/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2020 MIRACL UK Ltd. * * This file is part of MIRACL Core * (see https://github.com/miracl/core). * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* CORE Elliptic Curve Functions */ /* SU=m, SU is Stack Usage (Weierstrass Curves) */ //#define HAS_MAIN #include "ecp_ZZZ.h" using namespace XXX; using namespace YYY; /* test for P=O point-at-infinity */ int ZZZ::ECP_isinf(ECP *P) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==EDWARDS return (FP_iszilch(&(P->x)) && FP_equals(&(P->y), &(P->z))); #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS return (FP_iszilch(&(P->x)) && FP_iszilch(&(P->z))); #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY return FP_iszilch(&(P->z)); #endif } /* Conditional swap of P and Q dependant on d */ static void ECP_cswap(ZZZ::ECP *P, ZZZ::ECP *Q, int d) { FP_cswap(&(P->x), &(Q->x), d); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_cswap(&(P->y), &(Q->y), d); #endif FP_cswap(&(P->z), &(Q->z), d); } #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY /* Conditional move Q to P dependant on d */ static void ECP_cmove(ZZZ::ECP *P, ZZZ::ECP *Q, int d) { FP_cmove(&(P->x), &(Q->x), d); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_cmove(&(P->y), &(Q->y), d); #endif FP_cmove(&(P->z), &(Q->z), d); } /* return 1 if b==c, no branching */ static int teq(sign32 b, sign32 c) { sign32 x = b ^ c; x -= 1; // if x=0, x now -1 return (int)((x >> 31) & 1); } #endif // CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY /* Constant time select from pre-computed table */ static void ECP_select(ZZZ::ECP *P, ZZZ::ECP W[], sign32 b) { ZZZ::ECP MP; sign32 m = b >> 31; sign32 babs = (b ^ m) - m; babs = (babs - 1) / 2; ECP_cmove(P, &W[0], teq(babs, 0)); // conditional move ECP_cmove(P, &W[1], teq(babs, 1)); ECP_cmove(P, &W[2], teq(babs, 2)); ECP_cmove(P, &W[3], teq(babs, 3)); ECP_cmove(P, &W[4], teq(babs, 4)); ECP_cmove(P, &W[5], teq(babs, 5)); ECP_cmove(P, &W[6], teq(babs, 6)); ECP_cmove(P, &W[7], teq(babs, 7)); ECP_copy(&MP, P); ECP_neg(&MP); // minus P ECP_cmove(P, &MP, (int)(m & 1)); } #endif /* Test P == Q */ /* SU=168 */ int ZZZ::ECP_equals(ECP *P, ECP *Q) { FP a, b; FP_mul(&a, &(P->x), &(Q->z)); FP_mul(&b, &(Q->x), &(P->z)); if (!FP_equals(&a, &b)) return 0; #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_mul(&a, &(P->y), &(Q->z)); FP_mul(&b, &(Q->y), &(P->z)); if (!FP_equals(&a, &b)) return 0; #endif return 1; } /* Set P=Q */ /* SU=16 */ void ZZZ::ECP_copy(ECP *P, ECP *Q) { FP_copy(&(P->x), &(Q->x)); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_copy(&(P->y), &(Q->y)); #endif FP_copy(&(P->z), &(Q->z)); } /* Set P=-Q */ #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY /* SU=8 */ void ZZZ::ECP_neg(ECP *P) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS FP_neg(&(P->y), &(P->y)); FP_norm(&(P->y)); #else FP_neg(&(P->x), &(P->x)); FP_norm(&(P->x)); #endif } #endif /* Set P=O */ void ZZZ::ECP_inf(ECP *P) { FP_zero(&(P->x)); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_one(&(P->y)); #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=EDWARDS FP_zero(&(P->z)); #else FP_one(&(P->z)); #endif } /* Calculate right Hand Side of curve equation y^2=RHS */ /* SU=56 */ void ZZZ::ECP_rhs(FP *v, FP *x) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS /* x^3+Ax+B */ FP t; FP_sqr(&t, x); FP_mul(&t, &t, x); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == -3 FP_neg(v, x); FP_norm(v); FP_imul(v, v, -CURVE_A_ZZZ); FP_norm(v); FP_add(v, &t, v); #else FP_copy(v, &t); #endif FP_rcopy(&t, CURVE_B); FP_add(v, &t, v); FP_reduce(v); #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==EDWARDS /* (Ax^2-1)/(Bx^2-1) */ FP t, one; FP_sqr(v, x); FP_one(&one); FP_rcopy(&t, CURVE_B); FP_mul(&t, v, &t); FP_sub(&t, &t, &one); FP_norm(&t); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == 1 FP_sub(v, v, &one); #endif #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == -1 FP_add(v, v, &one); FP_norm(v); FP_neg(v, v); #endif FP_norm(v); FP_inv(&t, &t, NULL); FP_mul(v, v, &t); FP_reduce(v); #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY /* x^3+Ax^2+x */ FP x2, x3; FP_sqr(&x2, x); FP_mul(&x3, &x2, x); FP_copy(v, x); FP_imul(&x2, &x2, CURVE_A_ZZZ); FP_add(v, v, &x2); FP_add(v, v, &x3); FP_reduce(v); #endif } /* Set P=(x,y) */ #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY /* Set P=(x,{y}) */ int ZZZ::ECP_set(ECP *P, BIG x) { FP rhs; FP_nres(&rhs, x); ECP_rhs(&rhs, &rhs); if (!FP_qr(&rhs,NULL)) { ECP_inf(P); return 0; } FP_nres(&(P->x), x); FP_one(&(P->z)); return 1; } /* Extract x coordinate as BIG */ int ZZZ::ECP_get(BIG x, ECP *P) { ECP W; ECP_copy(&W, P); ECP_affine(&W); if (ECP_isinf(&W)) return -1; FP_redc(x, &(W.x)); return 0; } #else /* Extract (x,y) and return sign of y. If x and y are the same