name: Mytheme slug: mytheme type: theme version: 0.1.0 description: mytheme icon: rebel author: name: sadf email: homepage: demo: keywords: grav, theme, etc bugs: readme: license: MIT dependencies: - { name: grav, version: '>=1.6.0' } - git-sync - page-toc form: validation: loose fields: tabs: type: tabs active: 1 fields: gitsynclink_options: type: tab title: 'Git Sync Link' fields: gitsyncsetup: type: section title: Setup underline: true display_of_git_sync_repo_link: type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: 'Location of Git Sync Link' default: menu options: menu: Menu page: 'Page (visible when ''Chromeless'')' footer: Footer none: None type_of_git_sync_repo_link: type: select size: medium label: 'Type of Git Sync Link' default: view options: view: 'View Git Repository' edit: 'View/Edit Page in Git Repository' gitsyncoptions: type: section title: Appearance underline: true custom_git_sync_repo_link_icon: type: input.text size: small label: 'Custom Font Awesome Icon' description: 'Short name, e.g. ''code-fork''.' validate: type: text custom_git_sync_repo_link_text: type: input.text size: long label: 'Custom Link Text' description: 'Link text, e.g. ''View Page in GitHub'' or ''View Page as Markdown''.' validate: type: text git_sync_edit_note_text: type: input.text size: medium label: 'Text before Page Link' description: 'The text before Git Sync Link located on a Page, e.g. ''Have a suggestion or correction?'' or ''Want to reuse this open content?''.' custom_git_sync_repo_presentation_link_text: type: input.text size: long label: 'Custom Presentation Link Text' description: 'Link text for embedded Presentations, e.g. ''View Slides in GitHub'' or ''View Slides as Markdown''.' validate: type: text gitsyncadvanced: type: section title: Advanced underline: true git_sync_repo_link: type: input.url label: 'Custom Git Repository Tree URL' help: 'Enter the URL that leads to the pages folder of your Git Repository.' description: 'URL path to pages folder for ''View/Edit Page in Git Repository'' option, but with ''/pages'' and everything following it removed. For example, ''''.' validate: type: URL