 * Copyright (c) 2012-2020 MIRACL UK Ltd.
 * This file is part of MIRACL Core
 * (see https://github.com/miracl/core).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef FP2_BLS48286_H
#define FP2_BLS48286_H

#include "fp_BLS48286.h"

using namespace core;

namespace BLS48286 {

	@brief FP2 Structure - quadratic extension field

typedef struct
    FP a; /**< real part of FP2 */
    FP b; /**< imaginary part of FP2 */
} FP2;

/* FP2 prototypes */

/**	@brief Tests for FP2 equal to zero
	@param x FP2 number to be tested
	@return 1 if zero, else returns 0
extern int FP2_iszilch(FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Tests for lexically larger 
	@param x FP2 number to be tested if larger than -x
	@return 1 if larger, else returns 0
extern int FP2_islarger(FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Serialize out FP2  
    @param b buffer for output
	@param x FP2 number to be serialized
extern void FP2_toBytes(char *b,FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Serialize in FP2  
	@param x FP2 number to be serialized
    @param b buffer for input
extern void FP2_fromBytes(FP2 *x,char *b);

/**	@brief Conditional copy of FP2 number
	Conditionally copies second parameter to the first (without branching)
	@param x FP2 instance, set to y if s!=0
	@param y another FP2 instance
	@param s copy only takes place if not equal to 0
extern void FP2_cmove(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, int s);
/**	@brief Tests for FP2 equal to one
	@param x FP2 instance to be tested
	@return 1 if x=1, else returns 0
extern int FP2_isunity(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Tests for equality of two FP2s
	@param x FP2 instance to be compared
	@param y FP2 instance to be compared
	@return 1 if x=y, else returns 0
extern int FP2_equals(FP2 *x, FP2 *y);
/**	@brief Initialise FP2 from two FP numbers
	@param x FP2 instance to be initialised
	@param a FP to form real part of FP2
	@param b FP to form imaginary part of FP2
extern void FP2_from_FPs(FP2 *x, FP *a, FP *b);
/**	@brief Initialise FP2 from two BIG integers
	@param x FP2 instance to be initialised
	@param a BIG to form real part of FP2
	@param b BIG to form imaginary part of FP2
extern void FP2_from_BIGs(FP2 *x, B288_60::BIG a, B288_60::BIG b);

/**	@brief Initialise FP2 from two integers
	@param x FP2 instance to be initialised
	@param a int to form real part of FP2
	@param b int to form imaginary part of FP2
extern void FP2_from_ints(FP2 *x, int a, int b);

/**	@brief Initialise FP2 from single FP
	Imaginary part is set to zero
	@param x FP2 instance to be initialised
	@param an FP to form real part of FP2
extern void FP2_from_FP(FP2 *x, FP *a);
/**	@brief Initialise FP2 from single BIG
	Imaginary part is set to zero
	@param x FP2 instance to be initialised
	@param a BIG to form real part of FP2
extern void FP2_from_BIG(FP2 *x, B288_60::BIG a);
/**	@brief Copy FP2 to another FP2
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y
	@param y FP2 instance to be copied
extern void FP2_copy(FP2 *x, FP2 *y);
/**	@brief Set FP2 to zero
	@param x FP2 instance to be set to zero
extern void FP2_zero(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Set FP2 to unity
	@param x FP2 instance to be set to one
extern void FP2_one(FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Copy from ROM to an FP2
	@param w FP2 number to be copied to
	@param a BIG real part to be copied from ROM
	@param b BIG imag part to be copied from ROM
extern void FP2_rcopy(FP2 *w,const B288_60::BIG a,const B288_60::BIG b);

/**	@brief Sign of FP2
	@param x FP2 instance
	@return "sign" of FP2
extern int FP2_sign(FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Negation of FP2
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = -y
	@param y FP2 instance
extern void FP2_neg(FP2 *x, FP2 *y);

/**	@brief Conjugation of FP2
	If y=(a,b) on exit x=(a,-b)
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = conj(y)
	@param y FP2 instance
extern void FP2_conj(FP2 *x, FP2 *y);
/**	@brief addition of two FP2s
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y+z
	@param y FP2 instance
	@param z FP2 instance
extern void FP2_add(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, FP2 *z);
/**	@brief subtraction of two FP2s
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y-z
	@param y FP2 instance
	@param z FP2 instance
extern void FP2_sub(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, FP2 *z);
/**	@brief Multiplication of an FP2 by an FP
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y*b
	@param y FP2 instance
	@param b FP residue
extern void FP2_pmul(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, FP *b);
/**	@brief Multiplication of an FP2 by a small integer
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y*i
	@param y FP2 instance
	@param i an integer
extern void FP2_imul(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, int i);
/**	@brief Squaring an FP2
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y^2
	@param y FP2 instance
extern void FP2_sqr(FP2 *x, FP2 *y);
/**	@brief Multiplication of two FP2s
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y*z
	@param y FP2 instance
	@param z FP2 instance
extern void FP2_mul(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, FP2 *z);
/**	@brief Formats and outputs an FP2 to the console
	@param x FP2 instance
extern void FP2_output(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Formats and outputs an FP2 to the console in raw form (for debugging)
	@param x FP2 instance
extern void FP2_rawoutput(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Inverting an FP2
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = 1/y
	@param y FP2 instance
extern void FP2_inv(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, FP *h);
/**	@brief Divide an FP2 by 2
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y/2
	@param y FP2 instance
    @param h optional input hint
extern void FP2_div2(FP2 *x, FP2 *y);
/**	@brief Multiply an FP2 by (1+sqrt(-1))
	Note that (1+sqrt(-1)) is irreducible for FP4
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = x*(1+sqrt(-1))
extern void FP2_mul_ip(FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Divide an FP2 by (1+sqrt(-1))
	Note that (1+sqrt(-1)) is irreducible for FP4
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = x/(1+sqrt(-1))
extern void FP2_div_ip(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Normalises the components of an FP2
	@param x FP2 instance to be normalised
extern void FP2_norm(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Reduces all components of possibly unreduced FP2 mod Modulus
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit reduced mod Modulus
extern void FP2_reduce(FP2 *x);
/**	@brief Raises an FP2 to the power of a BIG
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = y^b
	@param y FP2 instance
	@param b BIG number
extern void FP2_pow(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, B288_60::BIG b);

/**	@brief Test FP2 for QR
	@param x FP2 instance
    @param h optional generated hint
	@return true or false
extern int FP2_qr(FP2 *x,FP *h);

/**	@brief Square root of an FP2
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = sqrt(y)
	@param y FP2 instance
    @param h optional input hint
extern void FP2_sqrt(FP2 *x, FP2 *y, FP *h);

/**	@brief Multiply an FP2 by sqrt(-1)
	Note that -1 is QNR
	@param x FP2 instance, on exit = x*sqrt(-1)
extern void FP2_times_i(FP2 *x);

/**	@brief Generate random FP2
	@param x random FP2 number
	@param rng random number generator
extern void FP2_rand(FP2 *x, core::csprng *rng);