return only x */ /* SU=16 */ int ZZZ::ECP_get(BIG x, BIG y, ECP *P) { ECP W; ECP_copy(&W, P); ECP_affine(&W); if (ECP_isinf(&W)) return -1; FP_redc(y, &(W.y)); FP_redc(x, &(W.x)); return FP_sign(&(W.y)); } /* Set P=(x,{y}) */ /* SU=96 */ int ZZZ::ECP_set(ECP *P, BIG x, BIG y) { FP rhs, y2; FP_nres(&y2, y); FP_sqr(&y2, &y2); FP_reduce(&y2); FP_nres(&rhs, x); ECP_rhs(&rhs, &rhs); if (!FP_equals(&y2, &rhs)) { ECP_inf(P); return 0; } FP_nres(&(P->x), x); FP_nres(&(P->y), y); FP_one(&(P->z)); return 1; } /* Set P=(x,y), where y is calculated from x with sign s */ /* SU=136 */ int ZZZ::ECP_setx(ECP *P, BIG x, int s) { FP rhs,hint; FP_nres(&rhs, x); ECP_rhs(&rhs, &rhs); if (!FP_qr(&rhs,&hint)) { ECP_inf(P); return 0; } FP_nres(&(P->x), x); FP_sqrt(&(P->y), &rhs, &hint); if (FP_sign(&(P->y))!=s) FP_neg(&(P->y), &(P->y)); FP_reduce(&(P->y)); FP_one(&(P->z)); return 1; } #endif /* Convert P to Affine, from (x,y,z) to (x,y) */ /* SU=160 */ void ZZZ::ECP_affine(ECP *P) { FP one, iz; if (ECP_isinf(P)) return; FP_one(&one); if (FP_equals(&(P->z), &one)) return; FP_inv(&iz, &(P->z), NULL); FP_mul(&(P->x), &(P->x), &iz); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==EDWARDS || CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS FP_mul(&(P->y), &(P->y), &iz); FP_reduce(&(P->y)); #endif FP_reduce(&(P->x)); FP_copy(&(P->z), &one); } /* SU=120 */ void ZZZ::ECP_outputxyz(ECP *P) { BIG x, z; if (ECP_isinf(P)) { printf("Infinity\n"); return; } FP_reduce(&(P->x)); FP_redc(x, &(P->x)); FP_reduce(&(P->z)); FP_redc(z, &(P->z)); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY BIG y; FP_reduce(&(P->y)); FP_redc(y, &(P->y)); printf("("); BIG_output(x); printf(","); BIG_output(y); printf(","); BIG_output(z); printf(")\n"); #else printf("("); BIG_output(x); printf(","); BIG_output(z); printf(")\n"); #endif } /* SU=16 */ /* Output point P */ void ZZZ::ECP_output(ECP *P) { BIG x, y; if (ECP_isinf(P)) { printf("Infinity\n"); return; } ECP_affine(P); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_reduce(&(P->x)); FP_reduce(&(P->y)); FP_redc(x, &(P->x)); FP_redc(y, &(P->y)); printf("("); BIG_output(x); printf(","); BIG_output(y); printf(")\n"); #else FP_reduce(&(P->x)); FP_redc(x, &(P->x)); printf("("); BIG_output(x); printf(")\n"); #endif } /* SU=16 */ /* Output point P */ void ZZZ::ECP_rawoutput(ECP *P) { BIG x, y, z; #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY FP_redc(x, &(P->x)); FP_redc(y, &(P->y)); FP_redc(z, &(P->z)); printf("("); BIG_output(x); printf(","); BIG_output(y); printf(","); BIG_output(z); printf(")\n"); #else FP_redc(x, &(P->x)); FP_redc(z, &(P->z)); printf("("); BIG_output(x); printf(","); BIG_output(z); printf(")\n"); #endif } /* SU=88 */ /* Convert P to octet string, compressing if desired */ void ZZZ::ECP_toOctet(octet *W, ECP *P, bool compress) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY BIG x; ECP_get(x, P); W->len = MODBYTES_XXX; // + 1; BIG_toBytes(&(W->val[0]), x); #else BIG x, y; bool alt=false; ECP_affine(P); ECP_get(x, y, P); #if (MBITS-1)%8 <= 4 #ifdef ALLOW_ALT_COMPRESS_ZZZ alt=true; #endif #endif if (alt) { BIG_toBytes(&(W->val[0]), x); if (compress) { W->len = MODBYTES_XXX; W->val[0]|=0x80; if (FP_islarger(&(P->y))==1) W->val[0]|=0x20; } else { W->len = 2 * MODBYTES_XXX; BIG_toBytes(&(W->val[MODBYTES_XXX]), y); } } else { BIG_toBytes(&(W->val[1]), x); if (compress) { W->val[0] = 0x02; if (FP_sign(&(P->y)) == 1) W->val[0] = 0x03; W->len = MODBYTES_XXX + 1; } else { W->val[0] = 0x04; W->len = 2 * MODBYTES_XXX + 1; BIG_toBytes(&(W->val[MODBYTES_XXX + 1]), y); } } #endif } /* SU=88 */ /* Restore P from octet string */ int ZZZ::ECP_fromOctet(ECP *P, octet *W) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY BIG x; BIG_fromBytes(x, &(W->val[0])); if (ECP_set(P, x)) return 1; return 0; #else BIG x, y; bool alt=false; int sgn,cmp,typ = W->val[0]; #if (MBITS-1)%8 <= 4 #ifdef ALLOW_ALT_COMPRESS_ZZZ alt=true; #endif #endif if (alt) { W->val[0]&=0x1f; BIG_fromBytes(x, &(W->val[0])); W->val[0]=typ; if ((typ&0x80)==0) { BIG_fromBytes(y, &(W->val[MODBYTES_XXX])); if (ECP_set(P, x, y)) return 1; return 0; } else { if (!ECP_setx(P,x,0)) return 0; sgn=(typ&0x20)>>5; cmp=FP_islarger(&(P->y)); if ((sgn==1 && cmp!