{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% block content %} <article> <section class="header"> <h1> {% if page.header.media == 'video' %} <i class="fa fa-file-video-o rightpad"></i> {% else %} <i class="fa fa-file-text-o rightpad"></i> {% endif %} {{ page.title|e }} </h1> {% if (grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.date) or (grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.authors) or (grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.topics) or (grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.time) %} <div class="details"> {% if grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.date %} <span>{{ page.date|date("F j, Y") }}</span> {% endif %} {% if grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.authors %} {% set authorlist = [] %} {% for author in page.taxonomy['author'] %} {# Check to see if a dedicated author page exists #} {% set slug = author|hyphenize|url_encode %} {% set p = page.find('/authors/'~slug) %} {% if p == null %} {% set authorlist = authorlist|merge(['<a href="'~base_url~'/taxonomy?name=author&val='~(author|url_encode)~'">'~author~'</a>']) %} {% else %} {% set authorlist = authorlist|merge(['<a href="'~base_url~'/authors/'~slug~'">'~author~'</a>']) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} <span><i class="fa fa-user"></i> {{ authorlist|join(', ') }}</span> {% endif %} {% if grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.topics %} {% set catlist = [] %} {% for cat in page.taxonomy.category %} {% set catlist = catlist|merge(['<a href="'~base_url~'/taxonomy?name=category&val='~(cat|url_encode)~'">'~cat~'</a>']) %} {% endfor %} <span>{{ catlist|join(', ') }}</span> {% endif %} {% if grav.theme.config.params.articles.show.time %} <span>{{ page.content|readingtime }}</span> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} {% if page.taxonomy.tag|length > 0 %} {% set taglist = [] %} {% for tag in page.taxonomy.tag %} {% set taglist = taglist|merge(['<a href="'~base_url~'/taxonomy?name=tag&val='~(tag|url_encode)~'">'~tag~'</a>']) %} {% endfor %} <div class="tags"> <i class="fa fa-tags rightpad"></i>{{ taglist|join(', ') }} </div> {% endif %} {% if theme_var('display_of_git_sync_repo_link') == 'page' and not (grav.uri.param('summaryonly') or grav.uri.param('onlysummary')) %} <div>{% include 'partials/git_sync_repo_link_note.html.twig' %}</dic> {% endif %} </section> <section class="content"> {{ page.content }} {% if not page.header.hide_mediasummary %} <p></p> {% for image in page.media.images %} {{ image.cropResize(700, 400).html("title", "alt", "itemscreenshot") }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} </section> <section class="foot"> {% if config.plugins.relatedpages.enabled and related_pages|length > 0 %} <div class="related topiclist"> <h2>{{ 'RELATED_ARTICLES'|t }}</h2> {% include 'partials/relatedpages.html.twig' %} </div> {% endif %} </section> {% if config.plugins.comments.enabled %} <section class="comments"> <h2>{{ 'COMMENTS'|t }}</h2> </section> {% endif %} </article> {% endblock %}