{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% block content %} {% set catlist = taxonomy.taxonomy["category"]|keys %} {% if grav.theme.config.params.articles.blacklist is defined %} {% set blist = grav.theme.config.params.articles.blacklist %} {% set tmplst = [] %} {% for cat in catlist %} {% if cat not in blist %} {% set tmplst = tmplst|merge([cat]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% set catlist = tmplst %} {% endif %} {% set taxname = uri.query('name') %} {% set taxval = uri.query('val') %} {% if taxname %} {% if taxname == 'category' %} {% if taxval %}

{{ 'CATEGORY'|t }} {{ taxval }}

{% include 'partials/topiclist.html.twig' with {'articles': taxonomy.findTaxonomy({(taxname): taxval})} %}
{% else %}


{% endif %} {% elseif taxname == 'tag' %} {% if taxval %}

Tag: {{ taxval }}

{% include 'partials/topiclist.html.twig' with {'articles': taxonomy.findTaxonomy({(taxname): taxval})} %}
{% else %}


{% endif %} {% elseif taxname == 'author' %} {% if taxval %}

Author: {{ taxval }}

{% include 'partials/topiclist.html.twig' with {'articles': taxonomy.findTaxonomy({(taxname): taxval})} %}
{% else %}


{% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %}


{% endif %} {% endblock %}