=1) || (sgn==0 && cmp==1)) ECP_neg(P); return 1; } } else { BIG_fromBytes(x, &(W->val[1])); if (typ == 0x04) { BIG_fromBytes(y, &(W->val[MODBYTES_XXX + 1])); if (ECP_set(P, x, y)) return 1; } if (typ == 0x02 || typ == 0x03) { if (ECP_setx(P, x, typ & 1)) return 1; } } return 0; #endif } /* Set P=2P */ /* SU=272 */ void ZZZ::ECP_dbl(ECP *P) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS FP t0, t1, t2, t3, x3, y3, z3, b; #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == 0 FP_sqr(&t0, &(P->y)); //t0.sqr(); FP_mul(&t1, &(P->y), &(P->z)); //t1.mul(z); FP_sqr(&t2, &(P->z)); //t2.sqr(); FP_add(&(P->z), &t0, &t0); //z.add(t0); FP_norm(&(P->z)); //z.norm(); FP_add(&(P->z), &(P->z), &(P->z)); //z.add(z); FP_add(&(P->z), &(P->z), &(P->z)); //z.add(z); FP_norm(&(P->z)); //z.norm(); FP_imul(&t2, &t2, 3 * CURVE_B_I); //t2.imul(3*ROM.CURVE_B_I); FP_mul(&x3, &t2, &(P->z)); //x3.mul(z); FP_add(&y3, &t0, &t2); //y3.add(t2); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm(); FP_mul(&(P->z), &(P->z), &t1); //z.mul(t1); FP_add(&t1, &t2, &t2); //t1.add(t2); FP_add(&t2, &t2, &t1); //t2.add(t1); FP_sub(&t0, &t0, &t2); //t0.sub(t2); FP_norm(&t0); //t0.norm(); FP_mul(&y3, &y3, &t0); //y3.mul(t0); FP_add(&y3, &y3, &x3); //y3.add(x3); FP_mul(&t1, &(P->x), &(P->y)); //t1.mul(y); FP_norm(&t0); //x.norm(); FP_mul(&(P->x), &t0, &t1); //x.mul(t1); FP_add(&(P->x), &(P->x), &(P->x)); //x.add(x); FP_norm(&(P->x)); //x.norm(); FP_copy(&(P->y), &y3); //y.copy(y3); FP_norm(&(P->y)); //y.norm(); #else if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) FP_rcopy(&b, CURVE_B); //b.copy(new FP(new BIG(ROM.CURVE_B))); FP_sqr(&t0, &(P->x)); //t0.sqr(); //1 x^2 FP_sqr(&t1, &(P->y)); //t1.sqr(); //2 y^2 FP_sqr(&t2, &(P->z)); //t2.sqr(); //3 FP_mul(&t3, &(P->x), &(P->y)); //t3.mul(y); //4 FP_add(&t3, &t3, &t3); //t3.add(t3); FP_norm(&t3); //t3.norm();//5 FP_mul(&z3, &(P->z), &(P->x)); //z3.mul(x); //6 FP_add(&z3, &z3, &z3); //z3.add(z3); FP_norm(&z3); //z3.norm();//7 if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) FP_mul(&y3, &t2, &b); //y3.mul(b); //8 else FP_imul(&y3, &t2, CURVE_B_I); //y3.imul(ROM.CURVE_B_I); FP_sub(&y3, &y3, &z3); //y3.sub(z3); //y3.norm(); //9 *** FP_add(&x3, &y3, &y3); //x3.add(y3); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm();//10 FP_add(&y3, &y3, &x3); //y3.add(x3); //y3.norm();//11 FP_sub(&x3, &t1, &y3); //x3.sub(y3); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm();//12 FP_add(&y3, &y3, &t1); //y3.add(t1); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm();//13 FP_mul(&y3, &y3, &x3); //y3.mul(x3); //14 FP_mul(&x3, &x3, &t3); //x3.mul(t3); //15 FP_add(&t3, &t2, &t2); //t3.add(t2); //16 FP_add(&t2, &t2, &t3); //t2.add(t3); //17 if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) FP_mul(&z3, &z3, &b); //z3.mul(b); //18 else FP_imul(&z3, &z3, CURVE_B_I); //z3.imul(ROM.CURVE_B_I); FP_sub(&z3, &z3, &t2); //z3.sub(t2); //z3.norm();//19 FP_sub(&z3, &z3, &t0); //z3.sub(t0); FP_norm(&z3); //z3.norm();//20 *** FP_add(&t3, &z3, &z3); //t3.add(z3); //t3.norm();//21 FP_add(&z3, &z3, &t3); //z3.add(t3); FP_norm(&z3); //z3.norm(); //22 FP_add(&t3, &t0, &t0); //t3.add(t0); //t3.norm(); //23 FP_add(&t0, &t0, &t3); //t0.add(t3); //t0.norm();//24 FP_sub(&t0, &t0, &t2); //t0.sub(t2); FP_norm(&t0); //t0.norm();//25 FP_mul(&t0, &t0, &z3); //t0.mul(z3);//26 FP_add(&y3, &y3, &t0); //y3.add(t0); //y3.norm();//27 FP_mul(&t0, &(P->y), &(P->z)); //t0.mul(z);//28 FP_add(&t0, &t0, &t0); //t0.add(t0); FP_norm(&t0); //t0.norm(); //29 FP_mul(&z3, &z3, &t0); //z3.mul(t0);//30 FP_sub(&(P->x), &x3, &z3); //x3.sub(z3); //x3.norm();//31 FP_add(&t0, &t0, &t0); //t0.add(t0); FP_norm(&t0); //t0.norm();//32 FP_add(&t1, &t1, &t1); //t1.add(t1); FP_norm(&t1); //t1.norm();//33 FP_mul(&(P->z), &t0, &t1); //z3.mul(t1);//34 FP_norm(&(P->x)); //x.norm(); FP_copy(&(P->y), &y3); //y.copy(y3); FP_norm(&(P->y)); //y.norm(); FP_norm(&(P->z)); //z.norm(); #endif #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==EDWARDS /* Not using square for multiplication swap, as (1) it needs more adds, and (2) it triggers more reductions */ FP C, D, H, J; FP_sqr(&C, &(P->x)); //C.sqr(); FP_mul(&(P->x), &(P->x), &(P->y)); //x.mul(y); FP_add(&(P->x), &(P->x), &(P->x)); //x.add(x); FP_norm(&(P->x)); //x.norm(); FP_sqr(&D, &(P->y)); //D.sqr(); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == -1 FP_neg(&C, &C); // C.neg(); #endif FP_add(&(P->y), &C, &D); //y.add(D); FP_norm(&(P->y)); //y.norm(); FP_sqr(&H, &(P->z)); //H.sqr(); FP_add(&H, &H, &H); //H.add(H); FP_sub(&J, &(P->y), &H); //J.sub(H); FP_norm(&J); //J.norm(); FP_mul(&(P->x), &(P->x), &J); //x.mul(J); FP_sub(&C, &C, &D); //C.sub(D); FP_norm(&C); //C.norm(); FP_mul(&(P->z), &(P->y), &J); //z.mul(J); FP_mul(&(P->y), &(P->y), &C); //y.mul(C); #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY FP A, B, AA, BB, C; FP_add(&A, &(P->x), &(P->z)); //A.add(z); FP_norm(&A); //A.norm(); FP_sqr(&AA, &A); //AA.sqr(); FP_sub(&B, &(P->x), &(P->z)); //B.sub(z); FP_norm(&B); //B.norm(); FP_sqr(&BB, &B); //BB.sqr(); FP_sub(&C, &AA, &BB); //C.sub(BB); FP_norm(&C); //C.norm(); FP_mul(&(P->x), &AA, &BB); //x.mul(BB); FP_imul(&A, &C, (CURVE_A_ZZZ + 2) / 4); //A.imul((ROM.CURVE_A+2)/4); FP_add(&BB, &BB, &A); //BB.add(A); FP_norm(&BB); //BB.norm(); FP_mul(&(P->z), &BB, &C); //z.mul(C); #endif } #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY /* Set P+=Q. W is difference between P and Q and is affine */ void