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Macko 4 weeks ago
  1. 159


@ -1,142 +1,55 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "snake.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define FOOD_COUNT 3
#define MAX_SNAKE_LENGTH 100
// Define the direction constants
#define UP 0
#define LEFT 1
#define DOWN 2
#define RIGHT 3
struct state {
int width;
int height;
int snake_length;
int snake_x[MAX_SNAKE_LENGTH];
int snake_y[MAX_SNAKE_LENGTH];
int foodx[FOOD_COUNT];
int foody[FOOD_COUNT];
int sx;
int sy;
// Function prototypes
void init_state(struct state* state, int width, int height);
void draw_state(struct state* state);
void process_input(struct state* state);
int step_state(struct state* state);
void generate_food(struct state* state);
int is_snake(struct state* state, int x, int y);
void free_snake(struct state* state);
// Add a new segment to the snake
void add_snake(struct state* state, int x, int y) {
state->snake_x[state->snake_length] = x;
state->snake_y[state->snake_length] = y;
// Check if the given position is occupied by the snake
int is_snake(struct state* state, int x, int y) {
for (int i = 0; i < state->snake_length; i++) {
if (state->snake_x[i] == x && state->snake_y[i] == y) {
return 1;
// Pridá novú odmenu na náhodnú voľnú pozíciu v rámci hracej plochy
void add_food(struct state* state) {
int placed = 0;
while (!placed) {
int x = rand() % state->width;
int y = rand() % state->height;
if (!is_snake(state->snake, x, y)) {
state->foodx[state->foods] = x;
state->foody[state->foods] = y;
placed = 1;
return 0;
// Free the memory allocated for the snake
void free_snake(struct state* state) {
// No dynamic memory allocation for the snake in this implementation
// Move the snake by one step
int step_state(struct state* state) {
// Move the snake body
for (int i = state->snake_length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
state->snake_x[i] = state->snake_x[i - 1];
state->snake_y[i] = state->snake_y[i - 1];
// Move the snake head
state->snake_x[0] += state->sx;
state->snake_y[0] += state->sy;
// Vypočíta novú pozíciu hlavy hada
int new_x = state->snake->x + state->sx;
int new_y = state->snake->y + state->sy;
// Check for collisions with walls
if (state->snake_x[0] < 0 || state->snake_x[0] >= state->width ||
state->snake_y[0] < 0 || state->snake_y[0] >= state->height) {
return 1; // Collision with wall
// Overí, či je nová pozícia mimo hracej plochy
if (new_x < 0 || new_x >= state->width || new_y < 0 || new_y >= state->height) {
return END_WALL;
// Check for collisions with itself
for (int i = 1; i < state->snake_length; i++) {
if (state->snake_x[i] == state->snake_x[0] && state->snake_y[i] == state->snake_y[0]) {
return 2; // Collision with itself
// Overí, či je nová pozícia na tele hada
if (is_snake(state->snake, new_x, new_y)) {
return END_SNAKE;
// Check for collisions with food
// Overí, či je na novej pozícii odmena
for (int i = 0; i < FOOD_COUNT; i++) {
if (state->snake_x[0] == state->foodx[i] && state->snake_y[0] == state->foody[i]) {
// Increase the snake length
if (state->snake_length >= MAX_SNAKE_LENGTH) {
return 3; // Snake length exceeds the maximum
if (state->foodx[i] == new_x && state->foody[i] == new_y) {
state->foodx[i] = -1;
state->foody[i] = -1;
add_food(state); // Pridá novú odmenu
state->snake = add_snake(state->snake, new_x, new_y);
if (state->foods_eaten == FOOD_COUNT) {
return END_FOOD;
} else {
// Move the food to a new random position
state->foodx[i] = rand() % state->width;
state->foody[i] = rand() % state->height;
return 0; // Food eaten
return 0; // No collision
void init_state(struct state* state, int width, int height) {
state->width = width;
state->height = height;
state->snake_length = 1;
state->snake_x[0] = width / 2;
state->snake_y[0] = height / 2;
state->sx = 0;
state->sy = -1; // Start moving upward
for (int i = 0; i < FOOD_COUNT; i++) {
state->foodx[i] = rand() % width;
state->foody[i] = rand() % height;
void generate_food(struct state* state) {
for (int i = 0; i < FOOD_COUNT; i++) {
state->foodx[i] = rand() % state->width;
state->foody[i] = rand() % state->height;
// Odstráni poslednú časť hada
state->snake = add_snake(state->snake, new_x, new_y);
state->snake = remove_snake(state->snake);
void draw_state(struct state* state) {
for (int y = 0; y < state->height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < state->width; x++) {
if (x == state->snake_x[0] && y == state->snake_y[0]) {
printf("H"); // Snake head
} else if (is_snake(state, x, y)) {
printf("S"); // Snake body
} else {
int is_food = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FOOD_COUNT; i++) {
if (state->foodx[i] == x && state->foody[i] == y) {
is_food = 1;
printf(is_food ? "F" : ".");
