--- title: Manohar Gowdru published: true taxonomy: category: [phd2024] tag: [lm,nlp] author: Daniel Hladek --- # Manohar Gowdru Beginning of the study: 2021 ## Disertation Thesis in 2023/24 Hate Speech Detection Goals: - Write a dissertaion thesis - Publish 2 A-class journal papers ## Minimal Thesis (preliminary dissertaion and exam in 2022/23) Goals: - Provide state-of-the-art overview. - Formulate dissertation theses (describe scientific contribution of the thesis). - Prepare to reach the scientific contribution. - Publish 4 conference papers. ## First year of PhD study Goals: - Provide state-of-the-art overview. - Read and make notes from at least 100 scientific papers or books. - Publish at least 2 conference papers. - Prepare for minimal thesis. First tasks: Prepare a report where you will explain: - what is hate speech detection, - where and why you can use hate-speech detection, - what are state-of-the-art methods for hate speech detection, - how can you evaluate a hate-speech detection system, - what datasets for hate-speech detection are available, The report should properly cite scientific bibliographical sources. Use a bibliography manager software, such as Mendeley. Create a [VPN connection](https://uvt.tuke.sk/wps/portal/uv/sluzby/vzdialeny-pristup-vpn) to the university network to have access to the scientific databses. Use scientific indexes to discover literature: - https://www.scopus.com/ (available from TUKE VPN) - https://scholar.google.com Your review can start with: - Hate speech detection: Challenges and solutions https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0221152#sec003 - https://hatebase.org/ - Resources and benchmark corpora for hate speech detection: a systematic review https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10579-020-09502-8 Get to know the Python programming language - Read https://diveintopython3.net/ - Install https://www.anaconda.com/ - Try HuggingFace Transformers library https://huggingface.co/transformers/quicktour.html