ZZZ::ECP_add(ECP *P, ECP *Q, ECP *W) { FP A, B, C, D, DA, CB; FP_add(&A, &(P->x), &(P->z)); //A.add(z); FP_sub(&B, &(P->x), &(P->z)); //B.sub(z); FP_add(&C, &(Q->x), &(Q->z)); //C.add(Q.z); FP_sub(&D, &(Q->x), &(Q->z)); //D.sub(Q.z); FP_norm(&A); //A.norm(); FP_norm(&D); //D.norm(); FP_mul(&DA, &D, &A); //DA.mul(A); FP_norm(&C); //C.norm(); FP_norm(&B); //B.norm(); FP_mul(&CB, &C, &B); //CB.mul(B); FP_add(&A, &DA, &CB); //A.add(CB); FP_norm(&A); //A.norm(); FP_sqr(&(P->x), &A); //A.sqr(); FP_sub(&B, &DA, &CB); //B.sub(CB); FP_norm(&B); //B.norm(); FP_sqr(&B, &B); //B.sqr(); FP_mul(&(P->z), &(W->x), &B); //z.mul(B); } #else /* Set P+=Q */ /* SU=248 */ void ZZZ::ECP_add(ECP *P, ECP *Q) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS int b3; FP t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, x3, y3, z3, b; #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == 0 b3 = 3 * CURVE_B_I; //int b=3*ROM.CURVE_B_I; FP_mul(&t0, &(P->x), &(Q->x)); //t0.mul(Q.x); FP_mul(&t1, &(P->y), &(Q->y)); //t1.mul(Q.y); FP_mul(&t2, &(P->z), &(Q->z)); //t2.mul(Q.z); FP_add(&t3, &(P->x), &(P->y)); //t3.add(y); FP_norm(&t3); //t3.norm(); FP_add(&t4, &(Q->x), &(Q->y)); //t4.add(Q.y); FP_norm(&t4); //t4.norm(); FP_mul(&t3, &t3, &t4); //t3.mul(t4); FP_add(&t4, &t0, &t1); //t4.add(t1); FP_sub(&t3, &t3, &t4); //t3.sub(t4); FP_norm(&t3); //t3.norm(); FP_add(&t4, &(P->y), &(P->z)); //t4.add(z); FP_norm(&t4); //t4.norm(); FP_add(&x3, &(Q->y), &(Q->z)); //x3.add(Q.z); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm(); FP_mul(&t4, &t4, &x3); //t4.mul(x3); FP_add(&x3, &t1, &t2); //x3.add(t2); FP_sub(&t4, &t4, &x3); //t4.sub(x3); FP_norm(&t4); //t4.norm(); FP_add(&x3, &(P->x), &(P->z)); //x3.add(z); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm(); FP_add(&y3, &(Q->x), &(Q->z)); //y3.add(Q.z); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm(); FP_mul(&x3, &x3, &y3); //x3.mul(y3); FP_add(&y3, &t0, &t2); //y3.add(t2); FP_sub(&y3, &x3, &y3); //y3.rsub(x3); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm(); FP_add(&x3, &t0, &t0); //x3.add(t0); FP_add(&t0, &t0, &x3); //t0.add(x3); FP_norm(&t0); //t0.norm(); FP_imul(&t2, &t2, b3); //t2.imul(b); FP_add(&z3, &t1, &t2); //z3.add(t2); FP_norm(&z3); //z3.norm(); FP_sub(&t1, &t1, &t2); //t1.sub(t2); FP_norm(&t1); //t1.norm(); FP_imul(&y3, &y3, b3); //y3.imul(b); FP_mul(&x3, &y3, &t4); //x3.mul(t4); FP_mul(&t2, &t3, &t1); //t2.mul(t1); FP_sub(&(P->x), &t2, &x3); //x3.rsub(t2); FP_mul(&y3, &y3, &t0); //y3.mul(t0); FP_mul(&t1, &t1, &z3); //t1.mul(z3); FP_add(&(P->y), &y3, &t1); //y3.add(t1); FP_mul(&t0, &t0, &t3); //t0.mul(t3); FP_mul(&z3, &z3, &t4); //z3.mul(t4); FP_add(&(P->z), &z3, &t0); //z3.add(t0); FP_norm(&(P->x)); //x.norm(); FP_norm(&(P->y)); //y.norm(); FP_norm(&(P->z)); //z.norm(); #else if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) FP_rcopy(&b, CURVE_B); //b.copy(new FP(new BIG(ROM.CURVE_B))); FP_mul(&t0, &(P->x), &(Q->x)); //t0.mul(Q.x); //1 FP_mul(&t1, &(P->y), &(Q->y)); //t1.mul(Q.y); //2 FP_mul(&t2, &(P->z), &(Q->z)); //t2.mul(Q.z); //3 FP_add(&t3, &(P->x), &(P->y)); //t3.add(y); FP_norm(&t3); //t3.norm(); //4 FP_add(&t4, &(Q->x), &(Q->y)); //t4.add(Q.y); FP_norm(&t4); //t4.norm();//5 FP_mul(&t3, &t3, &t4); //t3.mul(t4);//6 FP_add(&t4, &t0, &t1); //t4.add(t1); //t4.norm(); //7 FP_sub(&t3, &t3, &t4); //t3.sub(t4); FP_norm(&t3); //t3.norm(); //8 FP_add(&t4, &(P->y), &(P->z)); //t4.add(z); FP_norm(&t4); //t4.norm();//9 FP_add(&x3, &(Q->y), &(Q->z)); //x3.add(Q.z); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm();//10 FP_mul(&t4, &t4, &x3); //t4.mul(x3); //11 FP_add(&x3, &t1, &t2); //x3.add(t2); //x3.norm();//12 FP_sub(&t4, &t4, &x3); //t4.sub(x3); FP_norm(&t4); //t4.norm();//13 FP_add(&x3, &(P->x), &(P->z)); //x3.add(z); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm(); //14 FP_add(&y3, &(Q->x), &(Q->z)); //y3.add(Q.z); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm();//15 FP_mul(&x3, &x3, &y3); //x3.mul(y3); //16 FP_add(&y3, &t0, &t2); //y3.add(t2); //y3.norm();//17 FP_sub(&y3, &x3, &y3); //y3.rsub(x3); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm(); //18 if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) FP_mul(&z3, &t2, &b); //z3.mul(b); //18 else FP_imul(&z3, &t2, CURVE_B_I); //z3.imul(ROM.CURVE_B_I); FP_sub(&x3, &y3, &z3); //x3.sub(z3); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm(); //20 FP_add(&z3, &x3, &x3); //z3.add(x3); //z3.norm(); //21 FP_add(&x3, &x3, &z3); //x3.add(z3); //x3.norm(); //22 FP_sub(&z3, &t1, &x3); //z3.sub(x3); FP_norm(&z3); //z3.norm(); //23 FP_add(&x3, &x3, &t1); //x3.add(t1); FP_norm(&x3); //x3.norm(); //24 if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) FP_mul(&y3, &y3, &b); //y3.mul(b); //18 else FP_imul(&y3, &y3, CURVE_B_I); //y3.imul(ROM.CURVE_B_I); FP_add(&t1, &t2, &t2); //t1.add(t2); //t1.norm();//26 