266 lines
7.7 KiB
266 lines
7.7 KiB
$(function() {
"use strict";
// ==============================================================
// Product Sales
// ==============================================================
new Chartist.Bar('.ct-chart-product', {
labels: ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4'],
series: [
[800000, 1200000, 1400000, 1300000],
[200000, 400000, 500000, 300000],
[100000, 200000, 400000, 600000]
}, {
stackBars: true,
axisY: {
labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
return (value / 1000) + 'k';
}).on('draw', function(data) {
if (data.type === 'bar') {
style: 'stroke-width: 40px'
// ==============================================================
// Product Category
// ==============================================================
var chart = new Chartist.Pie('.ct-chart-category', {
series: [60, 30, 30],
labels: ['Bananas', 'Apples', 'Grapes']
}, {
donut: true,
showLabel: false,
donutWidth: 40
chart.on('draw', function(data) {
if (data.type === 'slice') {
// Get the total path length in order to use for dash array animation
var pathLength = data.element._node.getTotalLength();
// Set a dasharray that matches the path length as prerequisite to animate dashoffset
'stroke-dasharray': pathLength + 'px ' + pathLength + 'px'
// Create animation definition while also assigning an ID to the animation for later sync usage
var animationDefinition = {
'stroke-dashoffset': {
id: 'anim' + data.index,
dur: 1000,
from: -pathLength + 'px',
to: '0px',
easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint,
// We need to use `fill: 'freeze'` otherwise our animation will fall back to initial (not visible)
fill: 'freeze'
// If this was not the first slice, we need to time the animation so that it uses the end sync event of the previous animation
if (data.index !== 0) {
animationDefinition['stroke-dashoffset'].begin = 'anim' + (data.index - 1) + '.end';
// We need to set an initial value before the animation starts as we are not in guided mode which would do that for us
'stroke-dashoffset': -pathLength + 'px'
// We can't use guided mode as the animations need to rely on setting begin manually
// See http://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/api-documentation.html#chartistsvg-function-animate
data.element.animate(animationDefinition, false);
// For the sake of the example we update the chart every time it's created with a delay of 8 seconds
// ==============================================================
// Customer acquisition
// ==============================================================
var chart = new Chartist.Line('.ct-chart', {
labels: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed'],
series: [
[1, 5, 2, 5],
[2, 3, 4, 8]
}, {
low: 0,
showArea: true,
showPoint: false,
fullWidth: true
chart.on('draw', function(data) {
if (data.type === 'line' || data.type === 'area') {
d: {
begin: 2000 * data.index,
dur: 2000,
from: data.path.clone().scale(1, 0).translate(0, data.chartRect.height()).stringify(),
to: data.path.clone().stringify(),
easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint
// ==============================================================
// Revenue Cards
// ==============================================================
$("#sparkline-revenue").sparkline([5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 5, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 7], {
type: 'line',
width: '99.5%',
height: '100',
lineColor: '#5969ff',
fillColor: '#dbdeff',
lineWidth: 2,
spotColor: undefined,
minSpotColor: undefined,
maxSpotColor: undefined,
highlightSpotColor: undefined,
highlightLineColor: undefined,
resize: true
$("#sparkline-revenue2").sparkline([3, 7, 6, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 5, 2, 3, 1], {
type: 'line',
width: '99.5%',
height: '100',
lineColor: '#ff407b',
fillColor: '#ffdbe6',
lineWidth: 2,
spotColor: undefined,
minSpotColor: undefined,
maxSpotColor: undefined,
highlightSpotColor: undefined,
highlightLineColor: undefined,
resize: true
$("#sparkline-revenue3").sparkline([5, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1], {
type: 'line',
width: '99.5%',
height: '100',
lineColor: '#25d5f2',
fillColor: '#dffaff',
lineWidth: 2,
spotColor: undefined,
minSpotColor: undefined,
maxSpotColor: undefined,
highlightSpotColor: undefined,
highlightLineColor: undefined,
resize: true
$("#sparkline-revenue4").sparkline([6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 8, 6, 4, 5, 1], {
type: 'line',
width: '99.5%',
height: '100',
lineColor: '#fec957',
fillColor: '#fff2d5',
lineWidth: 2,
spotColor: undefined,
minSpotColor: undefined,
maxSpotColor: undefined,
highlightSpotColor: undefined,
highlightLineColor: undefined,
resize: true,
// ==============================================================
// Total Revenue
// ==============================================================
element: 'morris_totalrevenue',
behaveLikeLine: true,
data: [
{ x: '2016 Q1', y: 0, },
{ x: '2016 Q2', y: 7500, },
{ x: '2017 Q3', y: 15000, },
{ x: '2017 Q4', y: 22500, },
{ x: '2018 Q5', y: 30000, },
{ x: '2018 Q6', y: 40000, }
xkey: 'x',
ykeys: ['y'],
labels: ['Y'],
lineColors: ['#5969ff'],
resize: true
// ==============================================================
// Revenue By Categories
// ==============================================================
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: "#c3chart_category",
data: {
columns: [
['Men', 100],
['Women', 80],
['Accessories', 50],
['Children', 40],
['Apperal', 20],
type: 'donut',
onclick: function(d, i) { console.log("onclick", d, i); },
onmouseover: function(d, i) { console.log("onmouseover", d, i); },
onmouseout: function(d, i) { console.log("onmouseout", d, i); },
colors: {
Men: '#5969ff',
Women: '#ff407b',
Accessories: '#25d5f2',
Children: '#ffc750',
Apperal: '#2ec551',
donut: {
label: {
show: false