--- title: Sevval Bulburu published: true taxonomy: category: [iaeste2023] tag: [hatespeech,nlp] author: Daniel Hladek --- Sevval Bulburu IAESTE Intern Summer 2023, two months Goal: Help with the [Hate Speech Project](/topics/hatespeech) Meeting 22.8.2023 State: - Familiar with Python, Anaconda, Tensorflow, AI projects - created account at idoc.fei.tuke.sk and installed anaconda. Notes: - ssh bulbur@idoc.fei.tuke.sk - nvidia-smi command to check status of GPU. - Use WinSCP to Copy Files. Use anaconda virtual env to create and activate a new python virtual environment. Use Visual Studio Code Remote to delvelop on your computer and run on remote computer (idoc.fei.tuke.sk). Use the same credentials for idoc server. - Use WSL2 to have local linux just to play. Tasks: - Get familiar with the task of Hate speech detection. Find out how can we use Transformer neural networks to detect and categorize hate speech in internet comments created by random people. - Get familiar with the basic tools: Huggingface Transformers, Learn how to use https://huggingface.co/Andrazp/multilingual-hate-speech-robacofi in Python script. Learn something about Transformer neural networks. - get familiar with Prodi.gy annotation tool. - Set up web-based annotation environment for students (open, cooperation with [Vladimir Ferko](/students/2021/vladimir_ferko) ). Ideas fo annotation tools: - https://github.com/UniversalDataTool/universal-data-tool - https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/top-6-text-annotation-tools/ - https://app.labelbox.com/ - https://github.com/recogito/recogito-js - https://github.com/topics/text-annotation?l=javascript Future tasks (to be decided): - Evaluate existing multilingual model. E.G. https://huggingface.co/Andrazp/multilingual-hate-speech-robacofi with slovak data - Translate existing English dataset into Slovak. Use OPUS English Slovak Marian NMT model. Train Slovak munolingual model. - Prepare existing Slovak Twitter dataaset, trainm evaluate a model.