FP_add(&t2, &t2, &t1); //t2.add(t1); //t2.norm();//27 FP_sub(&y3, &y3, &t2); //y3.sub(t2); //y3.norm(); //28 FP_sub(&y3, &y3, &t0); //y3.sub(t0); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm(); //29 FP_add(&t1, &y3, &y3); //t1.add(y3); //t1.norm();//30 FP_add(&y3, &y3, &t1); //y3.add(t1); FP_norm(&y3); //y3.norm(); //31 FP_add(&t1, &t0, &t0); //t1.add(t0); //t1.norm(); //32 FP_add(&t0, &t0, &t1); //t0.add(t1); //t0.norm();//33 FP_sub(&t0, &t0, &t2); //t0.sub(t2); FP_norm(&t0); //t0.norm();//34 FP_mul(&t1, &t4, &y3); //t1.mul(y3);//35 FP_mul(&t2, &t0, &y3); //t2.mul(y3);//36 FP_mul(&y3, &x3, &z3); //y3.mul(z3);//37 FP_add(&(P->y), &y3, &t2); //y3.add(t2); //y3.norm();//38 FP_mul(&x3, &x3, &t3); //x3.mul(t3);//39 FP_sub(&(P->x), &x3, &t1); //x3.sub(t1);//40 FP_mul(&z3, &z3, &t4); //z3.mul(t4);//41 FP_mul(&t1, &t3, &t0); //t1.mul(t0);//42 FP_add(&(P->z), &z3, &t1); //z3.add(t1); FP_norm(&(P->x)); //x.norm(); FP_norm(&(P->y)); //y.norm(); FP_norm(&(P->z)); //z.norm(); #endif #else FP A, B, C, D, E, F, G, b; FP_mul(&A, &(P->z), &(Q->z)); //A.mul(Q.z); FP_sqr(&B, &A); //B.sqr(); FP_mul(&C, &(P->x), &(Q->x)); //C.mul(Q.x); FP_mul(&D, &(P->y), &(Q->y)); //D.mul(Q.y); FP_mul(&E, &C, &D); //E.mul(D); if (CURVE_B_I == 0) //if (ROM.CURVE_B_I==0) { FP_rcopy(&b, CURVE_B); //FP b=new FP(new BIG(ROM.CURVE_B)); FP_mul(&E, &E, &b); //E.mul(b); } else FP_imul(&E, &E, CURVE_B_I); //E.imul(ROM.CURVE_B_I); FP_sub(&F, &B, &E); //F.sub(E); FP_add(&G, &B, &E); //G.add(E); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == 1 FP_sub(&E, &D, &C); //E.sub(C); #endif FP_add(&C, &C, &D); //C.add(D); FP_add(&B, &(P->x), &(P->y)); //B.add(y); FP_add(&D, &(Q->x), &(Q->y)); //D.add(Q.y); FP_norm(&B); //B.norm(); FP_norm(&D); //D.norm(); FP_mul(&B, &B, &D); //B.mul(D); FP_sub(&B, &B, &C); //B.sub(C); FP_norm(&B); //B.norm(); FP_norm(&F); //F.norm(); FP_mul(&B, &B, &F); //B.mul(F); FP_mul(&(P->x), &A, &B); //x.mul(B); FP_norm(&G); //G.norm(); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == 1 FP_norm(&E); //E.norm(); FP_mul(&C, &E, &G); //C.mul(G); #endif #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == -1 FP_norm(&C); //C.norm(); FP_mul(&C, &C, &G); //C.mul(G); #endif FP_mul(&(P->y), &A, &C); //y.mul(C); FP_mul(&(P->z), &F, &G); //z.mul(G); #endif } /* Set P-=Q */ /* SU=16 */ void ZZZ::ECP_sub(ECP *P, ECP *Q) { ECP NQ; ECP_copy(&NQ, Q); ECP_neg(&NQ); ECP_add(P, &NQ); } #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY /* constant time multiply by small integer of length bts - use ladder */ void ZZZ::ECP_pinmul(ECP *P, int e, int bts) { int i, b; ECP R0, R1; ECP_affine(P); ECP_inf(&R0); ECP_copy(&R1, P); for (i = bts - 1; i >= 0; i--) { b = (e >> i) & 1; ECP_copy(P, &R1); ECP_add(P, &R0); ECP_cswap(&R0, &R1, b); ECP_copy(&R1, P); ECP_dbl(&R0); ECP_cswap(&R0, &R1, b); } ECP_copy(P, &R0); } #endif // Point multiplication, multiplies a point P by a scalar e // This code has no inherent awareness of the order of the curve, or the order of the point. // The order of the curve will be h.r, where h is a cofactor, and r is a large prime // Typically P will be of order r (but not always), and typically e will be less than r (but not always) // A problem can arise if a secret e is a few bits less than r, as the leading zeros in e will leak via a timing attack // The secret e may however be greater than r (see RFC7748 which combines elimination of a small cofactor h with the point multiplication, using an e>r) // Our solution is to use as a multiplier an e, whose length in bits is that of the logical OR of e and r, hence allowing e>r while forcing inclusion of leading zeros if e<r. // The point multiplication methods used will process leading zeros correctly. // So this function leaks information about the length of e... void ZZZ::ECP_mul(ECP *P,BIG e) { ECP_clmul(P,e,e); } // .. but this one does not (typically set maxe=r) // Set P=e*P void ZZZ::ECP_clmul(ECP *P, BIG e, BIG maxe) { BIG cm; BIG_or(cm,e,maxe); int max=BIG_nbits(cm); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY /* Montgomery ladder */ int nb, i, b; ECP R0, R1, D; if (ECP_isinf(P)) return; if (BIG_iszilch(e)) { ECP_inf(P); return; } ECP_copy(&R0, P); ECP_copy(&R1, P); ECP_dbl(&R1); ECP_copy(&D, P); ECP_affine(&D); nb = max; for (i = nb - 2; i >= 0; i--) { b = BIG_bit(e, i); ECP_copy(P, &R1); ECP_add(P, &R0, &D); ECP_cswap(&R0, &R1, b); ECP_copy(&R1, P); ECP_dbl(&R0); ECP_cswap(&R0, &R1, b); } ECP_copy(P, &R0); #else /* fixed size windows */ int i, nb, s, ns; BIG mt, t; ECP Q, W[8], C; sign8 w[1 + (NLEN_XXX * BASEBITS_XXX + 3) / 4]; if (ECP_isinf(P)) return; if (BIG_iszilch(e)) { ECP_inf(P); return; } /* precompute table */ ECP_copy(&Q, P); ECP_dbl(&Q); ECP_copy(&W[0], P); for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) { ECP_copy(&W[i], &W[i - 1]); ECP_add(&W[i], &Q); } /* make