const inputText = document.getElementById('inputText'); const videoPlayer = document.getElementById('translationVideo'); const translateWordsBtn = document.getElementById('translateWordsBtn'); const translateLettersBtn = document.getElementById('translateLettersBtn'); const prevBtn = document.getElementById('prevBtn'); const nextBtn = document.getElementById('nextBtn'); let videoSequence = []; let currentIndex = 0; let autoPlayEnabled = true; function videoExists(src) { return new Promise(resolve => { const video = document.createElement('video'); video.src = src; video.onloadeddata = () => resolve(true); video.onerror = () => resolve(false); }); } async function loadVideoSequenceByWords() { const words = inputText.value.trim().split(' '); videoSequence = []; for (const word of words) { const videoSrc = `video/${word.toLowerCase()}.mp4`; if (await videoExists(videoSrc)) { videoSequence.push(videoSrc); } } currentIndex = 0; } async function loadVideoSequenceByLetters() { const characters = inputText.value.trim().split(''); videoSequence = []; for (const char of characters) { if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(char)) { const videoSrc = `video/pismena/${char.toLowerCase()}.mp4`; if (await videoExists(videoSrc)) { videoSequence.push(videoSrc); } } } currentIndex = 0; } function playVideoAtIndex(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= videoSequence.length) return; videoPlayer.src = videoSequence[index];; currentIndex = index; // Update the title with the current letter or word const currentChar = videoSequence[index].split('/').pop().split('.')[0]; // Extract letter from the video path document.getElementById('currentLetter').innerText = `Po písmenách ${currentChar.toUpperCase()}`; // Update text if (autoPlayEnabled) { videoPlayer.onended = () => { currentIndex++; if (currentIndex < videoSequence.length) { playVideoAtIndex(currentIndex); } else { autoPlayEnabled = false; } }; } else { videoPlayer.onended = null; } } translateWordsBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => { autoPlayEnabled = true; await loadVideoSequenceByWords(); if (videoSequence.length > 0) { playVideoAtIndex(currentIndex); } }); translateLettersBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => { autoPlayEnabled = true; await loadVideoSequenceByLetters(); if (videoSequence.length > 0) { playVideoAtIndex(currentIndex); } }); prevBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { if (currentIndex > 0) { autoPlayEnabled = false; currentIndex--; playVideoAtIndex(currentIndex); } }); nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { if (currentIndex < videoSequence.length - 1) { autoPlayEnabled = false; currentIndex++; playVideoAtIndex(currentIndex); } }); function hideControls() { if (!videoPlayer.matches(':hover')) { videoPlayer.controls = false; } requestAnimationFrame(hideControls); } videoPlayer.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { videoPlayer.controls = true; }); hideControls();