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2024-04-15 09:53:30 +00:00
* @file tls_keys_calc.h
* @author Mike Scott
* @brief TLS 1.3 crypto support functions
// TLS1.3 crypto support functions
#include "tls1_3.h"
#include "tls_sal.h"
#include "tls_client_recv.h"
// transcript hash support
/** @brief Initialise Transcript hash
@param session the TLS session structure
extern void initTranscriptHash(TLS_session *session);
/** @brief Accumulate octad into ongoing hashing
@param session the TLS session structure
@param O an octad to be included in hash
extern void runningHash(TLS_session *session,octad *O);
/** @brief Accumulate transcript hash from IO buffer
@param session the TLS session structure
extern void runningHashIO(TLS_session *session);
/** @brief rewind the IO buffer
@param session the TLS session structure
extern void rewindIO(TLS_session *session);
/** @brief Accumulate transcript hash and from IO buffer, and rewind IO buffer
@param session the TLS session structure
extern void runningHashIOrewind(TLS_session *session);
/** @brief Output current hash value
@param session the TLS session structure
@param O an output octad containing current hash
extern void transcriptHash(TLS_session *session,octad *O);
/** @brief Calculate special synthetic hash calculation for first clientHello after retry request (RFC 8446 section 4.4.1)
@param session the TLS session structure
@param O an octad containing clientHello
@param E an octad containing clientHello extensions
extern void runningSyntheticHash(TLS_session *session,octad *O,octad *E);
/** @brief Initiate a Crypto Context
@param C an AEAD encryption context
extern void initCryptoContext(crypto *C);
/** @brief Build a Crypto Context
@param C an AEAD encryption context
@param K an encryption key
@param IV an encryption Initialisation Vector
extern void updateCryptoContext(crypto *C,octad *K,octad *IV);
/** @brief Increment a Crypto Context for the next record, updating IV
@param C an AEAD encryption context
extern void incrementCryptoContext(crypto *C);
/** @brief Create a crypto context from an input raw Secret and an agreed cipher_suite
@param cipher the chosen cipher site
@param TS the input raw secret
@param context the output crypto conetext
extern void createCryptoContext(int cipher,octad *TS,crypto *context);
/** @brief Build a crypto context for transmission from an input raw Secret and an agreed cipher_suite
@param session TLS session structure
@param TS the input raw secret
extern void createSendCryptoContext(TLS_session *session,octad *TS);
/** @brief Build a crypto context for reception from an input raw Secret and an agreed cipher_suite
@param session TLS session structure
@param TS the input raw secret
extern void createRecvCryptoContext(TLS_session *session,octad *TS);
/** @brief Recover pre-shared key from the Resumption Master Secret and store with ticket
@param session the TLS session structure
extern void recoverPSK(TLS_session *session);
/** @brief Extract Early Secret Key and Binder Key from Preshared Key (External or Resumption)
@param htype hash algorithm
@param PSK the input pre-shared key, or NULL if not available
@param ES the output early secret key
@param BKE the output external binder key (or NULL if not required)
@param BKR the output resumption binder key (or NULL if not required)
extern void deriveEarlySecrets(int htype,octad *PSK,octad *ES,octad *BKE,octad *BKR);
/** @brief Extract more secrets from Early Secret
@param htype hash algorithm
@param H a partial transcript hash
@param ES the input early secret key
@param CETS the output Client Early Traffic Secret (or NULL if not required)
@param EEMS the output Early Exporter Master Secret (or NULL if not required)
extern void deriveLaterSecrets(int htype,octad *H,octad *ES,octad *CETS,octad *EEMS);
/** @brief Extract Handshake Secret from Shared Secret and Early Secret. Use Handshake Secret to extract Client and Server Handshake Traffic secrets
@param session the TLS session structure
@param SS input Shared Secret
@param ES the input early secret key
@param H a partial transcript hash
extern void deriveHandshakeSecrets(TLS_session *session,octad *SS,octad *ES, octad *H);
/** @brief Extract Application Secret from Handshake Secret and Early Secret. Use Handshake Secret to extract Client and Server Application Traffic secrets
@param session the TLS session structure
@param SFH an input partial transcript hash
@param CFH an input partial transcript hash
@param EMS the output External Master Secret (or NULL if not required)
extern void deriveApplicationSecrets(TLS_session *session,octad *SFH,octad *CFH,octad *EMS);
/** @brief Perform a Key Update on a crypto context
@param context an AEAD encryption context
@param TS the updated Traffic secret
extern void deriveUpdatedKeys(crypto *context,octad *TS);
/** @brief Test if data from Server is verified using server traffic secret and a transcript hash
@param htype hash algorithm
@param SF the input verification data from Server
@param STS the input Server Traffic Secret
@param H the input partial transcript hash
@return true is data is verified, else false
extern bool checkVeriferData(int htype,octad *SF,octad *STS,octad *H);
/** @brief Create handshake verification data for Client to send to Server from client traffic secret and a transcript hash
@param htype hash algorithm
@param SF the output verification data
@param CTS the input Client Traffic Secret
@param H the input partial transcript hash
extern void deriveVeriferData(int htype,octad *SF,octad *CTS,octad *H);
/** @brief verify Server's signature on protocol transcript
@param sigalg the algorithm used for digital signature
@param SCVSIG the input signature on the transcript
@param H the transcript hash
@param CERTPK the Server's public key
@return true if signature is verified, else returns false
extern bool checkServerCertVerifier(int sigalg,octad *SCVSIG,octad *H,octad *CERTPK);
/** @brief Create Cert Verify message, as a digital signature on some TLS1.3 specific message+transcript hash
@param sigAlg the signature algorithm
@param H a transcript hash to be signed
@param KEY the Client's private key
@param CCVSIG the output digital signature
extern void createClientCertVerifier(int sigAlg,octad *H,octad *KEY,octad *CCVSIG);