exponent odd - add 2P if even, P if odd */ BIG_copy(t, e); s = BIG_parity(t); BIG_inc(t, 1); BIG_norm(t); ns = BIG_parity(t); BIG_copy(mt, t); BIG_inc(mt, 1); BIG_norm(mt); BIG_cmove(t, mt, s); ECP_cmove(&Q, P, ns); ECP_copy(&C, &Q); nb = 1 + (max + 3) / 4; /* convert exponent to signed 4-bit window */ for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) { w[i] = BIG_lastbits(t, 5) - 16; BIG_dec(t, w[i]); BIG_norm(t); BIG_fshr(t, 4); } w[nb] = BIG_lastbits(t, 5); ECP_select(P, W, w[nb]); for (i = nb - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ECP_select(&Q, W, w[i]); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_add(P, &Q); } ECP_sub(P, &C); /* apply correction */ #endif } #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY // Generic multi-multiplication, fixed 4-bit window, P=Sigma e_i*X_i // m point doublings void ZZZ::ECP_muln(ECP *P,int n,ECP X[],BIG e[]) { int i,j,k,nb; BIG t,mt; ECP S,R,B[16]; ECP_inf(P); BIG_copy(mt,e[0]); BIG_norm(mt); for (i=1;i<n;i++) { // find biggest BIG_copy(t,e[i]); BIG_norm(t); k=BIG_comp(t,mt); BIG_cmove(mt,t,(k+1)/2); } nb=(BIG_nbits(mt)+3)/4; for (int i=nb-1;i>=0;i--) { // Pippenger's algorithm for (j=0;j<16;j++) ECP_inf(&B[j]); for (j=0;j<n;j++) { BIG_copy(mt,e[j]); BIG_norm(mt); BIG_shr(mt,4*i); k=BIG_lastbits(mt,4); ECP_add(&B[k],&X[j]); // side channel risky } ECP_inf(&R); ECP_inf(&S); for (j=15;j>=1;j--) { ECP_add(&R,&B[j]); ECP_add(&S,&R); } for (j=0;j<4;j++) ECP_dbl(P); ECP_add(P,&S); } } void ZZZ::ECP_mul2(ECP *P, ECP *Q, BIG e, BIG f) { ECP_clmul2(P,Q,e,f,e); } /* Set P=eP+fQ double multiplication */ /* constant time - as useful for GLV method in pairings */ /* SU=456 */ void ZZZ::ECP_clmul2(ECP *P, ECP *Q, BIG e, BIG f, BIG maxe) { BIG cm; BIG te, tf, mt; ECP S, T, W[8], C; sign8 w[1 + (NLEN_XXX * BASEBITS_XXX + 1) / 2]; int i, a, b, s, ns, nb; BIG_copy(cm,maxe); BIG_or(cm,cm,e); BIG_or(cm,cm,f); int max=BIG_nbits(cm); BIG_copy(te, e); BIG_copy(tf, f); /* precompute table */ ECP_copy(&W[1], P); ECP_sub(&W[1], Q); /* P+Q */ ECP_copy(&W[2], P); ECP_add(&W[2], Q); /* P-Q */ ECP_copy(&S, Q); ECP_dbl(&S); /* S=2Q */ ECP_copy(&W[0], &W[1]); ECP_sub(&W[0], &S); ECP_copy(&W[3], &W[2]); ECP_add(&W[3], &S); ECP_copy(&T, P); ECP_dbl(&T); /* T=2P */ ECP_copy(&W[5], &W[1]); ECP_add(&W[5], &T); ECP_copy(&W[6], &W[2]); ECP_add(&W[6], &T); ECP_copy(&W[4], &W[5]); ECP_sub(&W[4], &S); ECP_copy(&W[7], &W[6]); ECP_add(&W[7], &S); /* if multiplier is odd, add 2, else add 1 to multiplier, and add 2P or P to correction */ s = BIG_parity(te); BIG_inc(te, 1); BIG_norm(te); ns = BIG_parity(te); BIG_copy(mt, te); BIG_inc(mt, 1); BIG_norm(mt); BIG_cmove(te, mt, s); ECP_cmove(&T, P, ns); ECP_copy(&C, &T); s = BIG_parity(tf); BIG_inc(tf, 1); BIG_norm(tf); ns = BIG_parity(tf); BIG_copy(mt, tf); BIG_inc(mt, 1); BIG_norm(mt); BIG_cmove(tf, mt, s); ECP_cmove(&S, Q, ns); ECP_add(&C, &S); //BIG_add(mt, te, tf); //BIG_norm(mt); nb = 1 + (max + 1) / 2; /* convert exponent to signed 2-bit window */ for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) { a = BIG_lastbits(te, 3) - 4; BIG_dec(te, a); BIG_norm(te); BIG_fshr(te, 2); b = BIG_lastbits(tf, 3) - 4; BIG_dec(tf, b); BIG_norm(tf); BIG_fshr(tf, 2); w[i] = 4 * a + b; } w[nb] = (4 * BIG_lastbits(te, 3) + BIG_lastbits(tf, 3)); //ECP_copy(P, &W[(w[nb] - 1) / 2]); ECP_select(P, W, w[nb]); for (i = nb - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ECP_select(&T, W, w[i]); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_add(P, &T); } ECP_sub(P, &C); /* apply correction */ } #endif void ZZZ::ECP_cfp(ECP *P) { /* multiply point by curves cofactor */ BIG c; int cf = CURVE_Cof_I; if (cf == 1) return; if (cf == 4) { ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); return; } if (cf == 8) { ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); ECP_dbl(P); return; } BIG_rcopy(c, CURVE_Cof); ECP_mul(P, c); return; } /* Constant time Map to Point */ void ZZZ::ECP_map2point(ECP *P,FP *h) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==MONTGOMERY // Elligator 2 int qres; BIG a; FP X1,X2,w,N,t,one,A,D,hint; //BIG_zero(a); BIG_inc(a,CURVE_A); BIG_norm(a); FP_nres(&A,a); FP_from_int(&A,CURVE_A_ZZZ); FP_copy(&t,h); FP_sqr(&t,&t); // t^2 if (PM1D2_YYY == 2) FP_add(&t,&t,&t); // 2t^2 if (PM1D2_YYY == 1) FP_neg(&t,&t); // -t^2 if (PM1D2_YYY > 2) FP_imul(&t,&t,QNRI_YYY); // precomputed QNR FP_norm(&t); // z.t^2 FP_one(&one); FP_add(&D,&t,&one); FP_norm(&D); // Denominator D=1+z.t^2 FP_copy(&X1,&A); FP_neg(&X1,&X1); FP_norm(&X1); // X1 = -A/D FP_copy(&X2,&X1); FP_mul(&X2,&X2,&t); // X2 = -At/D FP_sqr(&w,&X1); FP_mul(&N,&w,&X1); // w=X1^2, N=X1^3 FP_mul(&w,&w,&A); FP_mul(&w,&w,&D); FP_add(&N,&N,&w); // N = X1^3+ADX1^2 FP_sqr(&t,&D); FP_mul(&t,&t,&X1); FP_add(&N,&N,&t); // N=X1^3+ADX1^2+D^2X1 // Numerator of gx = N/D^3 FP_norm(&N); FP_mul(&t,&N,&D); // N.D