get("message", {}).get("content", "No response")
except HTTPError as e:
if response.status_code == 429: # Too Many Requests
logger.warning(f"Rate limit exceeded. Waiting {delay} seconds before retry.")
attempt += 1
logger.error(f"HTTP Error: {e}")
raise e
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error: {str(e)}")
raise e
raise Exception("Reached maximum number of retries for API request")
# Initialize embeddings and Elasticsearch store #
logger.info("Loading HuggingFaceEmbeddings model...")
embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2")
index_name = 'drug_docs'
# Connect to Elasticsearch
if config.get("useCloud", False):
logger.info("Using cloud Elasticsearch.")
cloud_id = "tt:dXMtZWFzdC0yLmF3cy5lbGFzdGljLWNsb3VkLmNvbTo0NDMkOGM3ODQ0ZWVhZTEyNGY3NmFjNjQyNDFhNjI4NmVhYzMkZTI3YjlkNTQ0ODdhNGViNmEyMTcxMjMxNmJhMWI0ZGU="
vectorstore = ElasticsearchStore(
logger.info("Using local Elasticsearch.")
vectorstore = ElasticsearchStore(
logger.info(f"Connected to {'cloud' if config.get('useCloud', False) else 'local'} Elasticsearch.")
# Initialize Mistral models (small & large) #
llm_small = CustomMistralLLM(
llm_large = CustomMistralLLM(
# Helper function to evaluate model output #
def evaluate_results(query, summaries, model_name):
Evaluates results by:
- text length,
- presence of query keywords, etc.
Returns a rating and explanation.
query_keywords = query.split()
total_score = 0
explanation = []
for i, summary in enumerate(summaries):
# Length-based scoring
length_score = min(len(summary) / 100, 10)
total_score += length_score
explanation.append(f"Document {i+1}: Length score - {length_score}")
# Keyword-based scoring
keyword_matches = sum(1 for word in query_keywords if word.lower() in summary.lower())
keyword_score = min(keyword_matches * 2, 10)
total_score += keyword_score
explanation.append(f"Document {i+1}: Keyword match score - {keyword_score}")
final_score = total_score / len(summaries) if summaries else 0
explanation_summary = "\n".join(explanation)
logger.info(f"Evaluation for model {model_name}: {final_score}/10")
return {"rating": round(final_score, 2), "explanation": explanation_summary}
# Main function: process_query_with_mistral (Slovak prompt) #
def process_query_with_mistral(query, k=10):
logger.info("Processing query started.")
# --- Vector search ---
vector_results = vectorstore.similarity_search(query, k=k)
vector_documents = [hit.metadata.get('text', '') for hit in vector_results]
max_docs = 5
max_doc_length = 1000
vector_documents = [doc[:max_doc_length] for doc in vector_documents[:max_docs]]
if vector_documents:
# Slovak prompt
vector_prompt = (
f"Otázka: '{query}'.\n"
"Na základe nasledujúcich informácií o liekoch:\n"
"Prosím, uveďte tri najvhodnejšie lieky alebo riešenia. Pre každý liek uveďte jeho názov a stručné, jasné vysvetlenie, prečo je vhodný. "
"Odpovedajte priamo a ľudským, priateľským tónom v číslovanom zozname, bez nepotrebných úvodných fráz alebo opisu procesu. "
"Odpoveď musí byť v slovenčine."
summary_small_vector = llm_small.generate_text(prompt=vector_prompt, max_tokens=700, temperature=0.7)
summary_large_vector = llm_large.generate_text(prompt=vector_prompt, max_tokens=700, temperature=0.7)
splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=200, chunk_overlap=20)
split_summary_small_vector = splitter.split_text(summary_small_vector)
split_summary_large_vector = splitter.split_text(summary_large_vector)
small_vector_eval = evaluate_results(query, split_summary_small_vector, 'Mistral Small')
large_vector_eval = evaluate_results(query, split_summary_large_vector, 'Mistral Large')
small_vector_eval = {"rating": 0, "explanation": "No results"}
large_vector_eval = {"rating": 0, "explanation": "No results"}
summary_small_vector = ""
summary_large_vector = ""
# --- Text search ---
es_results = vectorstore.client.search(
body={"size": k, "query": {"match": {"text": query}}}
text_documents = [hit['_source'].get('text', '') for hit in es_results['hits']['hits']]
text_documents = [doc[:max_doc_length] for doc in text_documents[:max_docs]]
if text_documents:
# Slovak prompt
text_prompt = (
f"Otázka: '{query}'.\n"
"Na základe nasledujúcich informácií o liekoch:\n"
"Prosím, uveďte tri najvhodnejšie lieky alebo riešenia. Pre každý liek uveďte jeho názov a stručné, jasné vysvetlenie, prečo je vhodný. "
"Odpovedajte priamo a ľudským, priateľským tónom v číslovanom zozname, bez nepotrebných úvodných fráz alebo opisu procesu. "
"Odpoveď musí byť v slovenčine."
summary_small_text = llm_small.generate_text(prompt=text_prompt, max_tokens=700, temperature=0.7)
summary_large_text = llm_large.generate_text(prompt=text_prompt, max_tokens=700, temperature=0.7)
split_summary_small_text = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=200, chunk_overlap=20).split_text(summary_small_text)
split_summary_large_text = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=200, chunk_overlap=20).split_text(summary_large_text)
small_text_eval = evaluate_results(query, split_summary_small_text, 'Mistral Small')
large_text_eval = evaluate_results(query, split_summary_large_text, 'Mistral Large')
small_text_eval = {"rating": 0, "explanation": "No results"}
large_text_eval = {"rating": 0, "explanation": "No results"}
summary_small_text = ""
summary_large_text = ""
# Combine all results and pick the best
all_results = [
{"eval": small_vector_eval, "summary": summary_small_vector, "model": "Mistral Small Vector"},
{"eval": large_vector_eval, "summary": summary_large_vector, "model": "Mistral Large Vector"},
{"eval": small_text_eval, "summary": summary_small_text, "model": "Mistral Small Text"},
{"eval": large_text_eval, "summary": summary_large_text, "model": "Mistral Large Text"},
best_result = max(all_results, key=lambda x: x["eval"]["rating"])
logger.info(f"Best result from model {best_result['model']} with score {best_result['eval']['rating']}.")
# Final translation to Slovak (with logs before/after)
polished_answer = translate_to_slovak(best_result["summary"])
return {
"best_answer": polished_answer,
"model": best_result["model"],
"rating": best_result["eval"]["rating"],
"explanation": best_result["eval"]["explanation"]
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error: {str(e)}")
return {
"best_answer": "An error occurred during query processing.",
"error": str(e)