qres=FP_qr(&t,&hint); // *** exp FP_inv(&w,&t,&hint); FP_mul(&D,&w,&N); // 1/D FP_mul(&X1,&X1,&D); // get X1 FP_mul(&X2,&X2,&D); // get X2 FP_cmove(&X1,&X2,1-qres); FP_redc(a,&X1); ECP_set(P,a); return; #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==EDWARDS // Elligator 2 - map to Montgomery, place point, map back int qres,ne,rfc,qnr; BIG x,y; FP X1,X2,t,w,one,A,w1,w2,B,Y,K,D,hint; FP_one(&one); #if MODTYPE_YYY != GENERALISED_MERSENNE // its NOT ed448! // Figure out the Montgomery curve parameters FP_rcopy(&B,CURVE_B); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ == 1 FP_add(&A,&B,&one); // A=B+1 // A = a+d FP_sub(&B,&B,&one); // B=B-1 // B = -a+d #else FP_sub(&A,&B,&one); // A=B-1 FP_add(&B,&B,&one); // B=B+1 #endif FP_norm(&A); FP_norm(&B); FP_div2(&A,&A); // (A+B)/2 // (a+d)/2 = J/K FP_div2(&B,&B); // (B-A)/2 // (-a+d)/2 FP_div2(&B,&B); // (B-A)/4 // (-a+d)/4 = -1/K FP_neg(&K,&B); FP_norm(&K); //FP_inv(&K,&K,NULL); // K FP_invsqrt(&K,&w1,&K); // *** return K, w1=sqrt(1/K) - - could be precalculated! rfc=RIADZ_YYY; if (rfc) { // RFC7748 method applies FP_mul(&A,&A,&K); // = J FP_mul(&K,&K,&w1); // FP_sqrt(&K,&K,NULL); } else { // generic method FP_sqr(&B,&B); } #else FP_from_int(&A,156326); rfc=1; #endif // Map to this Montgomery curve X^2=X^3+AX^2+BX FP_copy(&t,h); FP_sqr(&t,&t); // t^2 if (PM1D2_YYY == 2) { FP_add(&t,&t,&t); // 2t^2 qnr=2; } if (PM1D2_YYY == 1) { FP_neg(&t,&t); // -t^2 qnr=-1; } if (PM1D2_YYY > 2) { FP_imul(&t,&t,QNRI_YYY); // precomputed QNR qnr=QNRI_YYY; } FP_norm(&t); FP_add(&D,&t,&one); FP_norm(&D); // Denominator=(1+z.u^2) FP_copy(&X1,&A); FP_neg(&X1,&X1); FP_norm(&X1); // X1=-(J/K).inv(1+z.u^2) FP_mul(&X2,&X1,&t); // X2=X1*z.u^2 // Figure out RHS of Montgomery curve in rational form gx1/d^3 FP_sqr(&w,&X1); FP_mul(&w1,&w,&X1); // w=X1^2, w1=X1^3 FP_mul(&w,&w,&A); FP_mul(&w,&w,&D); FP_add(&w1,&w1,&w); // w1 = X1^3+ADX1^2 FP_sqr(&w2,&D); if (!rfc) { FP_mul(&w,&X1,&B); FP_mul(&w2,&w2,&w); // FP_add(&w1,&w1,&w2); // w1=X1^3+ADX1^2+BD^2X1 } else { FP_mul(&w2,&w2,&X1); FP_add(&w1,&w1,&w2); // w1=X1^3+ADX1^2+D^2X1 // was &X1 } FP_norm(&w1); FP_mul(&B,&w1,&D); // gx1=num/den^3 - is_qr num*den (same as num/den, same as num/den^3) qres=FP_qr(&B,&hint); // *** FP_inv(&w,&B,&hint); FP_mul(&D,&w,&w1); // 1/D FP_mul(&X1,&X1,&D); // get X1 FP_mul(&X2,&X2,&D); // get X2 FP_sqr(&D,&D); FP_imul(&w1,&B,qnr); // now for gx2 = Z.u^2.gx1 FP_rcopy(&w,CURVE_HTPC); // qnr^C3 FP_mul(&w,&w,&hint); // modify hint for gx2 FP_mul(&w2,&D,h); FP_cmove(&X1,&X2,1-qres); // pick correct one FP_cmove(&B,&w1,1-qres); FP_cmove(&hint,&w,1-qres); FP_cmove(&D,&w2,1-qres); FP_sqrt(&Y,&B,&hint); // sqrt(num*den) FP_mul(&Y,&Y,&D); // sqrt(num/den^3) // correct sign of Y FP_neg(&w,&Y); FP_norm(&w); FP_cmove(&Y,&w,qres^FP_sign(&Y)); if (!rfc) { FP_mul(&X1,&X1,&K); FP_mul(&Y,&Y,&K); } #if MODTYPE_YYY == GENERALISED_MERSENNE // Ed448 isogeny FP_sqr(&t,&X1); // t=u^2 FP_add(&w,&t,&one); // w=u^2+1 FP_norm(&w); FP_sub(&t,&t,&one); // t=u^2-1 FP_norm(&t); FP_mul(&w1,&t,&Y); // w1=v(u^2-1) FP_add(&w1,&w1,&w1); FP_add(&X2,&w1,&w1); FP_norm(&X2); // w1=4v(u^2-1) FP_sqr(&t,&t); // t=(u^2-1)^2 FP_sqr(&Y,&Y); // v^2 FP_add(&Y,&Y,&Y); FP_add(&Y,&Y,&Y); FP_norm(&Y); // 4v^2 FP_add(&B,&t,&Y); // w2=(u^2-1)^2+4v^2 FP_norm(&B); // X1=w1/w2 - X2=w1, B=w2 FP_sub(&w2,&Y,&t); // w2=4v^2-(u^2-1)^2 FP_norm(&w2); FP_mul(&w2,&w2,&X1); // w2=u(4v^2-(u^2-1)^2) FP_mul(&t,&t,&X1); // t=u(u^2-1)^2 FP_div2(&Y,&Y); // 2v^2 FP_mul(&w1,&Y,&w); // w1=2v^2(u^2+1) FP_sub(&w1,&t,&w1); // w1=u(u^2-1)^2 - 2v^2(u^2+1) FP_norm(&w1); // Y=w2/w1 FP_mul(&t,&X2,&w1); // output in projective to avoid inversion FP_copy(&(P->x),&t); FP_mul(&t,&w2,&B); FP_copy(&(P->y),&t); FP_mul(&t,&w1,&B); FP_copy(&(P->z),&t); return; #else FP_add(&w1,&X1,&one); FP_norm(&w1); // (s+1) FP_sub(&w2,&X1,&one); FP_norm(&w2); // (s-1) FP_mul(&t,&w1,&Y); FP_mul(&X1,&X1,&w1); if (rfc) FP_mul(&X1,&X1,&K); FP_mul(&Y,&Y,&w2); // output in projective to avoid inversion FP_copy(&(P->x),&X1); FP_copy(&(P->y),&Y); FP_copy(&(P->z),&t); return; #endif #endif #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ==WEIERSTRASS // SSWU or SVDW method int sgn,ne; BIG a,x,y; FP X1,X2,X3,t,w,one,A,B,Y,D; FP D2,hint,GX1; #if HTC_ISO_ZZZ != 0 // Map to point on isogenous curve int i,k,isox,isoy,iso=HTC_ISO_ZZZ; FP xnum,xden,ynum,yden; BIG z; FP_rcopy(&A,CURVE_Ad); FP_rcopy(&B,CURVE_Bd); #else FP_from_int(&A,CURVE_A_ZZZ); FP_rcopy(&B,CURVE_B); #endif FP_one(&one); FP_copy(&t,h); sgn=FP_sign(&t); #if CURVE_A_ZZZ != 0 || HTC_ISO_ZZZ != 0 FP_sqr(&t,&t); FP_imul(&t,&t,RIADZ_YYY); // Z from hash-to-point draft standard FP_add(&w,&t,&one); // w=Zt^2+1 FP_norm(&w); FP_mul(&w,&w,&t); // w=Z^2*t^4+Zt^2 FP_mul(&D,&A,&w); // A=Aw FP_add(&w,&w,&one); FP_norm(&w); FP_mul(&w,&w,&B); FP_neg(&w,&w); // -B(w+1) FP_norm(&w); FP_copy(&X2,&w); // Numerators FP_mul(&X3,&t,&X2); // x^3+Ad^2x+Bd^3 FP_sqr(&GX1,&X2); FP_sqr(&D2,&D); FP_mul(&w,&A,&D2); FP_add(&GX1,&GX1,&w); FP_norm(&GX1); FP_mul(&GX1,&GX1,&X2); FP_mul(&D2,&D2,&D); FP_mul(&w,&B,&D2); FP_add(&GX1,&GX1,&w); FP_norm(&GX1); FP_mul(&w,&GX1,&D); int qr=FP_qr(&w,&hint); // qr(ad) - only exp happens here FP_inv(&D,&w,&hint); // d=1/(ad) FP_mul(&D,&D,&GX1); // 1/d FP_mul(&X2,&X2,&D); // X2/=D FP_mul(&X3,&X3,&D); // X3/=D FP_mul(&t,&t,h); // t=Z.u^3 FP_sqr(&D2,&D); FP_mul(&D,&D2,&t); FP_imul(&t,&w,RIADZ_YYY); FP_rcopy(&X1,CURVE_HTPC); FP_mul(&X1,&X1,&hint); // modify hint FP_cmove(&X2,&X3,1-qr); FP_cmove(&D2,&D,1-qr); FP_cmove(&w,&t,1-qr); FP_cmove(&hint,&X1,1-qr); FP_sqrt(&Y,&w,&hint); // first candidate if X2 is correct FP_mul(&Y,&Y,&D2); ne=FP_sign(&Y)^sgn; FP_neg(&w,&Y); FP_norm(&w); FP_cmove(&Y,&w,ne); #if HTC_ISO_ZZZ != 0 // (X2,Y) is on isogenous curve k=0; isox=iso; isoy=3*(iso-1)/2; // xnum FP_rcopy(&xnum,PC[k++]); for (i=0;i<isox;i++) { FP_mul(&xnum,&xnum,&X2); FP_rcopy(&w,PC[k++]); FP_add(&xnum,&xnum,&w); FP_norm(&xnum); } // xden FP_copy(&xden,&X2); FP_rcopy(&w,PC[k++]); FP_add(&xden,&xden,&w); FP_norm(&xden); for (i=0;i<isox-2;i++) { FP_mul(&xden,&xden,&X2); FP_rcopy(&w,PC[k++]); FP_add(&xden,&xden,&w); FP_norm(&xden); } // ynum FP_rcopy(&ynum,PC[k++]); for (i=0;i<isoy;i++) { FP_mul(&ynum,&ynum,&X2); FP_rcopy(&w,PC[k++]); FP_add(&ynum,&ynum,&w); FP_norm(&ynum); } // yden FP_copy(&yden,&X2); FP_rcopy(&w,PC[k++]); FP_add(&yden,&yden,&w); FP_norm(&yden); for (i=0;i<isoy-1;i++) { FP_mul(&yden,&yden,&X2); FP_rcopy(&w,PC[k++]); FP_add(&yden,&yden,&w); FP_norm(&yden); } FP_mul(&ynum,&ynum,&Y); // return in projective coordinates FP_mul(&t,&xnum,&yden); FP_copy(&(P->x),&t); FP_mul(&t,&ynum,&xden); FP_copy(&(P->y),&t); FP_mul(&t,&xden,&yden); FP_copy(&(P->z),&t); return; #else FP_redc(x,&X2); FP_redc(y,&Y); ECP_set(P,x,y); return; #endif #else // SVDW - Shallue and van de Woestijne FP_from_int(&Y,RIADZ_YYY); ECP_rhs(&A,&Y); // A=g(Z) FP_rcopy(&B,SQRTm3); FP_imul(&B,&B,RIADZ_YYY); // B=Z*sqrt(-3) FP_sqr(&t,&t); FP_mul(&Y,&A,&t); // Y=tv1=u^2*g(Z) FP_add(&t,&one,&Y); FP_norm(&t); // t=tv2=1+tv1 FP_sub(&Y,&one,&Y); FP_norm(&Y); // Y=tv1=1-tv1 FP_mul(&D,&t,&Y); FP_mul(&D,&D,&B); FP_copy(&w,&A); FP_tpo(&D,&w); // D=tv3=inv0(tv1*tv2*Z*sqrt(-3)) and w=sqrt(g(Z)) // *** FP_mul(&w,&w,&B); // w=tv4=Z.sqrt(-3).sqrt(g(Z)) if (FP_sign(&w)==1) { // depends only on sign of constant RIADZ FP_neg(&w,&w); FP_norm(&w); } FP_mul(&w,&w,&B); // Z.sqrt(-3) FP_mul(&w,&w,h); // u FP_mul(&w,&w,&Y); // tv1 FP_mul(&w,&w,&D); // tv3 // tv5=u*tv1*tv3*tv4*Z*sqrt(-3) FP_from_int(&X1,RIADZ_YYY); FP_copy(&X3,&X1); FP_neg(&X1,&X1); FP_norm(&X1); FP_div2(&X1,&X1); // -Z/2 FP_copy(&X2,&X1); FP_sub(&X1,&X1,&w); FP_norm(&X1); FP_add(&X2,&X2,&w); FP_norm(&X2); FP_add(&A,&A,&A); FP_add(&A,&A,&A); FP_norm(&A); // 4*g(Z) FP_sqr(&t,&t); FP_mul(&t,&t,&D); FP_sqr(&t,&t); // (tv2^2*tv3)^2 FP_mul(&A,&A,&t); // 4*g(Z)*(tv2^2*tv3)^2 FP_add(&X3,&X3,&A); FP_norm(&X3); ECP_rhs(&w,&X2); FP_cmove(&X3,&X2,FP_qr(&w,NULL)); // *** ECP_rhs(&w,&X1); FP_cmove(&X3,&X1,FP_qr(&w,NULL)); // *** ECP_rhs(&w,&X3); FP_sqrt(&Y,&w,NULL); // *** ne=FP_sign(&Y)^sgn; FP_neg(&w,&Y); FP_norm(&w); FP_cmove(&Y,&w,ne); FP_redc(x,&X3); FP_redc(y,&Y); ECP_set(P,x,y); return; #endif #endif } /* Hunt and Peck a BIG to a curve point */ /* void ZZZ::ECP_hap2point(ECP *P,BIG h) { BIG x; BIG_copy(x,h); for (;;) { #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY ECP_setx(P,x,0); #else ECP_set(P,x); #endif BIG_inc(x,1); BIG_norm(x); if (!ECP_isinf(P)) break; } } */ /* Map octet to point */ /* void ZZZ::ECP_mapit(ECP *P, octet *W) { BIG q, x; DBIG dx; BIG_rcopy(q, Modulus); BIG_dfromBytesLen(dx,W->val,W->len); BIG_dmod(x,dx,q); ECP_hap2point(P,x); ECP_cfp(P); } */ int ZZZ::ECP_generator(ECP *G) { BIG x, y; BIG_rcopy(x, CURVE_Gx); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY BIG_rcopy(y, CURVE_Gy); return ECP_set(G, x, y); #else return ECP_set(G, x); #endif } #ifdef HAS_MAIN using namespace ZZZ; int main() { int i; ECP G, P; csprng RNG; BIG r, s, x, y, b, m, w, q; BIG_rcopy(x, CURVE_Gx); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY BIG_rcopy(y, CURVE_Gy); #endif BIG_rcopy(m, Modulus); printf("x= "); BIG_output(x); printf("\n"); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY printf("y= "); BIG_output(y); printf("\n"); #endif RNG_seed(&RNG, 3, "abc"); #if CURVETYPE_ZZZ!=MONTGOMERY ECP_set(&G, x, y); #else ECP_set(&G, x); #endif if (ECP_isinf(&G)) printf("Failed to set - point not on curve\n"); else printf("set success\n"); ECP_output(&G); BIG_rcopy(r, CURVE_Order); //BIG_dec(r,7); printf("r= "); BIG_output(r); printf("\n"); ECP_copy(&P, &G); ECP_mul(&P, r); ECP_output(&P); BIG_randomnum(w, &RNG); BIG_mod(w, r); ECP_copy(&P, &G); ECP_mul(&P, w); ECP_output(&P); return 0; } #endif